- Resources to Learning Game Design using the CE Toolchain
- 25 Nov 2022 06:40:26 pm
- Last edited by KaluW_ on 26 Nov 2022 12:25:18 am; edited 1 time in total
- The primary language of choice for game design on the TI-CE calculator series is, of course, C. Due to its ideal mixture of flexibility, capability, and ease of use, it easily outshines alternative languages such as (e)z80 Assembly or TI-BASIC. Jumping into it not knowing what to expect several years ago, I only wish I had done my research more diligently. I found myself brutally learning every concept one by one, rarely knowing how it fit into the bigger scheme of the language. I start this forum in hopes of providing useful tips and resources to better congeal blind spots between commonly learned concepts, avoiding the many pitfalls I (and others) faced.
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a beginner's guide to programming, but to the CE C Toolchain, especially in regards to Game Design. I do not claim to be an expert on the language or how to teach it, but I do want to share resources in hopes that someone finds the information as useful as I did. (:
I've found quite a few resources over the years I wish I had known about sooner. Here's a quick starter list while the YouTube algorithm recycles old videos into my feed.
Official CE Toolchain Wiki/Docu/Guide (The Holy Grail):
Helpful Concepts and Terminology regarding 8-bit programming:
How Oldschool ROM Cartridge Games Worked:
Familiarity with System Memory and General Layout of Game Design Code
Feel free to add resources of your own!