- Power Utils
- 02 Aug 2012 02:13:18 pm
- Last edited by AHelper on 01 Sep 2016 12:42:24 am; edited 1 time in total
Power Utils is an addin that lets you manually enter the timeouts for the backlight and power off. This is a great way to save on battery life. The OS only lets you have the power off timeout as low as 10 minutes. With this addin, you can set it down to 1 minute.
You can find this addin here.
- Main menu is very similar to the Settings addin on the Prizm.
- Lets you enter in the timeout from 1-999 minutes (+30 sec)
- Warns you if you try to set it to an invalid timeout
Possible bugs:
- I haven't tested all timeouts, mainly because I don't have a week to test all timeout values
- Large backlight values will not work due to a smaller max value.