Added some basic quote functionality:
!q - Get a random quote
!q <id> - Gets quote with given id.
!qadd <text> - Adds the quote. Use | to denote new lines. User \| to escape |. Use \\ to escape \.
!qfind <search string> - Searches for a quote and returns the top result. Lists other quotes that match.
Things to add:
!qdel <id> - Deletes quote (voiced/opped only)
Some sort of limiting of quotes returned
Limit of text output.
Tari is thinking of/working on a web frontend.
Added !qdel (voiced/opped only. marks as deleted without actually removing from DB)
Added quotes to !total
Quotes now use link database for addedby
!karma should show the rank of the user also, in addition to the score.
For example, "!karma username" returns "username has a score of 9001 and is ranked #1337."
It was proposed as a joke, but I built a web interface for decbot.
And yes, it still works properly if you don't have javascript.
Very nice work, Tari

Two things, though:
1) Names with the same score should have the same rank
2) When a really long name shows up on the table, it stretches out and is covered by the graph.
Two more things, Tari:
1) Total score should be displayed somewhere. Ideally at the top, and also include total names.
Here's the SQL I use for !total. A similar output would be nice.
2) When I scroll all the way to the bottom it crashed in Firefox. Can't reproduce in Chrome.
merthsoft wrote:
1) Names with the same score should have the same rank
merthsoft wrote:
2) When a really long name shows up on the table, it stretches out and is covered by the graph.
Too much work to make the styling play nice. It's on my list, but I don't really want to wrestle with layout engines.
merthsoft wrote:
1) Total score should be displayed somewhere. Ideally at the top, and also include total names.
merthsoft wrote:
2) When I scroll all the way to the bottom it crashed in Firefox. Can't reproduce in Chrome.
Unable to reproduce.
Tari wrote:
merthsoft wrote:
2) When a really long name shows up on the table, it stretches out and is covered by the graph.
Too much work to make the styling play nice. It's on my list, but I don't really want to wrestle with layout engines.
Could you stick a "word-wrap: break-word" CSS rule in there to force a break midword when needed?
Couple've changes:
1) Now does tracking of karma changes in the DB. I think Tari plans on doing something with this.
2) Moved what site it spits out to the ini to make changing in the future easier.
3) Added !site to say the site.
4) Removed +v/+o restriction on doing !top.
Feature request for the site:
On individual users' pages, it'd be cool if it listed the links associated with that user.
This is actually pretty cool.

Still reading through the posts.
I finished implementing score history graphs today, using the new karma change table.
Or a slightly more meaningful dataset:
Made it so multiple ++s on the same line get combined into a single entry in the change log. We should maybe go through the DB and consolidate changes from the same time... Oh well.
Made other backend changes, too, see
bitbucket if you're interested.
I imported IRC logs from the end of February up to when we deployed change tracking, so there's more history for some names now.
I've updated decbot to use instead of tinyurl. This means no more previews of the pages, and it's a little quicker. See my
Bit Bucket if you're interested in the changes. Nothing actually in the decbot repo, just the other API repos.
I've added (hopefully) auto-reconnect. We'll see how it does.
Well, it went 9 days without going down, so I guess that's good news. In other news, Adriweb found a small bug where I wasn't doing correct bounds checking on the !base command, causing some unexpected behavior. It's been fixed and the code committed.
A couple more things have been fixed since the last post:
1) If W|A gives back an empty response, decbot will report that no response was given and give the link to go directly to W|A
2) You can set the DB protocol through the ini file
3) DecBot3 should no longer die when the DB connection dies, it'll just report an error.
Code as always is at
<TC01> does DecBot3 not answer karma queries via privmsg? I wanted to check mine (and not spam the channel), but it didn't say anything
<notipa> TC01, send feature request to Merth
Any chance this could be implemented? It should be pretty simple (in fact, I could probably do it myself, though I'd have to spend some time reading the codebase first, and I haven't really done much C# before) and it might reduce the amount of ~botabuse in IRC.
Bug report: incrementing a linked username to your own name doesn't decrement yourself.
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