- Cemetech Minecraft Survey Responses Part I
- 01 Feb 2017 07:00:40 pm
- Last edited by Alex on 25 May 2017 03:08:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
Finally, the results. I was going to sit down and do this yesterday but when I went to Imgur to upload the photos I got stuck browsing the photos on the front page and before I knew it I had obligations to do like dinner and sleep. I regretfully haven't reached out to anybody regarding their feedback but thankfully there's very little I could follow up on.
We only had ten responses so this doesn't speak for a lot of our users -- 343 players have connected to our server. It's not a great sample size considering we have about 16-20 regular players but hopefully this feedback will help myself and the fellow mods address concerns and help get the Cemetech Server up to where you guys expect it to be.
I'm skipping some questions, such as the rating of the server as a whole and the plugins. As they don't really focus on this part. I'll include them in Part II when I talk about the economy.
We pride our rules on being common sense. We are a PvE server and as such players are encouraged to work together and be courteous. We have a very stringent no theft policy as players should exercise manners and courtesy when playing. Other common sense rules include no cheating, harassment and, consensual PvP matches only.
We did get some feedback here regarding the rules but nothing I want to come out and state until the mod team and I have had better conversations about the suggestion. Cause I know I'll say something and everyone will jump on board only for me to later say it won't be happening.
So, if the team and I come up with something that we think works then we'll either implement it or bring it to you guys for feedback.
Some of the more negative comments were that there is hardly anyone online to the fact that the launch of the server had more of a focus than the continued life of the server. I agree, the server was very active in the beginning and eventually curtailed into a boring server that has very little to offer. Abba Matches were popular until Elemental got busy with school and other activities and no one else really picked up the torch in his absence.
I've started to put together events for the server and pitching ideas to the mod team on how we can help create an engaging community but there are some obstacles in our way. More on that later.
This I expected. There have been regular complains about how small the map is and how abba world is a great middle ground. A majority of users who left additional feedback stated that the main world map size is great but that the abba world was on the small side. I'm going to quote a response:
That is exactly what we were going for. We didn't want it to be a chore to visit another town while also allowing enough room between players.
Going back to the number of players in the community response. We certainly wanted to keep the map on the small side because we didn't expect to have a lot of new players. After all, we are a server for the Cemetech community but we do try to attract outside interest. Tifreak8x streams some of his gameplay and we can attribute a few non-cemetech members visits from that. But again, we didn't anticipate a large external player growth. It seems like we hit the map size perfectly but we lack a continued community to keep things going. Again, more on that later.
You guys rated us pretty well. I didn't think we were doing a terrible job but I threw this in because I really wanted to know any issues that could be corrected, whether it be the mod team or something else. We have three moderators: Elemental, tifreak8x and, LittleMoonBeam. As well as two admins: comicIDIOT and KermMartian.
Now I know that there are players out there that put in a lot of time to the server and help out. It's appreciated. But we don't have the user base to justify promoting more players to a moderator position. I plan to tackle this a few ways. I am creating another moderator level. These moderators will basically be second hand admins, they'll be able to roll back griefing, teleport to players, permanently ban players and, run events. Still working out other permissions and limitations with tifreak8x on this one.
This should help create regular events and encourage a stronger community. I'll be around a bit more because I left my job in December. I've already put time into creating this survey and other endeavors. Without getting into too much detail, my job was a huge time sink. I would get off of work and have 4 hours before I had to be in bed. I had to squeeze in other daily errands into the work days and weekends were often spent having the life I couldn't during the week; My new job allows me to work from home half the time.
Changes are coming. Slowly. But I promise it's happening.
I'm not sure why I included "Other" but I probably intended that to be an "Maybe" option. One notable "Other" responses is that the low number of active players drives the user to pursue other servers or activities. Such as if there are 0 players online, they'd rather do something else than play solo. And, per the poll it's an interesting balance to maintain. Half of the participants are satisfied with the number of players on the server while the other half would like more. Hopefully an increase in activities promotes a healthy amount of players without driving away the positive half of this question.
Just leaving this here for conversation.
I was 100% surprised by this. Everyone was satisfied with the modes of transport. In a follow up question I asked about other modes you'd be interested in and only one player voted for teleportation. Considering the debate we had prior to launching I thought this would be higher and am pleasantly surprised that it's not.
Regarding Elytras. We hear you and they will soon be a drop when defeating the Ender Dragon as well as potential prizes in events.
In part two I'll cover the economy side of things. We have a pretty bad habit of discussing a few subjects and ignoring the rest. So to ensure everything is discussed equally I'll be splitting this up.
We only had ten responses so this doesn't speak for a lot of our users -- 343 players have connected to our server. It's not a great sample size considering we have about 16-20 regular players but hopefully this feedback will help myself and the fellow mods address concerns and help get the Cemetech Server up to where you guys expect it to be.
I'm skipping some questions, such as the rating of the server as a whole and the plugins. As they don't really focus on this part. I'll include them in Part II when I talk about the economy.

We pride our rules on being common sense. We are a PvE server and as such players are encouraged to work together and be courteous. We have a very stringent no theft policy as players should exercise manners and courtesy when playing. Other common sense rules include no cheating, harassment and, consensual PvP matches only.
We did get some feedback here regarding the rules but nothing I want to come out and state until the mod team and I have had better conversations about the suggestion. Cause I know I'll say something and everyone will jump on board only for me to later say it won't be happening.

Some of the more negative comments were that there is hardly anyone online to the fact that the launch of the server had more of a focus than the continued life of the server. I agree, the server was very active in the beginning and eventually curtailed into a boring server that has very little to offer. Abba Matches were popular until Elemental got busy with school and other activities and no one else really picked up the torch in his absence.
I've started to put together events for the server and pitching ideas to the mod team on how we can help create an engaging community but there are some obstacles in our way. More on that later.

This I expected. There have been regular complains about how small the map is and how abba world is a great middle ground. A majority of users who left additional feedback stated that the main world map size is great but that the abba world was on the small side. I'm going to quote a response:
- There is enough space that people can build their areas up without worrying about encroachment on another base, but not so far apart that we would not want to travel to another place.
That is exactly what we were going for. We didn't want it to be a chore to visit another town while also allowing enough room between players.
Going back to the number of players in the community response. We certainly wanted to keep the map on the small side because we didn't expect to have a lot of new players. After all, we are a server for the Cemetech community but we do try to attract outside interest. Tifreak8x streams some of his gameplay and we can attribute a few non-cemetech members visits from that. But again, we didn't anticipate a large external player growth. It seems like we hit the map size perfectly but we lack a continued community to keep things going. Again, more on that later.

You guys rated us pretty well. I didn't think we were doing a terrible job but I threw this in because I really wanted to know any issues that could be corrected, whether it be the mod team or something else. We have three moderators: Elemental, tifreak8x and, LittleMoonBeam. As well as two admins: comicIDIOT and KermMartian.
Now I know that there are players out there that put in a lot of time to the server and help out. It's appreciated. But we don't have the user base to justify promoting more players to a moderator position. I plan to tackle this a few ways. I am creating another moderator level. These moderators will basically be second hand admins, they'll be able to roll back griefing, teleport to players, permanently ban players and, run events. Still working out other permissions and limitations with tifreak8x on this one.
This should help create regular events and encourage a stronger community. I'll be around a bit more because I left my job in December. I've already put time into creating this survey and other endeavors. Without getting into too much detail, my job was a huge time sink. I would get off of work and have 4 hours before I had to be in bed. I had to squeeze in other daily errands into the work days and weekends were often spent having the life I couldn't during the week; My new job allows me to work from home half the time.
Changes are coming. Slowly. But I promise it's happening.

I'm not sure why I included "Other" but I probably intended that to be an "Maybe" option. One notable "Other" responses is that the low number of active players drives the user to pursue other servers or activities. Such as if there are 0 players online, they'd rather do something else than play solo. And, per the poll it's an interesting balance to maintain. Half of the participants are satisfied with the number of players on the server while the other half would like more. Hopefully an increase in activities promotes a healthy amount of players without driving away the positive half of this question.

Just leaving this here for conversation.
- Abba matches are pretty easy for anyone to set up.
- Treasure Hunts are somewhat hard to set up in an active world but I am interested to giving a player or two their own world to set up a hunt inside before opening it up to the other players.
- PvP Matches are another event that should be pretty easy for players to put on themselves.

I was 100% surprised by this. Everyone was satisfied with the modes of transport. In a follow up question I asked about other modes you'd be interested in and only one player voted for teleportation. Considering the debate we had prior to launching I thought this would be higher and am pleasantly surprised that it's not.
Regarding Elytras. We hear you and they will soon be a drop when defeating the Ender Dragon as well as potential prizes in events.
In part two I'll cover the economy side of things. We have a pretty bad habit of discussing a few subjects and ignoring the rest. So to ensure everything is discussed equally I'll be splitting this up.