Thanks !
About some other news :
I am currently planning to be able to switch vertex/geometry/pixel shader per triangles batch basis, to be able to use wide range of effects where it is needed and not on the whole scene. Playing with pipeline state is so much fun (read : painful
About alpha transparency texture performance : I am currently able to filter such pixel at more than half the rate as plain texture pixel. (ie, 55.5 cycles/pixel vs 29.5 cycles/pixel). Didn't expected so much performance from here !
Still, it is quite slow for fullscreen rendering, needing respectively 88ms and 47.5ms. The texture algorithm also suffer from quite high overhead which will need to be reduced to be usefull. I'll be more than delighted if I could do a whole screen rendering in about 150ms (or 6.6fps) with I think 50ms for pixel, 50ms for vertex and 50ms for the rest. I am not there yet, but I'll try
So much thing to compute and so little time haha.
So, a few more screenshot from (almost) recent testing :
A test using the general interpolation triangle rasterization to interpolate lightning intensities instead of texturing. Along side with vertex lighting, it does look quite good (altough it is just a tiny bit faster than plain texturing sadly)
Pratical use of transparency !