- mIRC filter script
- 17 Feb 2010 05:12:46 pm
- Last edited by Komak57 on 13 Mar 2011 11:50:17 pm; edited 4 times in total
Recently, its come to my attention that it gets pretty difficult to read through the mIRC #cemetech chan on relevant data. So i started designing this filter. It runs as a unique window (seperate from mIRC but still dependent) and filters off SaxJax's name and color coordinates the chat topics.
If i (komak57) msg on saxjax "hello guys", the output would normally say "[time] <SaxJax> (C) Komak57: hello guys" ... the filter would in turn output "-=time=- <*Komak57> hello guys" and color it as 'default chat text'
in the case i make a post on cemetech, it would remove the bracket formats, and color the line blue. This filter colors Quits/Joins/Enters as red-text, your own input as white-text, posts as blue-text, freebuild posts as green text... all of which are default and have yet to have customizability to them. This color scheme works best with a black background.
General Functions list:
- Keeps timers for everyones nick depending on source (saxjax get 10 minutes, regular get 1hr, and bots get 1 minute)
-> this acts as an 'activity' watch
- Filters out SaxJax name, replacing it with the name of the person responsible for saxjax input
- Color coordinates all text to make viewing simple
- automatically changes the filter's title to match the last message (toggle-able)
- Allows you to directly interact with the channel from the window
- Allows you to turn the filter on and off in case you no longer want its functionality
- other miscelaneous additions
Script: (save as Cemetech.ini under mirc root/Remotes)
Still workin out the kinks of mirc's $readini and /writeini for the blacklist... this script is known to work on mIRC v5.82, but because of one of the timer methods, it may not work correctly on newer versions... this uses a variable to activate a command in the variable without using an if-then statement. Recently, the function to color-code text directed at you (containing your nick) has stopped functioning (i did some major workarounds and may have edited it out on accident).
Also, It seems i cant make the window flash on new text (which is something id like) and i cant get it to recognise when you open the window (making it active so i can reset the topic like that). Some of this script was made to work for my nick (komak57) so using your own may prove difficult and may need some kinks worked out.
update for the window's right click menus, save this file in your mirc root as popup.txt
please copy down these variables since it doesnt modify them yet:
!update: if the window doesn't run the on-load function, you may need to adjust these variables yourself. If you followed the directions though, open your mirc scripts, File > Load, then find the Cemetech script an load it ^.^
NOTE: the variables %shrtnick should be your shortened nickname you most likely get called.. for KermMartian, that would be Kerm. they can both be changed by right-clicking the window
%star was added to prevent conflicts in the code on ealier mirc versions, might be able to edit it out. %shrtnick is a nickname that people may call you rather than your full name. %mynick is a nickname you would like to see rather than your mirc-nick.
Keep in mind this script is not finished, but still works. Hope you enjoy, and if anyone adds some things, lemme know and ill incorporate it.
If i (komak57) msg on saxjax "hello guys", the output would normally say "[time] <SaxJax> (C) Komak57: hello guys" ... the filter would in turn output "-=time=- <*Komak57> hello guys" and color it as 'default chat text'
in the case i make a post on cemetech, it would remove the bracket formats, and color the line blue. This filter colors Quits/Joins/Enters as red-text, your own input as white-text, posts as blue-text, freebuild posts as green text... all of which are default and have yet to have customizability to them. This color scheme works best with a black background.
General Functions list:
- Keeps timers for everyones nick depending on source (saxjax get 10 minutes, regular get 1hr, and bots get 1 minute)
-> this acts as an 'activity' watch
- Filters out SaxJax name, replacing it with the name of the person responsible for saxjax input
- Color coordinates all text to make viewing simple
- automatically changes the filter's title to match the last message (toggle-able)
- Allows you to directly interact with the channel from the window
- Allows you to turn the filter on and off in case you no longer want its functionality
- other miscelaneous additions
Script: (save as Cemetech.ini under mirc root/Remotes)
on 1:LOAD: {
set %filter on
set %autotopic yes
set %star *
set %decimal .
set %nickmarker ]
set %commandmarker /
set %shrtnick $me
set %mynick $me
dialog msgbox {
title "Alert!"
size -1 -1 120 65
option dbu
text %msgboxtext, 1, 5 5 110 50
button "OK", 2, 35 50 50 10, ok tab 1
alias msgbox {
set %msgboxtext $1-
dialog -md msgbox msgbox
on 1:NICK: {
if ($window(@CCF) != $null) {
set %tmr //timer $+ $nick
%tmr off
set %tmr //timer $+ $newnick
%tmr 1 3600 delusr $newnick
delusr $nick
aline -l @CCF $newnick
aline -p @CCF 4-= $+ $time(hh:nn:ss) $+ =- ! $nick Changed Nick to $newnick
on *:text:*:?:{
if ((%serv == efnet.net) || (%serv == efnet.pl)) {
aline -p @CCF 13-= $+ $time(hh:nn:ss) $+ =- < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
on *:text:*:#cemetech:{
set %sendmsg false
if ($nick == saxjax) {
set %sax yes
set %varify no
if ( $right($2,1) == %nickmarker || $left($2,1) == %star || $3 == has ) { set %nick $2 | set %msg $3- | set %varify yes }
if (( $right($3,1) == %nickmarker || $left($3,1) == %star || $4 == has ) && ( %varify == no )) { set %nick $2 $3 | set %msg $4- | set %varify yes }
if (( $right($4,1) == %nickmarker || $left($4,1) == %star || $5 == has ) && ( %varify == no )) { set %nick $2 $3 $4 | set %msg $5- | set %varify yes }
if (( $right($5,1) == %nickmarker || $left($5,1) == %star || $6 == has ) && ( %varify == no )) { set %nick $2 $3 $4 $5 | set %msg $6- | set %varify yes }
if ( %varify == no ) { set %nick $2 | set %msg $3- | set %varify yes }
if (%nick == $null) { echo @ Error, name not found! | halt }
if ( $right(%nick,1) == %nickmarker ) {
set %nick $right( %nick , $calc( $len( %nick )-1))
set %nick * $+ $left( %nick , $calc( $len( %nick )-1))
set %varify no
if ( added a post isin %msg || edited a post isin %msg ) {
set %msgtype 12
set %format @ %nick
set %varify yes
set %fcase $calc( $pos( %msg , %openbrack , 1) + 1 )
set %lcase $pos( %msg ,], $pos( %msg , %closebrack ,0))
set %msgpost $mid( %msg , %fcase , $calc( %lcase - %fcase ) )
set %msglink $mid( %msg , %lcase +2 , $calc( $len( %msg ) - $calc( %lcase + 2 ) ) )
set %found false
if ( %shrtnick isin %nick ) {
set %icount 1
while ( %icount <= %wcount ) {
if ( %msgpost == %wlist. [ $+ [ %icount ] ] ) {
set %found true
inc %icount
if ( %found == false ) {
inc %wcount
set %wlist. [ $+ [ %icount ] ] %msgpost
set %icount 1
while ( %icount <= %wcount ) {
if ( $count( %msgpost , %wlist. [ $+ [ %icount ] ] ) > 0 ) {
if ( %shrtnick !isin %nick ) {
msgbox %nick $+ \n $+ %msgpost $+ \n $+ %msglink
inc %icount
if (( has logged isin %msg || has entered isin %msg ) && (%varify == no)) {
set %msgtype 4
set %format >> %nick
set %varify yes
if ((has left isin %msg) && (%varify == no)) {
set %msgtype 4
set %format << %nick
delusr %nick
set %varify yes
if (%varify == no) {
set %msgtype $null
set %format < $+ %nick $+ >
set %varify yes
changetopic %msg
if ($1 == (T)) { set %msgtype 13 | set %format (T) }
if ($1 != (U)) { set %sendmsg true }
if ($nick != saxjax) {
set %sax no
set %msgtype $null
set %nick $nick
delusr %nick | aline -l @CCF %nick
set %msg $1-
set %format < $+ %nick $+ >
set %sendmsg true
changetopic %msg
if ($me isin %msg || %shrtnick isin %msg) { set %msgtype 7 | set %msg $replace(%msg,$me,Fox,%shrtnick,Fox) }
if (%watch1 isin %msg || Unreal Tournament isin %msg) { set %msgtype 9 }
if (%sendmsg == true) { postmsg }
on *:QUIT: {
if ($chan == #cemetech) {
if ( $window(@CCF) != $null ) {
set %nick $nick
set %msg %nick left the room ( $+ $1- $+ ).
set %msgtype 4
set %format <<
set %tmr //timer $+ $encode(%nick, m)
%tmr off
delusr %nick
on *:JOIN: {
if ($chan == #cemetech) {
if ( $window(@CCF) != $null ) {
set %nick $nick
set %msgtype 4
set %format >>
set %msg %nick has entered the room.
on *:input:#cemetech:{
if ( $left($1,1) != / ) {
aline -p @CCF 14-= $+ $time(hh:nn:ss) $+ =- < $+ %mynick $+ > $1-
changetopic >.>
on *:input:@CCF:{
if ( $left($1,1) != / ) {
if ($1- == \ ) {
changetopic >.>
msg #cemetech $1-
aline -p @CCF 14-= $+ $time(hh:nn:ss) $+ =- < $+ %mynick $+ > $1-
changetopic >.>
if ( $left($1,1) == / ) {
echo $1-
alias windowchk {
if ($window(@CCF) == $null && %filter == on) {
window -l16deS @CCF popup.txt manga temple 12
aline -l @CCF $me
alias clrlines {
var %i = 1
var %lns $line(@CCF,0,1))
while (%i <= %lns) {
dline -l @CCF 1
inc %i
alias clearsax {
if ($window(@CCF) != $null) {
delusr *
if (%tms > 0) { echo @CCF -=!=- Userlist Cleared }
if ($window(@CCF) == $null) {
timerCCF off
alias changetopic {
if (%autotopic == yes) {
renwin @CCF @Cem : Filter Chat
renwin @Cem @CCF : $1-
alias postmsg {
if (%filter == on) {
set %time $time(hh:nn:ss)
if ($readini(blacklist.ini,%nick,status) == black) { echo -=!=- %nick was found in your Blacklist ( %ignorelist ) | halt }
if (%nick != Melisma && %nick != CalcBot) {
if (%sax == yes) set %tmr //timer $+ $encode(%nick, m) 1 600 delusr %nick
else set %tmr //timer $+ %nick 1 3600 delusr %nick
if (%nick == Melisma || %nick == CalcBot) {
if (%sax == yes) set %tmr //timer $+ $encode(%nick, m) 1 60 delusr %nick
else set %tmr //timer $+ %nick 1 60 delusr %nick
aline -p @CCF %msgtype $+ -= $+ %time $+ =- %format %msg
;flash -r @CCF %msg
addusr %nick
alias blacklist {
writeini blacklist.ini $1 status black
alias whitelist {
writeini blacklist.ini $1 status white
alias delusr {
var %i = 1
var %s = 1
var %lns $line(@CCF,0,1))
var %tms = 0
while (%i <= %lns) {
set %varify no
if ($1- == %star) { if ($1- isin $line(@CCF,%s,1)) { dline -l @CCF %s | dec %s | inc %tms | set %varify yes } }
if (%varify == no) { if ($1- == $line(@CCF,%s,1)) { dline -l @CCF %s | dec %s | inc %tms | set %varify yes } }
inc %s
inc %i
alias addusr {
delusr %nick
aline -l @CCF %nick
menu Channel {
.Toggle $iif((%filter != on),On,Off):set %filter $iif((%filter != on),on,off)
.$iif((%autotopic != on),Track,Ignore) Topic:set %autotopic $iif((%autotopic != on),on,off)
.Settings:dialog -m filterSet filterSet
Still workin out the kinks of mirc's $readini and /writeini for the blacklist... this script is known to work on mIRC v5.82, but because of one of the timer methods, it may not work correctly on newer versions... this uses a variable to activate a command in the variable without using an if-then statement. Recently, the function to color-code text directed at you (containing your nick) has stopped functioning (i did some major workarounds and may have edited it out on accident).
Also, It seems i cant make the window flash on new text (which is something id like) and i cant get it to recognise when you open the window (making it active so i can reset the topic like that). Some of this script was made to work for my nick (komak57) so using your own may prove difficult and may need some kinks worked out.
update for the window's right click menus, save this file in your mirc root as popup.txt
.Red:aline -p @CCF 4-----------------
.Blue:aline -p @CCF 12-----------------
.White:aline -p @CCF 0-----------------
-----List-----:aline -p @CCF @> Any Command that alters the listbox (nicknames)
.Add:blacklist $line(@CCF,$sline(@CCF,1).ln,1)
.Remove:whitelist $line(@CCF,$sline(@CCF,1).ln,1)
Add Name:set %newusr $?="Player Name?" | if !%newusr { aline -l @CCF %newusr }
.$iif(($sline(@CCF,1).ln != $null),$line(@CCF,$sline(@CCF,1).ln,1),Select User):if ($sline(@CCF,1).ln != $null) { dline -l @CCF $sline(@CCF,1).ln }
.Saxjax Users:clearsax
.All Users:clrlines
-----Other-----:aline -p @CCF @> Commands that dont fit in either window category
.Filter Nick:var %newnick $?="New Nickname?" | if !%newnick { set %mynick %newnick } | echo @CCF -=!=- Filter Nickname %mynick $+ . mIRC Nickname $me $+.
.mIRC Nick:var %newnick $?="New Nickname?" | if !%newnick { nick %newnick } | echo @CCF -=!=- Filter Nickname %mynick $+ . mIRC Nickname $me $+.
.Reset Topic:changetopic -= $+ $time(h:nn:ss) $+ =-
.Set Topic:var %newtopic $?="New Nickname?" | if !%newtopic { changetopic -= $+ %newtopic $+ =- }
.Toggle AutoTopic $iif(%autotopic == yes,Off,On):set %autotopic $iif(%autotopic == yes,no,yes) | echo @CCF -=!=- Topic Tracking now $iif(%autotopic == yes,On,Off)
please copy down these variables since it doesnt modify them yet:
!update: if the window doesn't run the on-load function, you may need to adjust these variables yourself. If you followed the directions though, open your mirc scripts, File > Load, then find the Cemetech script an load it ^.^
%filter on
%autotopic yes
%star *
%decimal .
%nickmarker ]
%commandmarker /
%shrtnick Komak
%mynick Fox
NOTE: the variables %shrtnick should be your shortened nickname you most likely get called.. for KermMartian, that would be Kerm. they can both be changed by right-clicking the window
%star was added to prevent conflicts in the code on ealier mirc versions, might be able to edit it out. %shrtnick is a nickname that people may call you rather than your full name. %mynick is a nickname you would like to see rather than your mirc-nick.
Keep in mind this script is not finished, but still works. Hope you enjoy, and if anyone adds some things, lemme know and ill incorporate it.