Xenon Bug test Update
+: Adding to shell | *: Bug | "": comment
Running Programs
Basic Programs
Running basic programs work just fine "
Asm Programs ('ICE Programs, C, etc.')
90% of programs run
10% of programs run and crash right after "RAM LEAK"
Running Program pins / Menu Bug testing
Menu Allows 6 pins "
+ Display Program Pin ICON
*Running basic programs from menu Run GREAT
* taping the menu too much will lead to a crash "FREEZE"
// Due to shell program over scanning
* Pins does not display properly When Pins has been deleted.
Everything works in the settings "
+ Allow Lock screen logo
+ lock stat if a password is set
+ Add more settings
Do you think a terminal is needed "
* Test command syntax
* Echo crashing
(due to sub(str2,6,7)=0 'ICE BUG')
Import command / using Xenon Compiler
Feel free to comment
Do you want Xenon?
I will be releasing Xenon on Fri, Dec 21
*is there to little settings?