Welcome to Cemetech! Since 2000, Cemetech (pronounced /'kʰɛməˌtɛk/ 🔊︎) has been teaching programming and electronics and developing software and hardware. Among Cemetech's specialties are TI, HP, and Casio graphing calculators like the TI-84 Plus, TI-Nspire, HP Prime, and Casio Prizm, embedded and DIY electronics, and computer and web programming. Cemetech provides a safe, friendly space for people to learn, show off projects, and share knowledge and expertise. Our staff of friendly volunteers hang out on our forum and IRC and SAX chatrooms, and are happy to help.
Projects of the Year Voting: 2024
Published by TheLastMillennial | Discuss this article

Hello everyone and welcome to the best projects of 2024! Each project won a majority vote for each month. Be sure to vote for what you believe is the best of the best!

First some honorable mentions. These aren't a part of the poll but they were either extremely notable, or got edged out by one vote!

  • January: Bad Apple on Crab Fit
    commandblockguy once again found another thing to play the Bad Apple animation on, this time on an event scheduling planner called Crab Fit. Previously he managed to do this on a Google doc using the comment feature. There’s a longer video of the impressive feat in the topic, so be sure to check it out yourself!

  • May: Gimme 5: All Stars
    Captain Calc created a Wordle-inspired game, which features puzzle sharing, beautiful graphics, different game modes, and more! If you enjoy word puzzles, be sure to give it a try.
  • August: Calc-Kill Extreme
    linkjt9 released an arcade-style fighting game for the TI-84 Plus CE, including some rebalancing from player feedback. It's written in ICE and makes great use of the language's graphics features; if you're a fan of fighting games, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
  • December: "AI" on a TI-84 Plus CE
    KermMartian has written the first TI-84 Plus CE program to use a convolutional neural network to identify hand-written digits drawn with a USB mouse! Even more impressive, it all runs directly on the calculator, and he completed the majority of the project over the course of a 56-hour train trip!

Now on to our Project of the Month winners!

  • January (Project List): tivars_hexfiend_templates
    If you want to view or edit any TI variable for the TI-8x family then you'll love LogicalJoe's addition to the TI-Toolkit project! tivars_hexfiend_templates clearly labels every aspect of the file and allows easy modification.
  • February (Project List):
    There were no completed projects this month, but you can still view all the progress that was made in the Project List.
  • March (Project List): Sonic 2 CE
    grubbycoder has finished a faithful port of Sonic 2 running at full speed on the TI-84 Plus CE! This includes all zones and acts. This feat has every detail documented on their writeup (archived version)
  • April (Project List): KhiCAS for Numworks calculators
    parisse is well known for porting their powerful Giac/Xcas computer algebra system (CAS) to flagship calculators like the HP Prime, TI Nspire, and Casio FX CG50. Now they've added Numworks as a supported calculator! KhiCAS adds CAS, a spreadsheet, as well as 2d & 3d graphing and interactive geometry. All this can be easily added to your Numworks using their web installer!
  • May (Project List): Basic Basic Revolution: The Graphical
    An impressively graphic-heavy port of Dance Dance Revolution was made by StephenM entirely in TI-Basic! The game is quite challenging and you can easily play it without any need for the Artifice jailbreak!
  • June (Project List): mini-utils: A minimal set of minimal x86_64 Linux utilities
    clevor threw himself into the deep end of x86 assembly by re-creating commonly used Unix programs such as cat, mkdir, and rm from scratch! Although not recommended for production use, this project could be useful for those also attempting to learn how to write code for a complex instruction set computer.
  • July (Project List): CEaShell 2
    TIny_Hacker and RoccoLox Programs have released a major improvement to their popular shell for the TI-84 Plus CE! This includes significant optimizations, quick launching any program using an [on] + [0 - 9] key combination, file searching, and even app icons!
  • August (Project List): TI-Toolkit Token Sheets
    A massive collaboration was organized for this addition to the TI-Toolkit project. kg583, LogicalJoe, Adriweb, and the team carefully documented over 800 tokens across every calculator in the TI-83 and TI-84 family. Their work is stored in an XML file which is intended to be a more generic reference tool for applications requiring tokens.
  • September (Project List): Designer
    If you want to quickly make a sprite or program icon directly on your TI-84 Plus CE then you need Frederik's program Designer! It has a powerful but intuitive UI that allows easy access to every xlibc color, direct memory visualization, and even a converter so you can send your sprite to your computer.
  • October (Project List): Hexes Hex Editor
    StephenM created a powerful tool to not only edit RAM and view ROM but also highlights what sections of memory belong to a file, displays sprites, and even remembers your place when you revisit the program.
  • November (Project List): Graph3CE: 3D Graphing for the TI-84 Plus CE
    Just before the 10th birthday of the TI-84 Plus CE, KermMartian released a powerful 3D graphing tool which has been a lacking feature since release! It allows six z= equations, different color schemes, tracing, and rotating the graph.
  • December (Project List): ez80 Studio
    RoccoLox Programs and TIny_Hacker collaborated to create a beautiful IDE for writing, editing, and assembling code directly on your TI-84 Plus CE! It includes syntax highlighting, a custom font, as well as light and dark mode.

There were many amazing programs this year. Remember to vote for your favorite project!

Projects of the Month: December 2024
Published by TIny_Hacker | Discuss this article

It's time for 2024's final Projects of the Month, featuring an impressive number of projects that Cemetech users worked on during December and over the holidays! As always, make sure to vote for your favorite project completed this month, which will move on to the Projects of the Year along with projects from the past 11 months!

  • [Minecraft] Abba Caving Calculator: tifreak8x worked on updating his calculator tool for the Minecraft Abba Caving minigame this month to add support for the recently added copper ore, along with updating and refamiliarizing himself with the source code. Make sure to keep an eye out on the Cemetech Minecraft server for future Abba Caving matches making use of this tool!
  • "AI" on a TI-84 Plus CE: Classifying Handwritten Digits: KermMartian has written a program which makes use of a convolutional neural network running directly on the TI-84 Plus CE to identify hand-written digits drawn with a USB mouse. Even more impressive, he completed the majority of the project over the course of a 56-hour train trip!

  • A Basic Encryption Program: Michael2_3B took a feature of one of his past programs, BasicNote CE, and turned it into a standalone password encryption program. While not the most secure (given the limitations of the language and environment), it's certainly an interesting proof-of-concept!
  • binsprite.html: merthsoft has revived his sprite rendering tool from 2013! This month, he added support for xLIBC sprite data.
  • Cahute, a toolset for protocols and file formats used with CASIO calculators: Cakeisalie5 released version 0.6 of their CASIO file toolset this month, with early support for CAS300, a protocol used by ClassPad 300 / 330(+) calculators, a new interface for the library, and more.
  • CE-NICCC: ST-NICCC for the TI-84 Plus CE: prime17569 has ported the Oxygene ST-NICCC 2000 3D polygon demo to the TI-84 Plus CE. They offer three versions of the program, with a full resolution, half resolution (with improved speed), and wireframe variant (the fastest of the three).
  • Celtic 565 Color Gradient: merthsoft, Michael2_3B, and mr womp womp experimented with hybrid BASIC (using Celtic CE for graphics) programs to generate color gradients. They've posted a lot of cool looking pictures in the thread, so be sure to check it out yourself!
  • Cold: linkjt9 has finished their survival game for the TI-84 Plus CE, where you must survive the elements in a forest long enough to be rescued. The game includes a number of items and a story mode as well!
  • CycleGen: the one-execution solution for all your graph animation needs.: twisted_nematic57 designed a program for the TI-89 (Titanium) which allows you to generate graph animations by changing equation variables. The program can create a number of different useful animations, such as panning a 3D graph.
  • ETHDRVCE | Ethernet on the TI-84+ CE: ACagliano published Release Candidate 1 for his TI-84 Plus CE Ethernet library. If you're interested in helping beta test, be sure to check it out.
  • eZ80 Studio - An on-calc eZ80 ASM IDE: RoccoLox Programs and TIny_Hacker have released the first version of their eZ80 assembly IDE for the TI-84 Plus CE, which includes an editor, syntax highlighting, and on-calc assembler. If you're interested in learning assembly but still enjoy programming on a physical calculator, be sure to give it a try!
  • Graph3CE: 3D Graphing for the TI-84 Plus CE: KermMartian released Beta 2 of his 3D graphing program this month, which fixes two bugs found by ilovemath85. He'd also like to encourage users to test out the program and report anything else that they might find.
  • Making some kind of art out of a broken TI-84 Plus: TIny_Hacker took a broken TI-84 Plus apart and used the pieces to create a framed teardown artwork.
  • "Merthese" Programming Language: merthsoft has added a binary representation for his Merthese programming language. In addition to this, he's also working on a virtual machine to run compiled Merthese code.
  • New crypto mining website. We need beta testers!: Mcdonalds_lover_32 created an idle crypto mining browser game, which Cemetech members quickly flocked to in order to seek their fortune. Some users also reverse engineered the redeem code format to redeem NaN coins.
  • QPI for TI-84 Plus CE: slonechkin noticed a lack of exact math on the TI-84 Plus CE and ported an exact math program written for the HP Prime to TI-BASIC. The program is simple to use and requires the user to input a number which is then printed in an exact form.
  • [TI-BASIC] Shades 84+ CE Port: Michael2_3B is working on improving his Shades port using the Celtic CE hybrid BASIC library for screen shifting.
  • tivars_lib_py Development Thread: kg583 announced another minor release for tivars_lib_py, which added and updated f-string formatting options.
  • Train Simulator Controller: KermMartian created a custom circuit board to interface with the real train throttle he acquired for his train simulator controller, along with sharing a photo of the entire (and very impressive) current setup.

That sums up the last of 2024's projects. Be sure to check out the topics, vote for your favorite, and we'll see you soon for Projects of the Year 2024!

Projects of the Month: November 2024
Published by mr womp womp | Discuss this article

As the month of November draws to a close, with the holiday season fast approaching, it's time to look back on last month's projects and vote for your favourite Projects of the Month! November was another busy month for Cemetech, so without further ado, here's what your fellow Cemetechians have been up to:

  • Ball Simulation for the TI-84 plus CE: kelograph has created a satisfying ball simulation program that allows you to tweak the speed and gravity.
  • CEaShell: A Shell for the TI-84+ CE: RoccoLox Programs and TIny_Hacker have released Version 2.0.2 of their popular shell for the CE. This update features a number of bug fixes and size optimizations.
  • Cold: linkjt9 continued working on Cold, a survival game for the CE written in C in which you have to gather resources to heat and feed yourself to survive. They have started working on new areas, a story, new items, and an upgradable shelter. This game seems to be inspired by the popular mobile game Whiteout Survival.

  • Cookie Clicker port for the TI-84 CE: slimefolf continued working on their port of Cookie Clicker. This project aims to be a faithful reproduction of the viral identically-titled game from 2013. The new version brings UI improvements and new items in the shop!
  • First Fantasy: Mana Force (xLIB CSE & CE Textlib RPG): DJ Omnimaga has released two new versions of his Hybrid BASIC game First Fantasy: Mana Force. Some of the changes include a new icon, bugfixes, optimizations, a new font, and a new dungeon that can be unlocked.

  • Four-Function Calculator: twisted_nematic57 has started working on a "4-function calculator" which will have 6 functions (+,-,*,/,%,sqrt). They intend to use an rp2350 and a 144x32 dot-matrix display. This project appears to be in the early stages of development. Hopefully we can see a more developed version in a future PotM.

  • Graph3CE: 3D Graphing for the TI-84 Plus CE: KermMartian has released a beta version of Graph3CE, the much anticipated sequel to Graph3DP, adapted for the CE! Graph3CE is a 3D graphing application which can graph up to six 3D equations, then rotate, trace and zoom the resulting graph. This application utilizes AHelper's gCAS2 engine instead of TI's parser to speed up computation.
  • Hexes Hex Editor: StephenM has released v1.0.1 of his hex editor. The new version adds the ability to edit files other than programs and appvars. It also brings minor changes to the UI.
  • KhiCAS for ti84ce/ti83ce (beta): parisse has continued work on KhiCAS this month. As the name suggests, KhiCAS is a lightweight version of the Giac/Xcas Computer Algebra System (CAS) for the CE. This application is essentially a 2nd fully-featured calculator inside your calculator, but with a formal CAS which can compute indefinite integrals, derivatives, limits, interpolate polynomials and so much more. KhiCAS also offers a lot of built-in applets that can make use of these features such as a spreadsheets, graphing (including vector fields) and even a program editor where you can use Python-like syntax to write programs.
  • Mastermind CE: Cars and Ice Cream has released an updated version of their game Mastermind CE. The new version adds a scoring system that keeps track of high scores, as well as the option to toggle between repetitive and non-repetitive color codes.
  • Menu Hook for TI-84+CE: pi644721 has created a token hook that shortens some commonly used tokens such as " and " and "length(" into shorter and potentially more intuitive strings.
  • Omnicalc Upmod: tr1p1ea released Omnicalc Upmod after being prompted by broolaf. This mod adds the ability to to recall previous entries on the homescreen by pressing the up arrow. The history feature was only added in 2.53MP, so the TI-83+ can now benefit from a similar feature.
  • Virtual3D : A full assembly 3D engine: TheMachine02 has resumed work on his 3D engine for the CE. Specifically, he has made improvements to the screenspace reflections which are demonstrated in the screenshot below.

That's it for this month! Don't forget to vote for your favourite completed project in the poll!

Projects of the Month: October 2024
Published by epsilon5 | Discuss this article

Welcome to another Projects of the Month post! This time, we'll be going over what our members worked on in October.
  • CE C Toolchain and Libraries for the TI84+CE/TI83PCE: MateoConLechuga and the rest of the CE toolchain team released version 12.1 this month. It includes some small new feature additions, native Intel and ARM binaries for MacOS, and some optimizations. As always, you can download the toolchain and libraries here and here, respectively.
  • Cold: linkjt9 announced a new game this month--a neat little survival game where you're responsible for gathering resources to heat and feed yourself in the unforgiving cold. Check out the Github and show your support in the thread!

  • Cookie Clicker - Axe Edition: Pixilized announced a clone of Cookie Clicker written in Axe this month. It promises a news ticker, 4-level grayscale, sound support, and more. Check out the mockup below, and take a look at the thread for more updates.

  • ESP32-S3 Ti84+ CE Integration: Qnex announced a very interesting project for the CE this month--the ability to interface with an ESP32 with a bit of hardware modification. This unlocks a world of possibilities for CE programs, including the ability to scan for and connect to WiFi access points, sync the calculator's time with a server, quickly parse data, send and receive HTTP(S!) requests, and more.

  • ETHDRVCE | Ethernet on the TI-84+ CE: ACagliano's ethernet drivers received a bit of work this month--it was tested and confirmed to work with the latest lwIP-CE build, but needs a bit of refactoring. Check out the Github and thread for more details.
  • First Fantasy: Mana Force (xLIB CSE & CE Textlib RPG): DJ Omnimaga ported this neat RPG to many new platforms this month--the TI-73, TI-76.Fr, TI-82, and TI-83 among them, with the TI-86 planned. There's also been some more recent improvements to the color versions (since I'm from the future), so take a look at those and give the port a download.

  • Graph3DC: 3D Graphing for the TI-84 Plus CE: Looking for a 3D graphing tool for your CE? KermMartian just announced a brand-new graphing program, with fast calculation, multiple color modes, and much more--too much to fit here, so check out the thread for more details.

  • Hexes Hex Editor: StephenM created and released a hex editor for the CE this month. It includes the ability to view ROM, edit RAM, display sprites embedded in files, and some nice highlighting. Download it from our archives today, and give your kudos in the thread.

  • IC0NPRO - Icon Creator for TI84+ CE: Cars and Ice Cream planned some small improvements to IC0NPRO this month--users reported some bugs with setting certain base colors that will be fixed soon.
  • KhiCAS for ti84ce/ti83ce (beta): parisse announced an impressive new project for the CE this month, which adds not only CAS functionality, but effectively a replacement for all of the default TI-OS math functionality: equation calculation, graphing, and more. Learn more on the project website.

  • Mastermind CE: Cars and Ice Cream released a version of the popular Mastermind board game for the CE this month, with a first release available. A few more features and improvements are planned--check out the thread for more details!
  • Menu Hook for TI-84+CE: pi644721 created a small program this month that installs a hook to access string manipulation commands while writing TI-Basic programs. Check out the SourceCoder project if you're interested to see how it works.
  • PiEditor - A program editor using Celtic CE: pi644721 continued work on PiEditor this month, fully rewriting the program and releasing v2.0.0 on Github. Download it here.

  • Shards of Grandeur PC RPG: 123outerme is planning to release a new demo of this slick turn-based RPG soon! Check out the thread for more details and show your support.
  • Sonic 2 CE: A port of 8-bit Sonic 2 for the TI-84+ CE: grubbycoder's S2CE won an honorable mention in the 2024 Sonic Hacking Contest this month, and a new release is available. This one adds some nice improvements, like frameskip, better splash screens, a results summary after beating the game, and more. Give some kudos in the thread!
  • TI-Nspire CX II and CH340 USB-to-UART: CVSoft rewired this slick TI-Nspire USB communication project to only use a single Arduino Nano, with some hardware interfacing with LEDs and a BMP180 digital pressure sensor working. Take a look at the thread for more details.

  • TicoIn: linkjt9 decided to omit the connectivity feature for this calculator-based cryptocurrency program. It only supports one miner, and has a pretty simple hash algorithm, but is a neat concept regardless. It was released this month--give it a download today!
That's all for October! As usual, be sure to vote for your favorite completed project in the poll above.

