I sumitted Cave version 1.4 to ticalc.org about 3 weeks ago, but it has not shown up.

In the meantime, I have given it to many people at my school, some of whom have 83+s (I have an 84+SE, and everyone so far that had tested had an 84+ or higher), and found the game ran much too slowly.

To compensate for this, I rewrote the code, entirely for speed. This makes the game much better for the 83+s, but when the same version is run on the 84+SE, it is incredibly hard to react quickly enough to even move, especially on any of the higher difficulties.

I am planning on releasing 2 versions, 83 and 84, in version 1.5, but I was wondering, especially for the people that have 84s, should I make the speed just a little higher, a lot faster, or stay the same?
I will email you a version, if you want, but note that the version I have on my computer right now is 1.4, and requires OmniCalc for the Penguin Studio logo, but you can just edit that part out, if you don't want to use the picture (first part of it).

Basically, what speed to you think my Cave game should run on? When run on the 84+SE, it could possibly be even faster than games such as Fast Tunnel in ASM...
Did you just take the speed option in all speed size trade offs or did you optimize. If it was optimization I say definitly keep it. BTW, how much memory do you have left? That can effect speed too. I gave you my email, so send it to me.
I have already sent you mathprogram, and will send you cave shortly.

When I redid it for speed, I pretty much added a couple bytes and pretty maxed out the speed (I did not optimize for memory).

I also tested it on my sisters 83+, and it ran at least 50% faster, which basically makes it playable.

NOTE: The version I will send you is the version that is NOT optimized for speed.

My biggest worry is that the speed is that the new version is TOO fast for the 84s.

Just post up the code.
Alright, here is the code to Cave 1.4.

Tomorrow, I will post the Cave for the version optimized for speed (and the few other slight changes in 1.5).

:¦ Text(‾1,28,30,"STUDIOS
:¦ Text(‾1,0,10,"(C) 9-2-2006
:¦ Text(‾1,38,4,"P R E S E N T S
:¦ Line(0,16,94,16
:¦ Line(0,54,94,54
:¦ For(I,0,94-72(K=2),2
:¦ ¦ real(20,1,0,0,56,16,I,10,2
:¦ ¦ real(20,1,0,0,56,16,I,10,2
:¦ ¦ real(20,1,0,0,56,16,I,10,2
:¦ ¦ real(20,1,0,0,56,16,I,10,1
:¦ End
:¦ Text(‾1,50,22,"CAVE GAME
:¦ Text(57,42,"v 1.4
:DelVar KRepeat K=1
:¦ ClrHome
:¦ Disp "C-A-V-E  G-A-M-E","  version 1.4","","Penguin Studios","----------------","","Main Programmer:
:¦ Output(8,3,"Bryce Taylor
:¦ Pause
:¦ Disp "  Difficulty  "," Rookie"," Easy"," Moderate"," Hard"," Insane"," Deity
:¦ Output(8,2,"[CLEAR] to Quit
:¦ ∟CAVE(1→X
:¦ If not(X
:¦ 2→X
:¦ DelVar θRepeat θ=21 or θ=105 or θ=45
:¦ ¦ Output(X,1,"
:¦ ¦ Output(X-1,1,"
:¦ ¦ Output(X+1,1,"
:¦ ¦ getKey→θ
:¦ ¦ X+(θ=34 and X<7)-(θ=25 and X>2→X
:¦ End
:¦ X→∟CAVE(1
:¦ ClrHome
:¦ 3→L
:¦ 4→G
:¦ DelVar K
:¦ If θ=45:1→K
:¦ DelVar SRepeat K or not(L
:¦ ¦ Output(8,1,"SCORE:-----
:¦ ¦ Output(8,7,S
:¦ ¦ Output(8,14,sub("σσσ   ",4-L,3
:¦ ¦ randInt(1,7→A
:¦ ¦ randInt(1,7→B
:¦ ¦ randInt(1,7→C
:¦ ¦ randInt(1,7→D
:¦ ¦ randInt(1,7→E
:¦ ¦ randInt(1,7→F
:¦ ¦ For(I,12-X,1,‾1
:¦ ¦ ¦ getKey→θ
:¦ ¦ ¦ G+(θ=34 and G<7)-(θ=25 and G>1→G
:¦ ¦ ¦ Output(A,I,"φ
:¦ ¦ ¦ Output(B,I,"φ
:¦ ¦ ¦ Output(C,I,"φ
:¦ ¦ ¦ Output(D,I,"φ
:¦ ¦ ¦ Output(E,I,"φ
:¦ ¦ ¦ Output(F,I,"φ
:¦ ¦ ¦ Output(G,1,"σ
:¦ ¦ ¦ If G>1
:¦ ¦ ¦ Output(G-1,1,"
:¦ ¦ ¦ If G<7
:¦ ¦ ¦ Output(G+1,1,"
:¦ ¦ ¦ If θ=105
:¦ ¦ ¦ Pause
:¦ ¦ ¦ If θ=45
:¦ ¦ ¦ 1→K
:¦ ¦ ¦ S+randInt(40,50→S
:¦ ¦ End
:¦ ¦ Output(A,1,"
:¦ ¦ Output(B,1,"
:¦ ¦ Output(C,1,"
:¦ ¦ Output(D,1,"
:¦ ¦ Output(E,1,"
:¦ ¦ Output(F,1,"
:¦ ¦ If A=G or B=G or C=G or D=G or E=G or F=G
:¦ ¦ L-1→L
:¦ End
:¦ ClrHome
:¦ ClrDraw
:¦ AxesOff
:¦ Text(‾1,40,10,"Your Rank:
:¦ Line(0,5,94,5
:¦ Line(0,10,94,10
:¦ Text(‾1,25,25,S
:¦ If S>∟CAVE(X
:¦ Then
:¦ ¦ S→∟CAVE(X
:¦ ¦ Text(‾1,10,10,"High Score!
:¦ ¦ For(I,6,9
:¦ ¦ ¦ Line(0,I,94,I
:¦ ¦ End
:¦ ¦ Else
:¦ ¦ For(I,6,9
:¦ ¦ ¦ Line(0,I,94S/∟CAVE(X),I
:¦ ¦ End
:¦ End
:¦ Pause
:¦ Disp " High Scores:","Rookie:    -----","Easy:      -----","Moderate:  -----","Hard:      -----","Insane:    -----","Deity:     -----
:¦ For(I,2,7
:¦ ¦ Output(I,12,∟CAVE(I
:¦ End
:¦ Pause
:Output(1,1,"Thanks for      Playing

NOTE, there isn't the source coder thing at the bottom, but no, I didn't type this up Very Happy
There's a couple things. Use 1->deltaX and 1->deltaY instead of 94->X:62->Y. Also use If max(G={A,B,C,D,E,F instead of If A=G or B=G or C=G or D=G or E=G. Finally use Repeat max(theta={21,105,45 instead of Repeat theta=21 or theta=105 or theta=45.
I had already changed to using the Max in the program, but not the first one.

What type of calculator did you play it on?

What I want to know is how do you think I should do the speed for the calculators that are much faster?

But that modification did make it a little faster for the 83+...

Thanks for viewing the game!

How did you like it in general?
I applied the optimizations Sage Orator suggested and some of my own. Does the game work any better now?

:Text(-1,0,10,"(C) 9-2-2006
:Text(-1,38,4,"P R E S E N T S
:Text(-1,50,22,"CAVE GAME
:Text(57,42,"v 1.4
:Repeat θ=45
:Disp "C-A-V-E  G-A-M-E","  version 1.4","","Penguin Studios","----------------","","Main Programmer:
:Output(8,3,"Bryce Taylor
:Disp "  Difficulty  "," Rookie"," Easy"," Moderate"," Hard"," Insane"," Deity
:Output(8,2,"[CLEAR] to Quit
:If not(X
:Repeat max(θ={21,45,105
:X+(Ans=34 and X<7)-(Ans=25 and X>2→X
:DelVar S3→L:4→G
:While not(θ=45 and L
:Output(8,14,sub("σσσ   ",4-L,3
:G+(Ans=34 and G<7)-(Ans=25 and G>1→G
:If θ=105
:Text(-1,40,10,"Your Rank:
:Text(-1,10,10,"High Score!
:Disp " High Scores:","Rookie:    -----","Easy:      -----","Moderate:  -----","Hard:      -----","Insane:    -----","Deity:     -----
:Output(1,1,"Thanks for      Playing
uh...I'm still having trouble finding my cable, so I haven't tried it out yet.
burr wrote:
I applied the optimizations Sage Orator suggested and some of my own. Does the game work any better now?

:Text(-1,0,10,"(C) 9-2-2006
:Text(-1,38,4,"P R E S E N T S
:Text(-1,50,22,"CAVE GAME
:Text(57,42,"v 1.4
:Repeat θ=45
:Disp "C-A-V-E  G-A-M-E","  version 1.4","","Penguin Studios","----------------","","Main Programmer:
:Output(8,3,"Bryce Taylor
:Disp "  Difficulty  "," Rookie"," Easy"," Moderate"," Hard"," Insane"," Deity
:Output(8,2,"[CLEAR] to Quit
:If not(X
:Repeat max(θ={21,45,105
:X+(Ans=34 and X<7)-(Ans=25 and X>2→X
:DelVar S3→L:4→G
:While not(θ=45 and L
:Output(8,14,sub("σσσ   ",4-L,3
:G+(Ans=34 and G<7)-(Ans=25 and G>1→G
:If θ=105
:Text(-1,40,10,"Your Rank:
:Text(-1,10,10,"High Score!
:Disp " High Scores:","Rookie:    -----","Easy:      -----","Moderate:  -----","Hard:      -----","Insane:    -----","Deity:     -----
:Output(1,1,"Thanks for      Playing

Some of those changes you made only save size - not speed.

Lists are slower than regular variables, and it is always faster to write out what you are going to do instead of using For loops. I mainly am worried about speed on the 83 instead of the size...
It really makes a huge difference when you use the If Then statements instead of just If statements, along with increasing the score outside the for loop, and only outputing you and the spaces if you move, and only even considering the movement commands if you press a key...

I won't be here much today, so I won't be able to post the version written entirely for speed Sad
I'll wait until you send me the speed version before making any more suggestions but don't be so quick to dismiss the suggestions Burr made.
I have loaded the beta version of Cave 1.5 (83 version, so it is named CAVE83...) onto my computer, and will send it to you as soon as I finish posting this message.

YES!!! We have finally gotten our website updated, and it now includes 5 programs to download, 2 of which are by me. We should have more coming up shortly, as soon as I write ReadMes to them Very Happy

I will put the link in my signature, and here it is.

Also, give your opinion of our website in general (keep in mind everyone in Penguin Studios is in 8th grade...), please. Thanks.

Also, try MathProgram 2.2, also on our site.

And, the link is:

Hope everyone likes it!


But anyways, good job on the website.
Hey, don't make fun of my picture Very Happy

We have this weird thing at our school called professional Friday, where we get rewards for dressing professionally. This was one of the only pictures he could find, so that is what he used. Also note that they make us stand in weird positions to take our pictures and put them on our school's website and on our new wall of video monitors which our school wasted a bunch of money on.

I really need to update the thingie about me because it is from about 6 months ago, back when I had my other calculator. None of those games exist, except for Cave and TicTacTo, which I am currently rebuilding (got some of the AI written, and it works for 2 players).
/me requests that you add Cemetech to the links page.
Yeah, and where is TI-Freakware? And Omnimaga?
Remember, I am not doing the website, another guy is. I will tell him to add those links, but they may not be up for a day or two (still, loading programs there is much faster than loading to ticalc.org Laughing ). Also remember that we are in the proccess of making many changes to the site to make it better.

Has anyone tried any of the programs yet? I think all of them include ReadMes...

EDIT: Forgot to tell everyone, you are more than welcome to try out our new email address Very Happy
Put the url in quotes (in your signature)
Ok good, I'll keep an eye out for it. It's very simplistic, but that's all it really needs to be right now.

I had made some suggestions for your math program but the email got screwed up apparently. There's a lot of optimization that could be done to the password program, plus it can be bypassed by [ON]. There's a couple of things that could be improved in the other programs. I'll make more detailed comments on cave later. Does any of these programs use a lib?

LOL, you do look professional.
Harq wrote:
-Did you really need to read this message?


Take out the quotes. I think you had a space in the url place.
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