- TINET - Connect your TI-84 Plus CE to the globe
- 27 Jul 2023 12:27:23 pm
- Last edited by alessiodam on 29 Mar 2024 02:21:57 am; edited 1 time in total
Outdated, please refer to https://cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19500
TINET, a way to connect your TI-84 Plus CE family calculators to the internet!
It started as a simple idea that came up in my mind after seeing gCn but being offline and not being updated in a long while..
I saw that and got the simple idea going through my mind saying "Remake that!!".
At first glance, I though I got no chance to make that from scratch, I never did C or ASM, never used the libraries in the toolchain, and never developed on the CE.
With this in my mind, I almost didn't even wanna start making this again from scratch, obviously.
But here it is! TINET, a project that I'm working on since October 2022.
The first working development release was today.
TIny_Hacker is very helpful in debugging network issues, and strange bytes issues that happened with the AppVars.
While talking about AppVars, a big thanks to the developers of TIVars_lib_PY who created the python library to create the AppVars on the server and return them to the users.
TINET is very straightforward, here are the steps to test the current development version:
1. go to https://tinet.tkbstudios.com and create an account
2. verify your email
3. reset your keyfile token (to generate a new one)
4. download your keyfile
5. download the Latest client
6. download the latest clibs
7. Put the clibs, calc client and keyfile on the calculator.
8. clone the bridge by doing `git clone https://github.com/tkbstudios/tinet-bridge`
9. go inside the tinet-bridge directory `cd tinet-bridge`
10. install pyserial for serial communication `pip3 install pyserial`
11. connect your calc to your host machine
12. Launch TINET program on your calc, if your username doesn't appear on screen, it's probably an issue, please communicate that by opening a new post on the forum in the Discord server
13. run `python3 tinet-bridge.py`
14. if you see on your calculator "Bridge Connected" and "Internet connected" it means you successfully did the above steps.
15. Press [enter] on your calculator, a lot should happen in the host machine's console.
16. If you switched screen to "TINET Dashboard" and see "connected as <username>", it means you've successfully connected to TINET!
Currently, TINET has some features on the web dashboard but most features aren't already implemented on the calc side and are going to be added.
We already added a friend list so you could ... (needs to stay secret for now!)
Upcoming breaking changes on calc client:
- Working dashboard with stats and features
- real time chat
- and the secret thing
TINET website
Discord Server
tinet-bridge repo
tinet-calc repo
Any contribution, enhancements, issues, etc.. will be merged, added or fixed as soon as possible!
(Don't forget to clone the dev branches)
Thanks for reading all of this I know it's a lot but in 9 months there are a lot of things to explain, and a, almost a year I've been working on this
TINET, a way to connect your TI-84 Plus CE family calculators to the internet!
It started as a simple idea that came up in my mind after seeing gCn but being offline and not being updated in a long while..
I saw that and got the simple idea going through my mind saying "Remake that!!".
At first glance, I though I got no chance to make that from scratch, I never did C or ASM, never used the libraries in the toolchain, and never developed on the CE.
With this in my mind, I almost didn't even wanna start making this again from scratch, obviously.
But here it is! TINET, a project that I'm working on since October 2022.
The first working development release was today.
TIny_Hacker is very helpful in debugging network issues, and strange bytes issues that happened with the AppVars.
While talking about AppVars, a big thanks to the developers of TIVars_lib_PY who created the python library to create the AppVars on the server and return them to the users.
TINET is very straightforward, here are the steps to test the current development version:
1. go to https://tinet.tkbstudios.com and create an account
2. verify your email
3. reset your keyfile token (to generate a new one)
4. download your keyfile
5. download the Latest client
6. download the latest clibs
7. Put the clibs, calc client and keyfile on the calculator.
8. clone the bridge by doing `git clone https://github.com/tkbstudios/tinet-bridge`
9. go inside the tinet-bridge directory `cd tinet-bridge`
10. install pyserial for serial communication `pip3 install pyserial`
11. connect your calc to your host machine
12. Launch TINET program on your calc, if your username doesn't appear on screen, it's probably an issue, please communicate that by opening a new post on the forum in the Discord server
13. run `python3 tinet-bridge.py`
14. if you see on your calculator "Bridge Connected" and "Internet connected" it means you successfully did the above steps.
15. Press [enter] on your calculator, a lot should happen in the host machine's console.
16. If you switched screen to "TINET Dashboard" and see "connected as <username>", it means you've successfully connected to TINET!
Currently, TINET has some features on the web dashboard but most features aren't already implemented on the calc side and are going to be added.
We already added a friend list so you could ... (needs to stay secret for now!)
Upcoming breaking changes on calc client:
- Working dashboard with stats and features
- real time chat
- and the secret thing
TINET website
Discord Server
tinet-bridge repo
tinet-calc repo
Any contribution, enhancements, issues, etc.. will be merged, added or fixed as soon as possible!
(Don't forget to clone the dev branches)
Thanks for reading all of this I know it's a lot but in 9 months there are a lot of things to explain, and a, almost a year I've been working on this