A month and a half ago, TI confirmed rumors of white and gold TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculators, having previously teasing new TI-84 Plus CE colors. They told us that these two colors would be called "Bright White" and "Golden Ratio" respectively, and showed off some shiny pictures. Now, we've received word that the white and gold TI-84 Plus CE calculators are available in stores. The table in the attached Cemetech topic shows that you can purchase either the white or gold TI-84 Plus CE in many stores and online retailers: Amazon, Best Buy, London Drugs, Meijer, Office Depot / Office Max, Staples, Staples Canada, and Target. Notably, the white and gold calculators will not be available in WalMart, although you can purchase the Silver Linings, Plum Pi, and Denim TI-84 Plus CE calculators there. Check out the photos and the table of where you can purchase each color in the attached topic, and let us know: are you planning to get one of these limited edition colors?
Table of Availability:
Table of Availability: