Here's a simple programme made to calculate the amount of paint (&& layers [*sh joke]) required to completely fill a room with layers of dried paint.
It's written in Python3.8, (I know it's pseudo-code, but it gets the job done)
Here's the source :
As you can see, it does ANSI terminal colours as well, b/c paint's colourful.
Here's a demo of it running :
An average single coat of paint averages 'round 1-2 mil (one mil is one one-thousanth of an inch)
I added in calculations for the edges, thanks to MateoConLechuga's Idea
It's written in Python3.8, (I know it's pseudo-code, but it gets the job done)
Here's the source :
Name :
Desc : Calcualate how much paint to fill a room
by : Аїӡек Меѥҏ
Copyright : N/A
Date : 4/4/20
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
def getLayers(roomWidth, roomDepth, roomHeight, paintThick):
i = 0
t = 0
roomWidth = roomWidth * 12
roomDepth = roomDepth * 12
roomHeight = roomHeight * 12
roomVol = roomWidth * roomDepth * roomHeight
while roomVol >= 0:
#account for walls
wallOne = roomWidth * roomHeight
#print("wallWidth : "+str(wallOne))
wallThree = roomDepth * roomHeight
#print("wallDepth : "+str(wallThree))
wallFive = roomDepth * roomWidth
#print("wallCeil : "+str(wallFive))
wallVol = (wallOne * 2 + wallThree * 2 + wallFive) * paintThick
wallArea = wallOne * 2 + wallThree * 2 + wallFive
roomWidth = roomWidth - (paintThick * 2)
roomDepth = roomDepth - (paintThick * 2)
roomHeight = roomHeight - (paintThick * 2)
#account for edges going up & down
edgeUpVol = roomHeight*paintThick**2
edgeUpVol = edgeUpVol*2
edgeUpArea = roomHeight*paintThick
edgeUpVol = edgeUpArea*2
#account for edges going side to side {on ceiling}
##account for edges going side to side {depth}
edgeSideDepthVol = (roomDepth*paintThick**2)
edgeSideDepthVol = edgeSideDepthVol*2
edgeSideDepthArea = (roomDepth*paintThick)
##account for edges going side to side {width}
edgeSideWidthVol = roomWidth*paintThick**2
edgeSideWidthVol = edgeSideWidthVol*2
edgeSideWidthArea = roomWidth*paintThick
#add edges
edgeVol = edgeUpVol+edgeSideWidthVol+edgeSideDepthVol
edgeArea = edgeUpArea+edgeSideWidthArea+edgeSideDepthArea
#calculate final values
roomVol = roomVol - wallVol - edgeVol
wallArea = wallArea - edgeArea
i += 1
t += wallArea
print(Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX + str(i) +
" layers to fill your room with paint!!")
print("& " + str(t / (4800)) + " gallons of paint")
print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + Back.BLACK + "Paint Layer Calculator")
print("by : Аїӡек Меѥҏ")
roomWidth = input(Fore.BLUE + "Room Width in Feet? ")
roomWidth = int(roomWidth)
roomDepth = input("Room Depth in Feet? ")
roomDepth = int(roomDepth)
roomHeight = input("Room Height in Feet? ")
roomHeight = int(roomHeight)
print(Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RED + "1 mil is 1/1000 of an inch")
paintThickMil = input(Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.BLUE +
"Paint Thickness in Mils? ")
paintThickMil = int(paintThickMil)
paintThick = paintThickMil / 1000
print(Fore.GREEN + Back.BLACK + "Calculating...")
getLayers(roomWidth, roomDepth, roomHeight, paintThick)
As you can see, it does ANSI terminal colours as well, b/c paint's colourful.
Here's a demo of it running :
An average single coat of paint averages 'round 1-2 mil (one mil is one one-thousanth of an inch)
I added in calculations for the edges, thanks to MateoConLechuga's Idea