I am happy to announce the first beta release of Obliterate 1.0, a Scorched Earth-genre game for TI graphing calculators. It features single-player gameplay, multiplayer mode over CALCnet 2.2, and the ability to add AIs to multiplayer games. To borrow from the description:
Obliterate is a scorched-earth/tanks game for Doors CS 7 and TI calculators. It brings superb graphics, fast and furious gameplay, and cunning AIs to this classic genre and much-loved platform. Challenge any number of AIs to a single-player game, or connect from one to dozens of friends' calculators over CALCnet and go head-to-head in a multiplayer match! Set the angle and power of your shot, watch out for the wind, and take aim at your enemies! The last tank standing wins the match. With the power of the recently-released global CALCnet, you can even play in friends from across town, across the country, or around the world in a game of Obliterate on your calculator. Please test out this release and report any bugs.
As stated, please play the game and report any bugs in the attached topic. I will be playing on the gCn virtual hub 'oblithub' if anyone would like to test with me over global CALCnet. Assuming that this release is relatively bug-free, expect a final release within the next few days!
Obliterate v1.0 Beta
WOW, i'm the first one to reply!
Busy downloading it, but it will be awsome!
EDIT1: :S Do you need CalcNet for it? I didn't use it and it crached by pressing play! :S
EDIT2: WOW, it works now, and it is EPIC! Veary good job Kerm! I think the problem was, that i set the minimum players to 1. Wink
EDIT3: I think it would change the controls, so that you aim right/left and change power with up/down.
Please please please edit your posts. SaxJax was offline, so I didn't see your posts. So you're saying if you set the minimum number of players to 1, the game crashes? Is that replicable?
Without cable, don't have one yet. And srry coz of posts, edited now, but i can't deleat post 2 and 3! :S
Sorunome wrote:
Without cable, don't have one yet. And srry coz of posts, edited now, but i can't deleat post 2 and 3! :S
No, I mean, if you set the minimum number of players to 1, does the game crash again?
Great KermM, the new screenies look even better, but my question is how fast it is and how many players at the same time, 4?
ScoutDavid wrote:
Great KermM, the new screenies look even better, but my question is how fast it is and how many players at the same time, 4?
Please read FTA:
"or connect from one to dozens of friends' calculators over CALCnet and go head-to-head in a multiplayer match"
Also, regarding the speed, those screenshots are realtime. Throw it on your calculator and see for yourself!
Niiiice, now to find my calc. it is still missing ;.;
qazz42 wrote:
Niiiice, now to find my calc. it is still missing ;.;
I thought you had both an Nspire and a TI-84+, didn't you? Or am I mistaken?
yes, but my TI-84+SE is missing, and the nspire 84 keypad connectors are too faulty, it disconnects every 3 seconds...
Darn this is impressive. I just tried it for a bit and I think I'm gonna get addicted. Unfortunately I do not have a CALCnet network right now so it's either link play vs myself or single player vs AI, but still, even in single player it's well done.
Also the linking is very nice. I have a crappy link cable so moving the calcs around breaks connection, but during the game if that happens it simply waits until connection is made again. Pretty good idea, no risk of screwing the game up.
Nice work Kerm!
Btw, for calc-calc link play, I tested using a TI-83 Plus and a TI-Nspire.
Qazz, bummer, sorry to hear it. DJ, I'm glad to hear that it works well on the TI-Nspire; I hadn't checked to make sure the AI routines worked without any illegal instructions. Did you try playing with AIs on your Nspire by any chance? Hopefully you'll be able to join us for some gCn Obliterate when I finish the Direct USB implementation.
And cheers for the article.
Oh I forgot to check that, sorry. I only tested linked play so far.
I'm gonna try AI, now.
Crap, nope it doesn't work. Calc reboots when it's the AI's turn.
I assume they must be game-side, not CALCnet, since Flourish worked fine when I tried it.
That's fair, it's more or less Murphy's Law that since I didn't check for undocumented instructions, that I used them by accident.
Thanks for checking; I'll fix that up later today.
Kerm, haha, I am usually the one to remind you
(although none of that will happen now that the 84 keypad connectors are combusted
qazz42 wrote:
Kerm, haha, I am usually the one to remind you
(although none of that will happen now that the 84 keypad connectors are combusted
Yeah, you usually are. In fact, I think you reminded me about it a week or two ago.
Hmm, I did, but I think you had other things on your mind, so I didnt push it/forgot
btw, now that this is done, any chance of getting the MT3 player to output mt3s like quadplayer, something you wanted me to nag you about I remember...
qazz42 wrote:
Hmm, I did, but I think you had other things on your mind, so I didnt push it/forgot
btw, now that this is done, any chance of getting the MT3 player to output mt3s like quadplayer, something you wanted me to nag you about I remember...
Yeah, I suppose I can quickly do that before I start Direct USB; would you mind reminding me in the relevant thread?
ah, ok, just that thought passed by at that moment
qazz42 wrote:
ah, ok, just that thought passed by at that moment
Not a problem, understood. Now I just need to remember what the undocumented instructions are. I think sll is probably the culprit.