Topics |
Replies |
Author |
Last Post |
Announcement: Posting Your Projects
[ Goto page: 1, 2, 3 ] |
55 |
KermMartian |
Sticky: Things That Bug Me As An -A-d-m-i-n- -M-o-d- Admin
[ Goto page: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] |
71 |
jpez |
Cookie Clicker - Axe Edition
6 |
Pixilized |
[TI84+CE] Virtual3D : A full assembly 3D engine
[ Goto page: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] |
76 |
TheMachine02 |
ETHDRVCE | Ethernet on the TI-84+ CE
5 |
ACagliano |
[TI-BASIC] Shades 84+ CE Port
[ Goto page: 1, 2, 3 ] |
51 |
Michael2_3B |
A Basic Encryption Program
1 |
Michael2_3B |
Ball Simulation for the TI-84 plus CE
6 |
kelograph |
tivars_lib_py Development Thread
12 |
kg583 |
Graph3CE: 3D Graphing for the TI-84 Plus CE
[ Goto page: 1, 2 ] |
29 |
KermMartian |
CEaShell: A Shell for the TI-84+ CE
[ Goto page: 1 ... 5, 6, 7 ] |
138 |
TIny_Hacker |
Hexes Hex Editor
7 |
StephenM |
[ Poll ] First Project of Kpoh Softwares UK! BasiKitty
1 |
Kpoh Softwares UK |
VYSION 2 CE: the ultimate CE shell
[ Goto page: 1 ... 11, 12, 13 ] |
243 |
epsilon5 |
[ Poll ] Roulette
3 |
Coder_2917 |
PiEditor - A program editor using Celtic CE
[ Goto page: 1, 2 ] |
28 |
pi644721 |
eZ80 Studio - An on-calc eZ80 ASM IDE
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23 |
TIny_Hacker |
KhiCAS for ti84ce/ti83ce (beta)
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30 |
parisse |
Mario Kart CE - TI-84+CE Mode7 test (previously CSE)
[ Goto page: 1 ... 8, 9, 10 ] |
184 |
tr1p1ea |
Mastermind CE
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28 |
Cars and Ice Cream |
First Fantasy: Mana Force (xLIB CSE & CE Textlib RPG)
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29 |
DJ Omnimaga |
[ Goto page: 1, 2 ] |
28 |
Frederik |
Cookie Clicker port for the TI-84 CE
[ Goto page: 1, 2 ] |
25 |
slimefolf |
What QoL features would you like to see on a basic calculator?
10 |
twisted_nematic57 |
Menu Hook for TI-84+CE
4 |
pi644721 |
Advice about forking Omnicalc
4 |
broolaf |
WiFi Module for TI-84+ CE using Raspberry Pi Pico W
11 |
synthium |
Game Shell Generator
11 |
Cars and Ice Cream |
11 |
linkjt9 |
IC0NPRO - Icon Creator for TI84+ CE
14 |
Cars and Ice Cream |
Programming Pop-Ups
1 |
ramiroelliot |
Ti 84 plus CE python not working
16 |
SnatchyWatchy |
My Cemetech User Styles Colection
1 |
PaulGamerBoy360 |
Sonic 2 CE: A port of 8-bit Sonic 2 for the TI-84+ CE
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66 |
grubbycoder |
TI-Nspire CX II and CH340 USB-to-UART
2 |
CVSoft |
Xenon Development [C]
[ Goto page: 1 ... 8, 9, 10 ] |
187 |
Deleted_User_19311 |
ESP32-S3 Ti84+ CE Integration
7 |
Qnex |
Shards of Grandeur PC RPG
6 |
123outerme |
7 |
linkjt9 |
TINET rewrite progress thread
6 |
alessiodam |
KryptonIDE - A better program editor for the TI 84+ CE
[ Goto page: 1 ... 7, 8, 9 ] |
177 |
KryptonicDragon |
Citadel: A TI-84+CE Roguelike [C]
[ Goto page: 1, 2 ] |
39 |
kilo |
S.A.M.M. - A Metroid-vania for TI-84 Plus CE
[ Goto page: 1, 2 ] |
28 |
Captain Calc |
[PRIZM] Cookie Clicker
[ Goto page: 1, 2, 3 ] |
51 |
Spenceboy98 |
[ Poll ] Advanced Wait-State Changer. [TI-84 Plus CE]
[ Goto page: 1, 2 ] |
22 |
TheLastMillennial |
[ Poll ] RetroBowl Recreated for CE
8 |
ProgrammerBobSmith |
[ Poll ] (WIP) Uno game for TI-84 Plus CE written in TI-BASIC.
4 |
HydrideGS |
[ Poll ] Pac-Man Museum CE: A collection of Pac-Man ports for the 84+ CE
10 |
grubbycoder |
graphy (Column-Major graphx)
5 |
ZERICO2005 |
Icon editor for the TI-84+CE
[ Goto page: 1, 2 ] |
20 |
pi644721 |
lwIP Library with CDC-Ethernet for the TI-84+ CE
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49 |
ACagliano |