Ouch. Didn't see that coming.
comicIDIOT wrote:
Ouch. Didn't see that coming.
I researched that carefully, since I'm an optimist and tend to trust my fellow man more often than not, indeed more often than I should, but when I know you've crossed me and done something to take credit for my work, I'm not a happy camper.
comicIDIOT wrote:
Ouch. Didn't see that coming.

No joke, that guy just took a bish slap to the face. Shock Though I wouldn't have been able to censor myself like that, I probably would have been banned instantly if it was my stuff... >.<
By the way I am Sonlen/Chris I have just started coding recently, about a month, so I am working hard to learn and live up to a professional programmers standards, as I want to program when I am out of school.
Sonlen wrote:
comicIDIOT wrote:
Ouch. Didn't see that coming.

No joke, that guy just took a bish slap to the face. Shock Though I wouldn't have been able to censor myself like that, I probably would have been banned instantly if it was my stuff... >.<
By the way I am Sonlen/Chris I have just started coding recently, about a month, so I am working hard to learn and live up to a professional programmers standards, as I want to program when I am out of school.
Welcome to Cemetech, it's great to have you here. Smile I am curious how you found us for the text sprite help. As far as professional programming goes, do you have any computer languages that you know or plan to learn in the near or far future?
KermMartian wrote:
Sonlen wrote:
comicIDIOT wrote:
Ouch. Didn't see that coming.

No joke, that guy just took a bish slap to the face. Shock Though I wouldn't have been able to censor myself like that, I probably would have been banned instantly if it was my stuff... >.<
By the way I am Sonlen/Chris I have just started coding recently, about a month, so I am working hard to learn and live up to a professional programmers standards, as I want to program when I am out of school.
Welcome to Cemetech, it's great to have you here. Smile I am curious how you found us for the text sprite help. As far as professional programming goes, do you have any computer languages that you know or plan to learn in the near or far future?

I have messed with a couple programs, though it was custom to those specific things, I know a bit of ActionScript 3.0(well did, I have forgotten most of it lately) and I do want to learn some form, if not all (3 I think) forms of C.
Forgot to mention, I really don't know what made me choose to join here for the help over other places.
KermM, you deserve to win one internet for that detailed description of how he did wrong! Very Happy
Ah, ActionScript is fun. I messed with it a tiny, tiny bit back in the day, but never really did anything with it. By 3 forms of C, do you mean C, C#, and C++?
KermMartian wrote:
Ah, ActionScript is fun. I messed with it a tiny, tiny bit back in the day, but never really did anything with it. By 3 forms of C, do you mean C, C#, and C++?

For some reason, I think I saw a C, C+, and C++, though I could be wrong about the middle, not 100% sure.
I'm shocked, but not surprised. I was wondering why programs looked like they were copied... Razz

Anyway, I'm not really the upset one here, KermM is. He's a great person to work with and ask questions to, and he's a really fun, happy-go-lucky person. Wink Of course, he really really REALLY hates it when people steal his stuff.

I've seen your skills, but stealing wasn't something I thought of. Especially when people also vouched for ya too... even I was surprised.

I admit, I've even stolen and named code after myself, but only for l o l s and fun. But in the end, I never release it online, nor do I keep it. The only files that remain on the calc are the stuff that I've done, aka DODGEIT and some random files on it.

In the end, I think you should do as he suggested: apologize, remove the files, and follow the fun path of TI programming. Very Happy You're still a fun hacker IMO, and the TI community needs a person like you. It's definitely a lot of fun here, and as long as you don't piss people off, you're fine. Wink

That said, enjoy your stay at Cemetech! Smile There's quite a few knowledgeable people here, and they'd love to help you. Wink

comicIDIOT wrote:
Hyped wrote:
Oh hi there Kerm Very Happy

Aren't you the famous guy who made Doors CS6? Its a great shell, I use it more than mirage actually Very Happy
Care to check out Doors CS 7? Then Very Happy

I haven't been very busy with calc stuff lately, but before, my current projects were trying to optimize TI-Boy to run on calculator models that were newer and don't support the hardware needs of the application like the old models before TI changed the hardwares a while ago. Other stuff was working with a friend on making a program that could jailbreak ipod touches/iphones....we're still waiting on it to be released. I think the guy who built Mirage was helping us too. Other than that, building some fun basic programs and discovering hidden key combinations of the calc to reset some stuff, that's about it. Razz
It sounds like a Jailbreaking program for the iDevices on a calculator, or did I miss any clues as to what that jailbreaking thing is being developed on?

It was a very silent project. It started as a series of questions, and then evolved into a full blown project between me and BrandonW. I suck at Z80 ASM, so I let the USB geek BrandonW do all the work. Wink I fed him the exploits and payload from Blackra1n for use. Later, it turned out that 1) It didn't really work out the way it should have; 2) It died, but still remains on his SVN as iPTools (or something similar).

He gets pretty much all the cred, since I'm just a person with the ideas and some files. Wink
KermMartian wrote:
...and in fact the ASM one looks like CoBB's tutorial, which I checked out a few years ago.
Yep, that's CoBB's guide.
~Rubik's cube solver
~A crude version of Guitar Hero that runs too fast
~3D animations
~A bunch of math suites/programs
~Pokemon Blue/Red working on certain models of the 84+, but then TI changed hardware a few years

~Stolen, seen that somewhere already
~Already seen that, it was featured infact, and it also happened to "run too fast"
~feh, not gonna bother
~cough *buckeye* cough (btw, those bugs were fix)

you sir are an idiot, please try to not steal a program, and advertise it on a site that is owned by the creator of said program.
Alberthro has it exactly right. If you mess with people's code, given them credit, ask their permission, or don't release it. If you work with the original coder, he or she usually is more than happy to help you, guide you, and share credit with you. It's outright theft of something you spent a long time, or even a little time, writing and coding and thinking about. If you don't steal things and instead write your own code or work with other programmers with their knowledge, we would be more than happy to work with you, share what we know, and learn from you as well. Smile I hope that's what will happen.
You got pwned Hyped!

Anyway, stealing other people's intellectual property is wrong, whether it be stealing code or pirating DVDS/CDs/software.

@Kerm: Good catch Smile. I personally would not have been able todo what you did.
I don't think I've ever introduced myself. -_-
Well my nick is xXEpicxXXxFailXx (epicfail for short), and the name suits me because of all the fails I come across on a daily basis.
I originally stared programming in C++ way back when I was in Elementary school, but never finished a single project
that was any good... After that i got into Visual Basic and C, and finished only one game and a demo of another using several
different IDE's. About a year ago I got my first TI, an 83+. I knew it could program, but never got into it for quite a while.
Then I started programming around March, and started asking n00b questions on cemetech right away. Oh, the nostalgia... Well since then, I've grown quite a bit in mah skillz, I should hope. So this is my official very belated hello to cemetech. Hello.

Kerm++ for epic.
souvik1997 wrote:
You got pwned Hyped!

Anyway, stealing other people's intellectual property is wrong, whether it be stealing code or pirating DVDS/CDs/software.

@Kerm: Good catch Smile. I personally would not have been able todo what you did.

It's just a good use of search engines, and about the DVDs and what not, I beleive it is legal as long as YOU own the original and NO PROFIT is made to YOU, though I could be wrong.
I have spotted some copied programs myself and have posted about it on my forum in his intro topic. Stealing other people work == wrong. Also it was rather easy for me to spot some of them because like Kerm, I've been in the TI community for around a decade and we have both seen those programs arriving fresh on ticalc.org over the years.
@EpicFail: Hello! Great to have you here, and don't be so down on yourself! Sad You seem to be a very competent coder from what I've seen of your work thus far, and I'm sure you'll be very successful here and in real life. And thanks for cheering me on, I'm standing up not only for myself but for all of us and our hard work.

@Souvik, cheers

@DJ_Omni: It's true; I've seen countless copies of my and other programs make their way onto ticalc.org, and for all the ones that DJ, myself, and other community members catch, I'm sure there are tons that we unfortunately miss. Sad
KermMartian wrote:
...You seem to be a very competent coder from what I've seen of your work thus far...

Why thank you, in fact I dug up the demo of the game I was working on last summer, it was quite good, but I abandoned it for time reasons.

House of Horror

It had problems with story mode, but arcade mode killed a lot of time.
Even I knew he stole it, before looking at Kerm's post

though I thought he stole graph3 made my Detached Solutions
Edit: 100th post Very Happy

My nick is souvik1997, but my real name is Souvik Banerjee. I recently joined the TI community (about a year ago) and i know BASIC and i can code very simple asm. I got my first and only calc when i was in sixth grade, a TI 84+SE. Right now i am in eighth grade and i have two major projects:

DoorsCS GUI editor
Developing apps for KnightOS

The only programming languages i know are z80, TI BASIC, a little Python, some C, some C++, some Java, and my favorite, bash scripting.

I know Algebra 1, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus 1.
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