Lionel Debroux wrote:
Nope, TILP II 1.15 hasn't been released, because although I fixed one of two bugs I consider as blockers, the other one remains Sad
What bug is that, exactly? Sad Let us/me know if there's anything we/I can do to help.
The remaining bug is 'Can't transfer 8xi images to TI-84 - "Invalid name"' -> .

What should be done by TILP is identified, AFAICT:
* when sending a Pic/GDB/Str file received from, or made by a program for, pretty much any other TI-Z80 to a 84+ DirectLink, variable name should be e.g. "Pic0-9" instead of 0x60 0xnn;
* when sending a Pic/GDB/Str file received from a 84+-DirectLink, or made by a program for, to pretty much any other TI-Z80 model, the variable name should be e.g. 0x60 0xnn instead of "Pic0-9".

The bottleneck is performing the modification at the right place(s, possibly) in the huge code base.
Gotcha; I'm sure familiar with that kind of problem. Sad Good luck tracking it down.
New Windows beta build up at Smile

It features all bugfixes made since late August 2010, e.g.
* a number of (potential) crasher bugs fixed;
* fixes for variables of peculiar sizes - most of the causes for some variables failing to transfer to/from a 84+, a 89T and a Nspire through DirectLink are gone (though receiving variables from Nspires running OS >= 1.7 still fails);
* GTK+ 2.24 compatibility, useful for the newest Linux distros and MacOS X (MacPorts).

Technically, this build is a result of SVN HEAD + a tweak to integrate GFM into the mix, which may become permanent:

diff --git a/tilp/trunk/build/InnoSetup/tilp2.iss b/tilp/trunk/build/InnoSetup/tilp2.iss
index 35972b1..d631bdc 100644
--- a/tilp/trunk/build/InnoSetup/tilp2.iss
+++ b/tilp/trunk/build/InnoSetup/tilp2.iss
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ Source: "C:\lpg\tilp2\RELEASE"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "Release.txt"; Flags

 ; Binaries
 Source: "C:\lpg\tilp2\build\msvc\tilp.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "tilp.exe"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\lpg\tilp2\build\msvc\gfm.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "gfm.exe"; Flags: ignoreversion

 Name: "{app}\My TI files"; Flags: uninsneveruninstall;
@@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ Name: "{group}\Bug Report"; Filename: "
 Name: "{group}\USB driver installation"; Filename: "{app}\help\usb_driver.html";

 Name: "{userdesktop}\TiLP"; Filename: "{app}\tilp.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}\My TI files"; MinVersion: 4,4; Tasks: desktopicon
+Name: "{userdesktop}\GFM"; Filename: "{app}\gfm.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}\My TI files"; MinVersion: 4,4; Tasks: desktopicon
 Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\TiLP-2"; Filename: "{app}\tilp.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}\My TI files"; MinVersion: 4,4; Tasks:

diff --git a/tilp/trunk/build/InnoSetup/tilp2_cross.iss b/tilp/trunk/build/InnoSetup/tilp2_cross.iss
index a40f3ea..962da10 100644
--- a/tilp/trunk/build/InnoSetup/tilp2_cross.iss
+++ b/tilp/trunk/build/InnoSetup/tilp2_cross.iss
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ Source: "C:\tilp\tilp\trunk\RELEASE"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "Release.txt";

 ; Binaries
 Source: "C:\lpg\packages\bin\tilp.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "tilp.exe"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\lpg\packages\bin\gfm.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "gfm.exe"; Flags: ignoreversion

 Name: "{app}\My TI files"; Flags: uninsneveruninstall;
@@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ Name: "{group}\Bug Report"; Filename: "
 Name: "{group}\USB driver installation"; Filename: "{app}\help\usb_driver.html";

 Name: "{userdesktop}\TiLP"; Filename: "{app}\tilp.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}\My TI files"; MinVersion: 4,4; Tasks: desktopicon
+Name: "{userdesktop}\GFM"; Filename: "{app}\gfm.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}\My TI files"; MinVersion: 4,4; Tasks: desktopicon
 Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\TiLP-2"; Filename: "{app}\tilp.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}\My TI files"; MinVersion: 4,4; Tasks:

I'm happy to hear that TiLP is still progressing; thanks Lionel! Jonimus was just saying the other day on #cemetech that he's hoping to get a chance to continue his TiLP work in the near future.
Hmm harddrive crashed a while ago been procrastinating on installing some link I have more of a reason to yay
I have now released TILP II 1.15 Smile
Packages are in the process of being uploaded to

It's a significant new release. Excerpt from the release notes:

New capabilities:

   - tilp: improved UI, by Jon Sturm (Jonimus / TheStorm).
   - tilp: use more native, themable icons.
   - libticables: libusb 1.0 backend, for users of the many Linux distros which don't package libusb 1.0 proper anymore.
   - libticalcs: OS 2.x and 3.x support, variable deletion, folder creation, folder deletion, OS 1.x dumping.


   - libticables: cope with 84+(SE), 89T and Nspire (CAS) USB controller stacks, which want dummy reads or writes in some circumstances.
     Most of the causes of variables of peculiar sizes failing to transfer have been fixed.
   - tilp: compatibility fixes for recent GTK+ versions.
   - all: commit MSVC 2008 build files.

Bug fixes:

Between others (see the Changelog files for complete lists):
   - all: change encoding in .rc files.
   - all: lots of fixes for compiler warnings, memory leaks, crasher bugs
   - libticalcs: fix 86 ROM dumping.
   - libticalcs: cope with "-1" delays sent by the 84+ when writing to Flash memory, which used to hang (almost) forever.
   - libticalcs: Nspire ID retrieval.
   - tilp: fix display of files whose size is exactly 1 KB or 1 MB.
   - libticalcs, libtifiles: don't crash upon sub-folders of folders (Nspire OS 2.x and 3.x support them).
   - libtifiles, libticables, libticalcs: turn abrupt program aborts such as assert() and exit() into tests + ti*_critical().
   - libticalcs: fix a declaration after statement.
   - libticalcs: cope with martian packets sent by Nspire OS >= 1.7 when replying to a session close packet.

Many thanks again to Jon (TheStorm on this forum) for the UI changes and the libusb 1.0 backend Smile

The buggy WIP patch I mentioned at has now been mostly fixed, and I committed it to SVN.
"cope with martian packets" <-- Like packets that I generate, for example? Very Happy Out of curiosity, does this fix the TiLP issue with mobileTunes 3.1, or should I keep giving TiLP users the link to my patched version padded with an $FF on the end? Finally, not to be a nit-picker, but the English idiom is "Among others," not "Between others," (although come to think of it, those are the same word in Latin).
"cope with martian packets" <-- Like packets that I generate, for example? Very Happy

Very Happy
No, you don't generate packets as weird as the Nspires running OS >= 1.7 generate. Nothing is sane in the packet replying to the "session close" packet sent by the computer: src port, dest port, ack field, length and contents are garbage.

Out of curiosity, does this fix the TiLP issue with mobileTunes 3.1,

Nope, I haven't fixed sending files of size 242 mod 250 to 84+ through DirectLink. This is the sole remaining unfixed corner case out of six.
I think that splitting the packets in libticalcs would work, since it worked for sending files of peculiar sizes to the Nspire. However, maybe the fix for the 84+ belongs to libticables, as it did for the Nspire. Indeed, the value of the affected size and of the periodicity are close enough to 255, i.e. max length representable with 8 bits, and 256, i.e. 4 * maximum USB packet size. It could be a peculiarity in the USB controller/stack of the 84+(SE), different from the peculiarities of the USB controllers/stacks of the 89T and Nspire, a peculiarity in the upper layer (DUSB linking protocol), or both (??).

or should I keep giving TiLP users the link to my patched version padded with an $FF on the end?

Yes, for now, you should point them to the patched version... or even replace the current version with the patched one, since as you know, in practice, people use outdated versions until some later event...
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Finally, not to be a nit-picker, but the English idiom is "Among others," not "Between others,"

(although come to think of it, those are the same word in Latin).

More or less, indeed. The corresponding correct French idiom is "Entre autres", which would be closer to "Between others"; the less frequent "Parmi d'autres choses" would be closer to "Among others".
Sounds good, I may indeed do the update. Perhaps I can find another little feature to add, just for fun. Great job on all the fixes.
I have refreshed the testing build of what will become TILP II 1.16 ( ), and the corresponding patch to the sources (which looks like crap because of the UTF-16 content): .

I have added support for getting screenshots from Nspire CX (CAS) calculators, which TINCLS can't do; but the main change since the previous build is that Nspire support has become useful on Windows again Smile
At least, on my father's Win7 x64 native computer; for some reason, TILP communicates a bit with the Nspire, but constantly crashes in my virtualized XP x86...

This was allowed by a fruitful discussion with the libusb-win32 maintainers: when I described again the problem described by Romain Liévin in 2007 (namely, that libusb on Windows unconditionally sends two reset IOCTLs, and that the Nspire doesn't like it at all), Travis Robinson replied that he wanted a new function that would allow programmers to select which type of reset they want to perform.
I drafted a patch for that purpose, sent it, and he quickly integrated in with minor changes (mainly renaming). Full details at .

Rough guide (TODO: fold it into the documentation) to installing the filter driver which enables using TI's software and TILP alongside each other, one at a time:
* see for downloading the filter driver installer and installing it;
* launch the filter wizard (accessible from the new entry in the Start menu) when the device (SilverLink, 84+, 89T, 84+SE, Nspire) you want to use with both TILP and TI-Connect / TILP and (TINCLS or TINCS) is plugged in;
* install the filter driver for that particular device;
* run the TILP installer.
After that, the device ought to work in both TILP and TI-Connect / TILP and (TINCLS or TINCS).

As usual, the build has been rather lightly tested on Windows - feedback wanted Wink
Thanks in advance.
Two days after the previous refresh, I have refreshed the testing build once again. , corresponding patch .

Four changes since the previous build:
* "tilp: when displaying calc information, print boot2 version if any; add several translatable strings and translations.". (just a small bugfix and improvement I noticed while testing the Nspire CX support)
* "libticables, gfm, tilp: on Windows, redirect stdout to ~/.tilp.log (because the Windows terminal is too slow); eliminate explicit usage of stdout" (makes TILP faster on Windows, and represents a milestone on the path to removing the terminal window on Windows)
* tilp: on Windows, add support for storing the config file in the home directory and for upgrading from a config file stored in the install directory (helps with the UAC);
* libtifiles: add Nspire CX OS support (.tco & .tcc extensions).

Thanks in advance for testing and feedback Wink
I really need to install TiLP one of these days, with all the excellent progress you've been making on it. Sad I'll try to get to it soon.
And a new refresh of the installer Smile
* binary:
* patches: ,

There have been four minor changes in the code since the previous build; the README.win32 has been modified to include information on installing the filter driver (reproduced below); and most of all, the GTK+ runtime download & install procedure has been completely revamped. It's now fully integrated into the installer, which has three consequences:
* users have visual feedback on what's going on;
* the procedure is much more reliable;
* it reduces the installer's size, and increasing the compression level decreases the size even further: the installer is now only half as big as the previous build Smile

Excerpt from the updated README.win32:
1°) It is possible to install TI-Connect(tm) / TI-Nspire Computer (Link) Software(tm)
and TILP side by side, but this requires a manual configuration.
The following steps assume that TI-Connect / TINC(L)S is already installed:
* download the filter driver installer and install it, using the instructions given at , section "Filter Driver Installation";
* launch the filter wizard (accessible from the new entry in the Start menu) when the
device (SilverLink, 84+, 89T, 84+SE, Nspire) you want to use with both TILP and
TI-Connect / TILP and (TINCLS or TINCS) is plugged *in*;
* install the filter driver for that particular device;
* run the TILP installer.
After that, the device ought to work in both TILP and TI-Connect / TILP and (TINCLS or TINCS).
Refreshed again.
* binary:
* patches: , ,

Three minor changes in the code, fixed the GTK+ runtime installer launch to run as administrator (reported by shrear on Omnimaga) and the GTK+ runtime version has been upgraded to 2.22. This change is not mandatory right now, but it will soon become mandatory.

The older installer (the one posted in my previous post) is .

Excerpt from README.win32:
1°) It is possible to install TI-Connect(tm) / TI-Nspire Computer (Link) Software(tm)
and TILP side by side, but this requires a manual configuration.
The following steps assume that TI-Connect / TINC(L)S is already installed:
* download the filter driver installer and install it, using the instructions given at , section "Filter Driver Installation";
* launch the filter wizard (accessible from the new entry in the Start menu) when the
device (SilverLink, 84+, 89T, 84+SE, Nspire) you want to use with both TILP and
TI-Connect / TILP and (TINCLS or TINCS) is plugged *in*;
* install the filter driver for that particular device;
* run the TILP installer.
After that, the device ought to work in both TILP and TI-Connect / TILP and (TINCLS or TINCS).
Refreshed the installer again Smile
* binary:
* patches: ,

The older installer (the one posted in my previous post) is .

The main highlights since the previous beta are:
* added .8xo file support. In fact, these files were already supported, but called "8xgrp" Smile
* added MIME types definitions;
* added tentative Nspire CM (CAS) OS upgrade support (untested);
* upgraded the embedded minizip;
* improved drag&drop code by Jonimus/TheStorm: TILP can now accept drag&drop from more programs.
* the usual set of fixes for (potential) crasher bugs, plus a huge pass of argument sanitizing in libti*, which have become much more robust against NULL arguments. Several bugs were found by using the clang-based AddressSanitizer compile-time instrumentation tool to build everything.
* last but not least, ROM dumping of 84+(SE) and 89T through DirectLink was fixed, and so were computer->calc transfers to 84+(SE) of files of size 244 modulo 250 greater than 244 bytes through DirectLink. The corner cases for sending and receiving files from 89T through DirectLink, and receiving variables from 84+(SE) through DirectLink, seem to keep working.
* fixes for driver install paths that ought to alleviate the problems mentioned on Omnimaga by Deep Thought.

The usual excerpt from README.win32 for installation alongside TI's official software:
1°) It is possible to install TI-Connect(tm) / TI-Nspire Computer (Link) Software(tm)
and TILP side by side, but this requires a manual configuration.
The following steps assume that TI-Connect / TINC(L)S is already installed:
* download the filter driver installer and install it, using the instructions given at , section "Filter Driver Installation";
* launch the filter wizard (accessible from the new entry in the Start menu) when the
device (SilverLink, 84+, 89T, 84+SE, Nspire) you want to use with both TILP and
TI-Connect / TILP and (TINCLS or TINCS) is plugged *in*;
* install the filter driver for that particular device;
* run the TILP installer.
After that, the device ought to work in both TILP and TI-Connect / TILP and (TINCLS or TINCS).
awesome Lionel! Everything looks great so far, I shall test the latest version in more detail later on. Great work with TILP Smile
After a bit more than two months of development (following five months without commits), it's time to start the TILP II 1.17 beta-testing Smile

Setup program:
Patches (nine aren't committed yet because minor fixes / improvements need to be made, e.g. updating the user documentation on ROM dumping):

The main highlights since the previous release (1.16) are:
* the new TI-Z80 ROM dumper by Benjamin Moody, with, among others, the ability to automatically dump 82 and 85 (even without a shell Smile ), and the ability to unlock 73/83+/84+ Flash memory without an OS patch;
* the long-awaited conversion of the TILP interface from the outdated Glade to GTK+Builder, mainly performed by Jonimus/TheStorm. As a consequence, the GTK+ runtime is upgraded from 2.12.9 to 2.24.8;
* the ability to send and receive raw packets provided to users - the functions have been there for years, but until now, they weren't exposed to external users. This is a first step of a move that will reduce copy and paste, in some circumstances, for clients of the library. Kerm, among others, will be interested.
* variable rename and variable attribute change functions for 84+ and 89T DirectLink - that is, the ability to remotely archive/unarchive and lock variables.
* USB scan at startup is now enabled by default (for new installs), so as to be more intuitive to users of TI's official software;
* the 84+ DirectLink ROM dumper should dump 1 MB on regular 84+ and 2 MB on 84+SE;

Of course, as usual, bugfixes and other less noteworthy changes. The long quest for making the code base more reliable continues.

Please go forth and test Wink
Kerm is definitely interested in this, and will be doing his best (once he returned from Korea) to try it out. My only hesitation in exploiting those new libticalc API features for the gCn client is that it will force people to install libticalc along with the client, but that's probably not a huge hardship, I guess.
Lionel Debroux wrote:
* the ability to send and receive raw packets provided to users - the functions have been there for years, but until now, they weren't exposed to external users. This is a first step of a move that will reduce copy and paste, in some circumstances, for clients of the library. Kerm, among others, will be interested.

Interesting. Maybe a way of making plugins for TiLP, so you can simply launch TiLP, load a gCn plugin, and it will handle everything? It can at least provide plugin makers with a GUI and a central location for calc connectivity.
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