Archives: Educational Coding Projects and Lesson Plans
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  1. As presented at the T^3 2019, an introduction to TI-BASIC programming for the TI-84 Plus CE family of graphing calculators. This is the slide deck and sample programs presented in a 1.5-hour introductory session, and covers many useful TI-BASIC commands, programs that demonstrate the use of those commands, and includes in-depth examples like checking a number for primality, solving the quadratic equation, and making a guessing game.

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  2. You can make a setup using te touch sensor and the color sensor. You need to connect a steering wheel to a red and yellow part and make them rotate with the steering wheel (I would recommend using a gearbox). You can also make a gas pedal using a spring and the touch sensor. You can also make a joystick from the EV3 IDEA BOOK.

    You can steer using the left and right keys.
    To gas use the touch sensor.
    To brake press middle button to switch touch sensor mode to brake and use touch sensor.

    You are '^' (player)
    Enemies are '#' (other cars, 4 total)
    Do not touch '|' (edge of the road)

    Everytime the cars reach the bottom edge of the screen te game speeds up.

    Please report any bugs.

    -Added difficulties and fixed some bugs.

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