Michael0x18 wrote:
I don't think you need to have a compiled language. Just something basic (simple) would do where you parse commands, i.e. split by space.
I agree with Michael on this, I think that something simple would work the best for this application. With that said, an equivalent to shell scripts or .bat files would be cool to see (run an automated series of commands), but I don't know how useful or used it would actually be. Looking forward to seeing more progress on this, and those GUI renders!
Nice work so far Smile It is always good to see the amount of work and dedication people put into their projects. How are you handling background images and icons?
MateoConLechuga wrote:
Nice work so far Smile It is always good to see the amount of work and dedication people put into their projects. How are you handling background images and icons?

I'm curious to hear about this as well, as it's a problem that I had some difficulty solving for VYSION 2. Are you using 16 bpp, or some clever palette tricks?
MateoConLechuga wrote:
Nice work so far Smile It is always good to see the amount of work and dedication people put into their projects. How are you handling background images and icons?

epsilon5 wrote:
I'm curious to hear about this as well, as it's a problem that I had some difficulty solving for VYSION 2. Are you using 16 bpp, or some clever palette tricks?

Thanks Smile, I currently have not resumed working on Xenon "GUI". But images(half of LCD_WIDTH and HEIGHT) and Icons are going to be compressed into a appvar. While palette management should be managed by oxygen "oxy_gfx.h". I don't want to go into how the palette management works but just think of Image/Sprite Quantization.

Michael0x18 wrote:
I don't think you need to have a compiled language. Just something basic (simple) would do where you parse commands, i.e. split by space.

epsilon5 wrote:
Michael0x18 wrote:
I don't think you need to have a compiled language. Just something basic (simple) would do where you parse commands, i.e. split by space.
I agree with Michael on this, I think that something simple would work the best for this application. With that said, an equivalent to shell scripts or .bat files would be cool to see (run an automated series of commands), but I don't know how useful or used it would actually be. Looking forward to seeing more progress on this, and those GUI renders!

I Agree and Thanks for the suggestions Smile, I could implement .bat type command parse system.

Quick Update:

Oxygen To-Do list has been updated:
  • oxy_mouse.h (80%)
    Create and Clean up code. (Includes Creating a Demo)

  • oxy_users.h (50%)
    Create Simple user system. (Includes Creating a Demo)

  • oxy_save.h (0%)
    Save all oxygens data into one appvar. (Includes Creating Demo)

  • oxy_gui.h (80%)
    Includes Different GUI elements, Such as Input and Boxes. (Includes Creating Demo, Need More GUI Elements)

  • oxy_notify.h (80%)
    Notify Allows other programs to show notification in xenon. (Create a Demo when Xenon "GUI" is completed)

  • oxy_files.h (75%)
    Oxygen Virtual File System. (Create Demo with Xenon CL)

  • oxy_gfx.h (90%)
    Graphical Shapes and sprites effects (Includes Creating a Demo, Need more shapes and sprite effects)

If your wondering what (Includes Creating a Demo) is. I will just be creating a small demo show of the functions.
So Oxygen will have it's own built in graphics routines for sprites and such to help programmers?
tr1p1ea wrote:
So Oxygen will have it's own built in graphics routines for sprites and such to help programmers?

Essentially, Yes. There is currently only 6 sprite functions (not including shapes functions) and I am currently looking for more. Any suggestion would be very helpful Smile.

EDIT: I'll be posting more information about Oxygen function later on this week.
Quick Update:

Oxygen is nearing it's alpha state Smile, this means soon I can start developing Xenon Prototypes!! here is what's left:

Oxygen (Alpha):
  • oxy_mouse.h (100%)
    Create and Clean up code.

  • oxy_users.h (100%)
    Create Simple user system.

  • oxy_save.h (100%)
    Save all oxygens data into one appvar.

  • oxy_gui.h (100%)
    Includes Different GUI elements, Such as Input and Boxes. (Needs More GUI Elements)

  • oxy_notify.h (100%)
    Notify Allows other programs to show notification in Xenon.

  • oxy_files.h (100%)
    Oxygen Virtual File System.

  • oxy_gfx.h (80%)
    Graphical Shapes and sprites effects (Need more shapes and sprite effects)

  • oxygen.h (100%)
    Links all files together, its the main file.

  • Clean Up Code (80%)
    When first draft of code has been completed clean up and optimize code.

  • Create a Demo's (0%)
    Create Demo's using oxygen.

  • Include Commented Descriptions in all .h files (80%)

     * Sets current project version.
     * @param x X coordinate
     * @param y Y coordinate
     * @param w Width
     * @param h Height

I still need to create the windows, and buttons routines for mouse section of the library and I'm guessing I'll just build it into Xenon.

What's the hold up?
"oxy_gfx.h": I'm cleaning up it code and adding commented description.
"Clean up code": Need to clean up "oxy_gfx"
"Create a Demo's": Need to finish "oxy_gfx" before I can start Demo's
"Include Commented Descriptions in all .h files" : Need to finish "oxy_gfx"

Alpha v1.0
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

"Oxygen is a graphical C library used by Xenon."
Oxygen has reached it's Alpha state!

So currently oxygen has reached it's alpha state, and it will reach it's beta state when all the demo for each command has been made Smile. But were not here that!!
Were here to look at all of Oxygen functions, fell free to leave a suggestion or comment about any function.

Oxygen Functions and structs:

  • oxy_files.h
    "oxy_files.h" is oxygen virtual file system.

     * @brief file dynamic pointer.
    struct oxy_files_t {
        uint8_t user_id;
       char name[9];
       uint8_t type;
       gfx_sprite_t *icon;
        char *description;
       bool archived;
        bool locked;
        int location;
        int size;
       bool indexed;
        bool pinned;
    extern struct oxy_files_t *oxy_file;

     * @brief Folder dynamic pointer.
    struct oxy_folders_t {
       uint8_t user_id;
       char name[9];
        gfx_sprite_t *icon;
       bool locked;
        int location;
    extern struct oxy_folders_t *oxy_folders;

     * @brief File system inforomation.
    struct oxy_filesysteminfo_t {
        int version;
        int numfiles;
        int numfolders;
        int numtempfiles;
    extern struct oxy_filesysteminfo_t oxy_filesysteminfo;

    // Functions
     * @brief Detects all files on calulator (programs and appvars).   
    void oxy_DetectAllFiles(void); // including functions

    /** Removes folder from index in pointer.
     *  @param index   
    void oxy_DeleteFolder(int index);

    /** Removes file from index in pointer.
     *  @param index   
    void oxy_DeleteFile(int index);

     * @brief Adds a File to a location 1. 
    void oxy_AddFile(void);

    /** Adds folder to location.
     * @param name Name of the
     * @param location Int of wanted folder location.
    void oxy_AddFolder(char name[9], int location);

     * @brief Sorts all folders.
    void oxy_SortFolders(void);
    int oxy_CompareFolderNames(void *a, void *b);

     * @brief Sorts Files. 
    void oxy_SortFiles(void);
    int oxy_CompareFileNames(void *a, void *b);

     * Gets the amount file type from oxygens files type.
     * @param type oxygen file type uint8_t.
     * @returns Returns TI file type.
    uint8_t oxy_GetFileType(uint8_t type);

     * @brief Gets Asm Icon and stores into file pointer. 
    void oxy_GetAsmIcons(void);

     * @brief Gets Basic Icon and stores into file pointer. 
    void oxy_GetBasicIcons(void);

     * @brief Save all variables to oxygen main appvar. 
    void oxy_SaveFilesystem(void);

     * @brief Loads all file variables from oxygen main appvar. 
     * @returns Returns false if there is no files are found,
     *  and true otherwise.
    bool oxy_LoadFilesystem(void);

  • oxy_gfx.h
    "oxy_gfx.h" is Filled with graphical shapes and sprite routines.

    // Filled with graphical shapes and sprite functions.
    struct oxy_data_t {
       /*gradient functions*/
       uint8_t start_color, end_color;
       uint8_t transparent_color;   
    extern struct oxy_data_t oxy_data;

     * Filled Rectangle, Rounded on all sides.
     * @param x X Position
     * @param y Y Position
     * @param w Width of Rectangle
     * @param h Height of Rectangle
    void oxy_RoundFillRectangle(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint24_t w, uint8_t h);

     * Filled Rectangle, Rounded on top.
     * @param x X Position
     * @param y Y Position
     * @param w Width of Rectangle
     * @param h Height of Rectangle
    void oxy_RoundFillRectangle_Upper(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint24_t w, uint8_t h);

     * Filled Rectangle, Rounded on bottom.
     * @param x X Position
     * @param y Y Position
     * @param w Width of Rectangle
     * @param h Height of Rectangle
    void oxy_RoundFillRectangle_Bottom(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint24_t w, uint8_t h);

     * Filled Rectangle, Rounded on left side.
     * @param x X Position
     * @param y Y Position
     * @param w Width of Rectangle
     * @param h Height of Rectangle
    void oxy_RoundFillRectangle_Left(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint24_t w, uint8_t h);

     * Filled Rectangle, Rounded on right side.
     * @param x X Position
     * @param y Y Position
     * @param w Width of Rectangle
     * @param h Height of Rectangle
    void oxy_RoundFillRectangle_Right(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint24_t w, uint8_t h);

     * No-Fill Rectangle, Rounded on all sides.
     * @param x X Position
     * @param y Y Position
     * @param w Width of Rectangle
     * @param h Height of Rectangle
    void oxy_RoundRectangle(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint24_t w, uint8_t h);

     * No-Fill Rectangle, Rounded on top.
     * @param x X Position
     * @param y Y Position
     * @param w Width of Rectangle
     * @param h Height of Rectangle
    void oxy_RoundRectangle_Upper(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint24_t w, uint8_t h);

     * No-Fill Rectangle, Rounded on bottom.
     * @param x X Position
     * @param y Y Position
     * @param w Width of Rectangle
     * @param h Height of Rectangle
    void oxy_RoundRectangle_Bottom(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint24_t w, uint8_t h);

     * No-Fill Rectangle, Rounded on Left side.
     * @param x X Position
     * @param y Y Position
     * @param w Width of Rectangle
     * @param h Height of Rectangle
    void oxy_RoundRectangle_Left(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint24_t w, uint8_t h);

     * No-Fill Rectangle, Rounded on Right side.
     * @param x X Position
     * @param y Y Position
     * @param w Width of Rectangle
     * @param h Height of Rectangle
    void oxy_RoundRectangle_Right(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint24_t w, uint8_t h);

    // Sprite Routines
     * Replaces all colors in sprite with new colors.
     * @param in Sprite containing color.
     * @param old_color Old color,color you want to change.
     * @param new_color Color you want to replace old color.
    void oxy_ReplaceSpriteColor(uint8_t *data, const uint8_t old_color, const uint8_t new_color, int size);

     * Apply a mask over a sprite.
     * @param in_sprite Sprite you want to apply mask over.
     * @param mask_sprite Mask sprite that will be applied over "in_sprite". <br>
     * if "mask_sprite" and "in_sprite" don't have the same width and height.
    void oxy_ApplyMaskToSprite(gfx_sprite_t *in_sprite, gfx_sprite_t *mask_sprite);

     * Apply a new palette onto a sprite.
     * @param in_sprite Sprite you want to apply palette onto.
     * @param map List of palette map.
    void oxy_RepalettizeSprite(gfx_sprite_t *in_sprite, const uint8_t *map);

     * Take a sprite and produces a shadow sprite.
     * @param in_sprite Sprite you want to generate a shadow from.
     * @param shadow_color A palette color (ranges from 0 - 255).
    void oxy_GetSpriteShadow(gfx_sprite_t *out, gfx_sprite_t *in, uint8_t shadow_color);

     * Take in_sprite and returns list of colors .
     * @param in Sprite you want to generate a shadow from.
      *@returns Returns a pointer to list of colors
    uint8_t* oxy_GetSpritePaletteMap(gfx_sprite_t *in);

     * Takes in_sprite and prints out a full screen version.
     * @param in Sprite you want to Enlarge and Fill Screen.
    void oxy_EnlargeIt(gfx_sprite_t *in);

     * Takes in_sprite and prints out a full screen version.
     * Smart Enlarge attempts to enlarge and increase image quality. 
     * @param in Sprite you want to enlarge and Fill Screen.
     void oxy SmartEnlargeIt(gfx_sprite_t *in);

    // Settings Routines
    /** Takes "in_sprite"
     * Returns Transparent Palette color.
     * @return Returns Transparent Palette color.
    uint8_t oxy_ReturnTransparentColor(void);
     * Set gradients color.
     * @param start_color .
     * @param end_color .
    void oxy_SetGradientColor(uint8_t start_color, uint8_t end_color);

     * Sets the transparent color for oxygen.
     * @param color Set color from palette (Range: 0 - 255).
    void oxy_SetTransparentColor(uint8_t color);

    // Experimental Routines
     * Draws a Transparent GIF/Animation.
     * @param frames
     * @param frame_change_time
     * @param frame_amount
     * @param x
     * @param y
    void oxy_TransparentGIF(gfx_sprite_t *frames, uint8_t frame_change_time, uint8_t frame_amount, uint16_t x, uint8_t y);

     * Draws a Non-Transparent GIF/Animation.
     * @param frames
     * @param frame_change_time
     * @param frame_amount
     * @param x
     * @param y
    void oxy_GIF(gfx_sprite_t *frames, uint8_t frame_change_time, uint8_t frame_amount, uint16_t x, uint8_t y);

  • oxy_gui.h
    "oxy_gui.h" is filled need things for a gui. (does not include windows or buttons as if now)

     * @brief Used in string input.
    struct oxy_stringinput_t {
        int charsamount;
        char *text;
        uint8_t type;
    extern struct oxy_stringinput_t oxy_stringinput;

    // String, Num Input.
     * Sets current project version.
     * @param title Input text (text displayed before input).
     * @param x X coordinate
     * @param y Y coordinate
     * @param maxchar Max input characters
     * @returns char Return users input
    char oxy_StringInput(const char title[], uint16_t x, uint8_t y, int maxchar);

     * @brief Used in "oxy_StringInput" to update text
    void oxy_UpdateString(void);

     * @brief Clears any entry in "oxy_stringinput".
    void oxy_ResetStringInput(void);

     * @brief Graphical key board that allows for special char input.
    uint8_t oxy_InsertSpecialCharacter(void);

     * Draws a color picker (and get users input).
     * @param cur_select Preslected color (values range from 0-255)
     * @param x X coordinate
     * @param y Y coordinate
    uint8_t oxy_ColorPicker(uint8_t cur_select, uint16_t x, uint8_t y);

     * Prints Xenon Battery Icon at current battery status
     * @param x X coordinate
     * @param y Y coordinate
    void oxy_PrintBatteryStatus(uint16_t x, uint8_t y);

     * Prints Current Time
     * @param x X coordinate
     * @param y Y coordinate
    void oxy_PrintTime(uint16_t x, uint8_t y);

     * Prints Current Date
     * @param x X coordinate
     * @param y Y coordinate
    void oxy_PrintDate(uint16_t x, uint8_t y);

    // Windows and buttons go here!f

  • oxy_mouse.h
    "oxy_mouse.h" is a graphical mouse libarary.

    // Variables
     * @brief Holds information about mouse and hoverspots.
    struct mouse_t{
       uint16_t x;
       uint8_t y;
       uint8_t speed;
       uint16_t scroll_X;
       uint8_t scroll_Y;
       uint8_t hover_amount;
       int clicked_index;
       gfx_sprite_t *back_buffer;
    extern struct mouse_t mouse;

     * @brief Holds information about hoverspot (dynamic pointer).
    struct detect_t{
       // bool active;
       uint16_t x;
       uint8_t y;
       uint16_t w;
       uint8_t h;
       uint8_t type;
       char *description;
    extern struct detect_t *mouse_detect;

    // Functions
     * @brief Init all variable needed for Mouse file.
    void oxy_InitMouse(void);

     * Creates a Hover spot.
     * @param x X position of hoverspot.
     * @param y Y position of hoverspot.
     * @param w Width of hoverspot.
     * @param h Height of hoverspot.
     * @returns Returns the index of the hover spot.
    uint8_t oxy_AddHover(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint16_t w, uint8_t h);

     * Removes Hover at set index
     * @param index Set this to hover spot index. (returned when hoverspot was added)
     * @returns true if index was deleted and false for error.
    bool oxy_RemoveHover(uint8_t index);

     * @brief Removes all hover spots   
    void oxy_RemoveAllHover(void);

     * Creates a description at index, if mouse detects hover spot with description.
     * The description is placed over the mouse pointer.
     * @param text Hover Spot Description .
     * @param index Set this to hover spot index. (returned when hoverspot was added)
    bool oxy_SetHoverDescription(char text[], uint8_t index);

     * @brief Detects if mouse is over a hover spot
    uint8_t oxy_DetectHover(void);

     * @brief Renders Mouse to Blit(1). 
    void oxy_RenderMouse(void);


  • oxy_notify.h
    "oxy_notify.h" is a notification library that allows notification can be displayed in xenon and in programs.

     * @brief Notifications sturct file. 
    struct oxy_notify_t{
       char *title;
       char *text;
       uint8_t time[3];
       uint8_t *date[2];
    extern struct oxy_notify_t *oxy_notify;

     * @brief Nofifcation stack system (manages amount of notifications). 
    struct oxy_notify_system_t{
       uint8_t stack_amount;
    extern struct oxy_notify_system_t oxy_notify_system;

     * Creates a new notification.
     * @param title Title of the noification (Name of Program).
     * @param text Text or dilog of the notifications.
     * @param time Use oxy_GetNotifyTime();
     * @param date Use oxy_GetNotifyDate();
    void oxy_NewNotify(const char *title, const char *text, const uint8_t *time, const uint8_t *date);

     * Converts Given time into a pointer for oxy_NewNotify();
     * @param hour 24 hour clock.
     * @param min 60 mins on clock.
     * @return Pointer with given time
    uint8_t* oxy_GetNotifyTime(uint8_t hour, uint8_t min);

     * Converts Given date into a pointer for oxy_NewNotify();
     * @param month month clock (ranges from 1 - 12).
     * @param day Day of the months (ranges from 1 - 31).
     * @return Pointer with given date
    uint8_t* oxy_GetNotifyDate(uint8_t month, uint8_t day);

     * Deletes Notification out of a stack,
     * @param index Pos or index of Notification.
    void oxy_DeleteNotify(uint8_t index);

     * @brief Deletes all notification.
    void oxy_DeleteAllNotify(void);

     * @brief Detects if there are any active notifications and when to alert the user.
    int oxy_CheckNotify(void);

    // void oxy_AlertNotify(int index);

     * @brief Load notification variables form oxygen main appvar. 
    void oxy_LoadNotifySystem(void);

  • oxy_save.h
    "oxy_save.h" Simple sections of library that saves all data into one appvar.

     * @brief Save all variables to oxygen main appvar. 
    void oxy_SaveAll(void);

  • oxy_users.h
    "oxy_users.h" is manages all user data and passwords.

     * @brief Users Dynamic Pointer (Stores simple user infomation). 
    struct oxy_user_t {
       uint8_t userid;
       char *name;
       char *password;
       uint8_t type;
       // maybe pins
    extern struct oxy_user_t *oxy_user;

     * @brief User System Struct (stores amount of users)
    struct oxy_UserSystem_t {
       int user_amount;
    extern struct oxy_UserSystem_t oxy_UserSystem;

     * Creates a new user.
     * @param name Users name.
     * @param password password for locking features.
     * @param type Type of user (0 = admin, 1 = user, 2 = guest).
     * @returns Users index.
    uint8_t oxy_NewUser(const char *name, const char *password, const uint8_t type);

     * Sets Password of a user.
     * @param password New password.
     * @param index Set this to the users index.
    void oxy_SetUserPassword(const char *password, const int index);

     * Changes name of a user.
     * @param name New name.
     * @param index Set this to the users index.
    void oxy_SetUserName(const char *name, const int index);

     * Returns User ID user for folders and etc.
     * @param index Set this to the users index.
     * @returns User ID user for folders and etc.
    uint8_t oxy_GetUserID(const int index);

     * Deletes current user at set index.
     * @param index Set this to the users index.
    void oxy_DeleteUser(const int index);

     * @brief Load users variables form oxygen main appvar. 
    void oxy_LoadUsers(void);

Don't mind the typo's Smile .
I'll Update this post from time to time.
Quick Update:

Xenon "GUI" has started development. I am almost finished with the revamped Xenon Concept Art and will posting them shortly or I'll just develop it in private Wink
Quick Update:

I'm close to finishing Xenon GUI Revamped Concept Art, Here some of the things I have changed:
**Left is old, while right is the new concept art.**

Login Screen:

- Move username under (users icon)
- Only allows 4 pins for now.
- Exit button baked into the navigation bar.
- Added last login information.
- Side panel containing all users has been shrank;
- Supports Images.

Main Screen:

- New Battery Shape.
- Username in Center of header bar.
- No Fonts.
- New Icons (Search, Create).
- Scroll Bar is one color.
- All attribute icons have been to the center program icon.
- More to things to customize. Razz
- New menu button.
- Green dot shows the last program ran.

Attribute Menu

- Removed Language (It displays when mouse hovers program icon)
- Revamped some shapes.
- Included new icons. (edit, move, trash, rename).

Help Window

I didn't get time to revamp this one yet.

Let's look at what new things I've added to the concept art:

Boot Screen:

The boot screen only happens when the xenon Appvar is not detected.

Hover Information:

Shows simple information about the program, such as description, language, and size.


Notifications!!! Simple notifications :O (it will display for around 2 secs)

Here is What happens when users click account picture in menu:

Here are some more example of Xenon "GUI":

Final, here is some progress of me turning all of the concept art into a some what working prototype:

Which one do you like the most (left or right)?, do you have any question about any of the workings?, are there any feature you want or are looking forward to? Neutral
WOW! All this is looking super awesome! How are you planning to do the notifications?
TIny_Hacker wrote:
WOW! All this is looking super awesome! How are you planning to do the notifications?

Thanks for leaving a reply Very Happy. (All notifications are done in a dynamic struct and is stored in oxygens appvar, programs simply read and store data inside the struct/appvar)
Alvajoy123 wrote:
TIny_Hacker wrote:
WOW! All this is looking super awesome! How are you planning to do the notifications?

Thanks for leaving a reply Very Happy. (All notifications are done in a dynamic struct and is stored in oxygens appvar, programs simply read and store data inside the struct/appvar)

Ah, that makes sense. I love the new icons and boot screen Smile
Just a minor thing: I personally think your battery icon is too close to the text. Spacing it out would make it look better. (IMO)
Michael0x18 wrote:
Just a minor thing: I personally think your battery icon is too close to the text. Spacing it out would make it look better. (IMO)

I agree with this too, it is kinda close.
Michael0x18 wrote:
Just a minor thing: I personally think your battery icon is too close to the text. Spacing it out would make it look better. (IMO)

Thanks for responds/suggestion Smile.

Which on would look better? (Left or right)

I like the one on the right better. I know it's counterintuitive, but the borders actually make it feel like there's more screen space.
Just a side note: Would it be possible to have vertical scrolling instead of horizontal? Could that be an option?
Michael0x18 wrote:
I like the one on the right better. I know it's counterintuitive, but the borders actually make it feel like there's more screen space.
Just a side note: Would it be possible to have vertical scrolling instead of horizontal? Could that be an option?

I agree with Michael0x18. I think the one on the right looks better. I also think that having vertical scrolling might be nice. However, I don't really mind horizontal scrolling that much either.
The one on the right looks better.
right is definitely better than left!
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