I'm back!
A build will be released shortly, Alarms and Clock and Photos need updates.
Wow. This is incredible. I hope it gets ported to the CE
It should work directly with the CE when Doors CE is released, and able to fully multitask.
Is there
any way to transmit the current screen over USB video?
solarsoftware wrote:
Is there any way to transmit the current screen over USB video?
As I've mentioned before, using an emulator to take static and animated screenshots is the accepted method.
Oh, hi Kerm! Long time no see!
Also, that's not exactly what I meant. Not to take screenshots, to actually send external video output over the USB cable.
I know it's possible, and would reduce the performance of the device by at least by a factor of 3, but I need to know the procedure to do so.
Can you clarify what you mean? Do you want to send video from the calc to the computer so you can mirror the display but not necessarily capture the video to file? Could you maybe link us to an example?
Could you be referring to the "
Program a Game in 60 Seconds" demo that we had at
Maker Faire NYC this year?
Basically, I'm talking about using a mini-USB to HDMI adapter, and it projects the current screen content.
As I asked in IRC but will ask here: You want to get video from the calc with no software, you want to basically stream video from the calc to a monitor? You said, "In the best case, yes."
Well, I'll admit I'm not the best person to be replying but I'm really positive video output capabilities do not exist on these calculators. Especially the HDMI standard. You'd be better off making a little breakout box that takes in a USB and outputs an HDMI signal by processing the keypresses from the calc. Much akin to the program I mentioned above but instead of plugging directly into a laptop, you have a small breakout box - maybe powered by an rPI? - that then sends the emulated image over an HDMI cable.
Like I said, I am likely the least qualified but I'm fairly certain. We should wait for a more knowledge source to chime in before you throw in the towel on this. But knowing you, you'll take this challenge and overcome it and for that I think you are amazing. Best of luck!
Couldn't I just keep sending interrupts?
And what format is the TI image in?
Start has been updated to get rid of the ridiculous Windows Phone 8.1 gaps, and performance has increased greatly.
Tips? Comments? Let me know.
So where is the current build release located?
This build isn't available right now; hopefully soon.
The latest build release (10512.1224 IIRC) can be found somewhere a couple pages back.
This new build includes a new tile experience and Glance, and I'm hoping to get it out by the new year.
The build release will be 10582.12, and will feature the new task switcher and Glance.
This uses the new OneCore framework, and multitasking works identically to Windows 10 Mobile on Windows Phones. Universal apps stay in the background until closed, and legacy apps will be closed automatically. This doesn't affect the RAM at all, the save states of the apps are saved to the ROM (for now).
This is the OneCore multitasking framework.
Code: "rowSwap(WINCORE->Str0 (sets the current AppVar name)
1:det(0:If Str9="..P:NT:FN (checks to see if it exists)
Then:"rowSwap(WNSTART->Str9 (sets Start as the first line, shown below)
det(4:1:det(1:".->Str9 (creates the AppVar if it doesn't exist, sets Start as the first line, and sets Str9 as "." to determine if the AppVar was created)
End:If Str9=/=". (checks to confirm the AppVar already existed)
det(5 (if the AppVar existed, then unarchive it)
Str8->Str9:0:det(0:theta+1:det(2 (Str8 holds the app name, checks to see how many lines there are, and is SUPPOSED to add a line after the number of lines in the AppVar)
Pause (to debug)
I get either a calculator reset, or some crazy ASM mess I believe (...NUMSTRG+blah after this)
wat happened
Just to wonder, once Doors CE comes out, I'm assuming it should work as per previous posts, but could with DCE coming out and most likely Windows 10 Mobile being compatible, could for W10M on the CE be more features because of more processing power?
o355 wrote:
Just to wonder, once Doors CE comes out, I'm assuming it should work as per previous posts, but could with DCE coming out and most likely Windows 10 Mobile being compatible, could for W10M on the CE be more features because of more processing power?
From looking at the screenshots, I see that the calc is not in half-res mode. That means it is not compatible with the CE (as far as we know). To make it compatible, solar must either make it in half-res mode or rewrite the full program.
PT_ wrote:
o355 wrote:
Just to wonder, once Doors CE comes out, I'm assuming it should work as per previous posts, but could with DCE coming out and most likely Windows 10 Mobile being compatible, could for W10M on the CE be more features because of more processing power?
From looking at the screenshots, I see that the calc is not in half-res mode. That means it is not compatible with the CE (as far as we know). To make it compatible, solar must either make it in half-res mode or rewrite the full program.
I'm making half-res mode work, and that means Start will load instantly.
The CE version will have full multitasking, as stated before, and will obviously be much, much faster.
This turns off/resets/break my calculator.
Am I missing an End or what...?