This section is for Cemetech members to post their latest calculator coding projects, computer software projects, general research projects, webapps, hardware projects and mods, and whatever tech-related that you're working on. If your project shows promise, progress, and quality, one of the admins may offer it a spot as a Member Feature. We recommend that your first post in your topic offer some of the following information:
:: A project name (of course)
:: A brief description of the goals of the project
:: A mention of what's already done, and what's still to come
:: If possible, mockups, screenshots, or photographs of the project!
Good luck with all your projects, and we look forward to hearing about them. Please try to offer constructive suggestions and criticism of the projects in this subforum.
cool, I hope to use this soon >.>
qazz42 wrote:
cool, I hope to use this soon >.>
I hope that there are a lot of people using this subforum soon. I feel it's more appropriately and less confusingly-named than the equivalent previous Community News subforum.
I will post some projects soon. Hope they get good views.
basicman wrote:
I will post some projects soon. Hope they get good views.
I'm sure you'll get a good mix of suggestions, praise, and critiques; hope those will all help you build bigger and better projects.
How do I paste the pics. I seem to be having some trouble pasting. Can you add pics without a link
You need to use the [img] tag:
Here is an example to display my avatar:
Code: [img][/img]
Note that you have to have the proper file extension for the image (.gif, .png, .jpg, etc.)
souvik1997 wrote:
You need to use the [img] tag:
Here is an example to display my avatar:
Code: [img][/img]
Note that you have to have the proper file extension for the image (.gif, .png, .jpg, etc.) Also make sure that you uploaded the image to an image hosting website like or
how do you get the moving screenshots? (screenvideos?)
Use WabbitEmu and select the record feature, then do your action(s), and finish by telling it to stop recording. It will then as you where you want to save the file to, and once it's been saved, you upload it to an image hosting site and use the [img] tag, just like a picture.
Beta7 wrote:
Use WabbitEmu and select the record feature, then do your action(s), and finish by telling it to stop recording. It will then as you where you want to save the file to, and once it's been saved, you upload it to an image hosting site and use the [img] tag, just like a picture.
We call them "animated screenshots", bspymaster.
Just grab WabbitEmu, load your program, press Backspace to begin recording, choose where to save the screenshot, do what you need to do, then press Backspace again. You'll need to upload the image(s) to an image host like or so that we can see them.
Thanks for the link, Kerm. that was going to be my next question: where do I get it
KermMartian wrote:
Beta7 wrote:
Use WabbitEmu and select the record feature, then do your action(s), and finish by telling it to stop recording. It will then as you where you want to save the file to, and once it's been saved, you upload it to an image hosting site and use the [img] tag, just like a picture.
We call them "animated screenshots", bspymaster.
Just grab WabbitEmu, load your program, press Backspace to begin recording, choose where to save the screenshot, do what you need to do, then press Backspace again. You'll need to upload the image(s) to an image host like or so that we can see them.
So basically you just said exactly what I did (but with more detail on how to record, which I presumed would be self explanatory once he looked at the menu in Wabbit), and provided a link. At least I was close with that post.
You sound angry for some reason.
You know I was expanding on your post rather than attempting to replace it, correct?
I know, and I wasn't angry. Just confused as to why you were appearing to just restate, is all.
Beta7 wrote:
I know, and I wasn't angry. Just confused as to why you were appearing to just restate, is all.
Simply to add the information that I feel your post lacked, which wasn't much.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
check out for my projects!!!
bspymaster wrote:
check out for my projects!!!
Looks very nice.
When you say "we" in your site, are you using the royal "we" (ie, "we" == "I"), or do you work with someone else on your programs?
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