Yeah it blew my mind too, I remember noticing the first time I was running a Sega Master System emulator and being able to see the palette swapping going on.. Just one of those cool moments of seeing how coders overcome hardware limitations.
I've spent a bit of time on bosses this week, mainly tweaking their AI for the bigger play screen, but also started doing colour sprites (and I finally put some colour in the player sprite too

Difficulty levels are now finished, which are:
- Easy, enemies have less HP and hit softer.
- Normal (no change)
- Hard, Gold death penalty is increased to half (normally a quarter), enemies spawn more often, and instead of respawning at a nearby Well of Life, you respawn all the way back at your house (or the castle dungeons if you haven't completed the first area yet)
- Hell, same higher enemy spawn rate as Hard, but you only have one life. Once you die, the game is lost.
Below is a roughly 4 minute clip of me running through the first area fairly quickly (on Normal difficulty). There is now an intro wall of text when starting a new game too, which you can speed up or skip if you don't want to sit through it.