While I was browsing I found this:
became this:
EDIT: When I posted this post, the topic inserted another page, with nothing on it.
It says Caleb_J is offline:
But I am hiding my online session and I am declared online. (I can't really get an image of this)
I don't think this is a site bug, but there's not really a good place to put it.
I'm not convinced this is a bug, your phone could have had Caleb_J's signature image cached from when he was offline.
Shockingly, with some spamming help and nag-couragement from Mateo and PT_ (and others), a longstanding problem with this and a few other topics has been solved. The bug's symptoms were that each time the topic overflowed to a new page (for example, 880->881 posts, or 879->880 replies, a multiple of 20), you would get "No posts were found for this topic" trying to view the new post. We've known about this bug for over a decade, and we've never succeeded in tracking it down. Thanks to some spamming, we replicated it for this topic, and through some careful sleuthing, found that the database and in-page reply count didn't match the actual number of posts being displayed. I found the culprit on page 8 of 44, which turned out to be a perfectly reasonable post by a deleted user. It looks like the user was deleted by simply removing his row from the database, rather than actually properly deleting him (which I believe sets the username of all his posts to "Anonymous"). The forum was hiding these posts, since they had no associated valid user. For what it's worth, at least one of the users in question was Netham45, so thank you for mystifying us for a decade!
KermMartian wrote:
The forum was hiding these posts, since they had no associated valid user.
That seems like a pretty silly way to handle it, phpBB. At least keep the post visible. Oh well, glad it's fixed. Did you happen to make note of the UID, perhaps we can look for other posts by that user that occasionally affected other topics?
Alex wrote:
KermMartian wrote:
The forum was hiding these posts, since they had no associated valid user.
That seems like a pretty silly way to handle it, phpBB. At least keep the post visible. Oh well, glad it's fixed. Did you happen to make note of the UID, perhaps we can look for other posts by that user that occasionally affected other topics? I ran a DB query that reverted the user_id of every post that referred to a user_id that no longer exists to -1 (Anonymous/Guest). I believe they might have all been Netham45's posts, because all 453 posts that matched this criterion were between post ID 34000 and 57000.
How can someone enter the room,
before they even make their account? Also, SAX didn't greet them.
Not a bug.
You have to reactivate your account if you reset your password, or change your e-mail. So, they likely did one of those things. So, they signed in first (entered the room) and changed something in their profile (either password or e-mail) then clicked the activation link they were sent via e-mail to reactive their account.
On the contrary, PJC didn't register or activate a new account. Showing messages for these events are valid, but the verbiage used is misleading. Perhaps "<name> activated their account" as this would be neutral for use in both cases?
http://decbot.cemetech.net/quotes/ is broken.
For me, quote #71 loops back to quote #123 if I scroll down far enough.
I was going to create a video of Siri saying all of the quotes and it was going to be awesome, but if I can't load all of the quotes how is one to do that?
_iPhoenix_ wrote:
http://decbot.cemetech.net/quotes/ is broken.
For me, quote #71 loops back to quote #123 if I scroll down far enough.
I was going to create a video of Siri saying all of the quotes and it was going to be awesome, but if I can't load all of the quotes how is one to do that?
Nah, it's not just you, I think this issue is for everyone.
Part of me says this isn't a website issue, since it's not actually Cemetech related. Sure it's a feature of a bot in our community and that we happen to host the Decbot frontend on Cemetech itself, as well as a few other of Merths projects.
Alex wrote:
Part of me says this isn't a website issue, since it's not actually Cemetech related. Sure it's a feature of a bot in our community and that we happen to host the Decbot frontend on Cemetech itself, as well as a few other of Merths projects.
Point taken, and that thought crossed my mind, but I didn't know where elst to put it.
Thank you for the information.
No worries, like you I'm not sure where a better place to post it is. So, this works just as well

Maybe the DecBot topic but I think that's more geared to the bot itself.
_iPhoenix_ wrote:
http://decbot.cemetech.net/quotes/ is broken.
For me, quote #71 loops back to quote #123 if I scroll down far enough.
I was going to create a video of Siri saying all of the quotes and it was going to be awesome, but if I can't load all of the quotes how is one to do that?
To actually answer the question (given I wrote that), it's probably something silly with pagination. You can directly query the API.
I'm not in the About section. I call that a bug, since I'm staff as well.
The message that says "Your file is now available in the archives for immediate download, and can be found in the new files list at the bottom of the homepage for the next seven days." is a little bit outdated.
Also I vote for making the tools and resources section more prominent on the homepage, such as SourceCoder, jsTIfied, and the books.
I'm no longer a New Member!
However, my signature doesn't know it.
It's not a cached image, as the 100 posts is correct.
You can submit anonymous numerical ratings for the same program in the archives multiple times.
(or at least it looks like you can. I didn't try, largely because I have common sense)
I think that new ratings should replace old ones, or the option to rate a program should be removed, (potentially) until the program is updated.
You can't. I tried. I asked Kerm how he tracked program votes a while ago when doing a personal project and he couldn't find where they were saved. So, I tried voting on a program twice but it didn't work. So he looked harder and discovered younger Kerm had some bad habits. So, while we track who submitted ratings we unfortunately don't track what those ratings are.