I'm using the online ClrHome z80 assembler and whenever I try to set a variable to AppBackupScreen, or the address of AppBackupScreen, it says
Is there a reason why it does this, and how can I go about fixing it? I tried using different capitalizations and stuff, it still wouldn't work.
Another question I have..(sorry if this is too many questions, but I tried looking them up already and couldn't find answers Dx) is: how can you print integers and variables to the screen, in the row and column of your choice? I could only find for how to do this with strings.
Unknown instruction or directive var1 (" var1 .equ AppBackupScreen" on line 6 in test_z80)
Is there a reason why it does this, and how can I go about fixing it? I tried using different capitalizations and stuff, it still wouldn't work.
Another question I have..(sorry if this is too many questions, but I tried looking them up already and couldn't find answers Dx) is: how can you print integers and variables to the screen, in the row and column of your choice? I could only find for how to do this with strings.