- Cesium
- 06 Oct 2015 08:05:53 pm
- Last edited by MateoConLechuga on 15 Jul 2018 12:15:54 pm; edited 7 times in total
So for like about the past week I have been working on a shell. The original goal was to make relocatable shared libraries on the CE... but I guess I kind of got carried away. Here's a list of features:
Download: Cesium
And some screenshots, courtesy of Adriweb: (NOTE: The name has been changed from CesiumOS to Cesium)
As I did write this whole shell in just about a week, it needs some beta testing. Of course, more features are probably going to be implemented, but this is not an all-inclusive shell like DoorsCE will be. It provides basic functionality, keeping it slim, and currently only provides library support to C and ASM programmers, of which have yet to be fully written. The source is included for your enjoyment, and is documented in parts where it makes sense. There are numerous optimizations, but that is why it is open source, licensed under the BSD 3 Clause.
In addition, it automatically organizes your programs much faster than MirageOS ever could, and looks kind of nice, in my opinion, I guess.
If you want to make custom icons for your basic programs, you can use tifreak's DCSE icon generator. Use the following format:
For example:
To make custom icons for your assembly programs, start your program with the format as follows: (It uses xlibC like colors, where H==L)
- Running ASM, C, and Basic programs directly, and they can be archived or not
- [Un]Archiving, deleting, hiding programs
- Catalog-like searching for programs for quick lookup
- Ability to block the [ON] key when running Basic programs
- Support implemented for relocatable shared C and ASM libraries
- Customizable icons for all file types
- Battery indicator and clock
- Customizable colors/theme
- Available French version translated by Adriweb
- ...
Download: Cesium
And some screenshots, courtesy of Adriweb: (NOTE: The name has been changed from CesiumOS to Cesium)
nikky wrote:
maybe name it "NikkyCE"
As I did write this whole shell in just about a week, it needs some beta testing. Of course, more features are probably going to be implemented, but this is not an all-inclusive shell like DoorsCE will be. It provides basic functionality, keeping it slim, and currently only provides library support to C and ASM programmers, of which have yet to be fully written. The source is included for your enjoyment, and is documented in parts where it makes sense. There are numerous optimizations, but that is why it is open source, licensed under the BSD 3 Clause.
In addition, it automatically organizes your programs much faster than MirageOS ever could, and looks kind of nice, in my opinion, I guess.
If you want to make custom icons for your basic programs, you can use tifreak's DCSE icon generator. Use the following format:
For example:
:"256 byte hex string"
To make custom icons for your assembly programs, start your program with the format as follows: (It uses xlibC like colors, where H==L)
.org userMem-2
.db tExtTok,tAsm84CeCmp
.db 1 ; Signifies a Cesium program
.db 16,16 ; Width, Height of sprite
.db 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255
.db 255,255,255,255,255,255,192,192,192,192,255,255,255,255,255,255
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.db "Pac-Man Version 1.1",0 ; string to display in the Cesium status bar
Your code here