- TI-BASIC terminal
- 11 Nov 2016 05:29:46 pm
- Last edited by JWinslow23 on 15 Nov 2016 03:41:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
I made a TI-BASIC terminal-style scheme for input and input processing.
The input is already all taken care of. You can input letters, spaces, and numbers (I might revamp this, because on hindsight, I might not need numbers except for special cases). What I think is innovative about this is the scrolling and input processing.
The scrolling works like this: Str9 contains each line, with a boxplot character at the end (basically, any character I'm sure won't appear in the string), and L1 contains the x-positions of the text. Each are shifted as a new line is added, and the screen is redrawn.
The input processing is a little more clever: Str1 is stripped of extraneous spaces, and separated by keyword. If a keyword is found, a code (unique for each keyword) is added to Str2. Then, Str2 is searched for each combination of keywords that do commands, and then that command is done.
To add a keyword:
In CPROCESS, there are lines that go like this:
First, make sure there are enough characters in the giant string in the bottom. Add some if necessary.
In the expression in the second line, add a piecewise expression with the number of the keyword and the keyword itself like this:
The Nth character in that giant string in the bottom is the corresponding character for your keyword, so remember it.
Note: multiple words can be assigned to one code, but one code cannot match more than one word.
To add a command:
Commands are strings of keyword codes. For example, in the example program, "398C" represents "WHAT ARE YOU CALLED".
In CCOMMAND, add a section like this:
To output a line of text, do this:
OUTPUT is your output line, XPOS is the X-position of the line, and IS_NEWLINE is 0 if this line overwrites the last line, and 1 if it scrolls up.
Questions? Ask me, and I'll try to clarify. Keep in mind, however, this may not be bug-free or optimized fully. If anyone is willing to help, that would be swell.
Download here.

The input is already all taken care of. You can input letters, spaces, and numbers (I might revamp this, because on hindsight, I might not need numbers except for special cases). What I think is innovative about this is the scrolling and input processing.
The scrolling works like this: Str9 contains each line, with a boxplot character at the end (basically, any character I'm sure won't appear in the string), and L1 contains the x-positions of the text. Each are shifted as a new line is added, and the screen is redrawn.
The input processing is a little more clever: Str1 is stripped of extraneous spaces, and separated by keyword. If a keyword is found, a code (unique for each keyword) is added to Str2. Then, Str2 is searched for each combination of keywords that do commands, and then that command is done.
To add a keyword:
In CPROCESS, there are lines that go like this:
{Ans="QUIT" or Ans="EXIT" or Ans="DONE" or Ans="BYE" or Ans="GOODBYE" or Ans="CYA",Ans="TEST" or Ans="TESTING",Ans="HI" or Ans="HELLO" or Ans="HEY" or Ans="HEYA" or Ans="HIYA" or Ans="YO",Ans="WHAT" or Ans="WHATS" or Ans="WHATZ" or Ans="WTF" or Ans="WOT" or Ans="WOTS" or Ans="WOTZ" or Ans="WAT" or Ans="WATS" or Ans="WATZ" or Ans="WUT" or Ans="WUTS" or Ans="WUTZ",Ans="UP",Ans="WASSUP" or Ans="WAZZUP" or Ans="SUP",Ans="HOW",Ans="ARE" or Ans="R",Ans="YOU" or Ans="YA" or Ans="U",Ans="WHO",Ans="YOUR" or Ans="UR" or Ans="YUR",Ans="NAME" or Ans="NAEM",Ans="CALLED" or Ans="CALLD",Ans="SMART",Ans="REAL",Ans="MALE" or Ans="MAN" or Ans="BOY" or Ans="DUDE",Ans="FEMALE" or Ans="WOMAN" or Ans="GIRL" or Ans="LADY",Ans="GENDER" or Ans="SEX",Ans="STUPID" or Ans="DUMB" or Ans="IDIOT" or Ans="MORON"
If max(Ans
First, make sure there are enough characters in the giant string in the bottom. Add some if necessary.
In the expression in the second line, add a piecewise expression with the number of the keyword and the keyword itself like this:
The Nth character in that giant string in the bottom is the corresponding character for your keyword, so remember it.
Note: multiple words can be assigned to one code, but one code cannot match more than one word.
To add a command:
Commands are strings of keyword codes. For example, in the example program, "398C" represents "WHAT ARE YOU CALLED".
In CCOMMAND, add a section like this:
If inString(Str2,"command
command code goes here
Goto E
To output a line of text, do this:
OUTPUT is your output line, XPOS is the X-position of the line, and IS_NEWLINE is 0 if this line overwrites the last line, and 1 if it scrolls up.
Questions? Ask me, and I'll try to clarify. Keep in mind, however, this may not be bug-free or optimized fully. If anyone is willing to help, that would be swell.
Download here.