Rhett Langseth is an epic, epic tool who has jumped onto the top authors of the week list after a few weeks as an author by blatantly abusing the archives system, bumping his games (all misnamed after popular non-calc games) to the top of the frontpage daily. Nikky and Tev are apparently looking into it. I checked out his Mario game just to make sure I'm right about his ploys disguising a lack of substance, and I was right.
Code: I gave this game a try after admittedly having serious misgivings, and I'm disappointed to say I was correct in my hesitation. The screenshots are very misleading; the game is slower than molasses on a TI-84+SE, and while the gameplay mechanics are certainly solid enough, it's not an original idea or a particularly good implementation. Other than the painful slowness, my biggest complaint is that every time you die (which you will often, because the controls feel sluggish and awkward), you have to press ENTER to the "You Lose" message, wait for the main menu to render (slowly), scroll down to the map you were playing, press ENTER, and wait for the level to slowly render. A much better solution would have been to return the player to the starting position in the map without leaving it, erasing and redrawing it, or going anywhere near the main menu.
Anyway, on to the quantitative metrics:
Gameplay: 5/10 You move left and right, and you jump. Much to my confusion, jumping causes the dot that is your character to both jump and move sideways, which killed me several times. I eventually gave up.
Graphics: 6/10 The main menu is nice, the levels are functional enough, nothing amazing.
Speed: 3/10 Painful.
Replayability & Originality: 2/10 Once you beat one of the eight maps, there's nothing particularly fun about returning to it at any point. If you have the patience to play through all eight, I can't imagine anyone not promptly deleting this program to free up the 6KB of RAM and 4 Pic variables it occupies.
Overall: 17/40