I am happy to announce that we have decided the winners for the CC26 contest! Hold onto your hats, this was an amazing contest with many wonderful entries. Thank you to everyone who participated for your creativity and hard work. We also thank our members for their patience as we tabulated the results and prepared the prizes. We had ten impressive submissions, five each in the BASIC and everything-except-BASIC categories, showcasing several different perspectives on screensavers.
First the Honorable mentions, which we award to DJ_Omnimaga and TIny Hacker's entries.
Alvajoy received third place for his fun animations of popular Cemetech projects.
Tari’s entry. "WEB1999" is an homage to a time when these screensavers were not just widespread but necessary. For a great idea with skillful execution, we award Tari with second place.
In first place, we had SlyVTT. His entry reminded the judges of the classic computing demoscene, porting many mesmerizing animations to the fx-CG50. SlyVTT used the power within the fx-CG50’s hardware to create very impressive graphics. Recognizing the care and effort put into every one of the effects and animations, we award SlyVTT first place.
Thank you to all of our entrants for their entertaining projects. In addition to their ceremonial userbars, the top three winners above will be contacted asking for a mailing address to receive their trophy, a flying toaster that glows after dark. Felt it was a fitting trophy.