Hi, I'm hoping to develop an add-in capable of what classwiz equipped calculators do - i.e. producing QR codes compatible with Casio's Edu+ apps as per below http://wes.casio.com/en/education/extension/casioeduplus/

So I'm thinking something like placing any input or output in run mat on clipboard then running the add-in to produce the QR Code...

I have not checked how QR is produced yet and do not have classwiz calculators so hoping for at least some examples from someone here please.

At later stages perhaps copying anything can be skipped as well by having the addin access what runmat writes to memory...
I have always wanted to create a QR code generator for calculators, but I have no idea how they work exactly, except that you need a white border.
I am currently looking at these sites for any resources:
It's a bit complicated.

You might want to use some precomputed tables given the massive amount of math required for the error correction step.
I think just generating the QR can be done because i saw projects achieving it in Basic....

I am worried what exactly is done before the string is encoded, I'm a bit worried how casio translates the data for the web url creation. I only have one QR from their fx-991ex manual and this leeads to the following url http://wes.casio.com/math/index.php?q=I-23B-+U-000000000000+M-C10000AD00+S-001410101000100E1010B00099E7+R-0118252894052663010100000000000000000000+E-392E3232A83130C91A3130741A60C81D1A33A8302E331B1A3339392E381B1ED0C91A321BA660C81D1A302E3031A83130C91AC0331B1B1A312E3033A83130C91AC0331B1B1ED0C91A321BA660C81D1A33A8302E3030361B1A342E
So it is quite hard to see what they sent as url. I was hoping that url would consist of some server plus more readable parts but in the above example I struggle to see any parts resembling values or ansi byte equivalents of numbers etc in input like 9.22 etc. Obviously it could be that that example in manual is bad as it is not even displaying the full equation so maybe it is just some placeholder url.

Anyway we would need some more real examples to start making sence of that all.

Thanks for the contributions here
Retyping the hex parts manually makes hex editor show strings like 9.22 etc so it is not as bad as I feared at first.

For some reason Casio's own edu app did not want to recognise their own example from the 991ex manual but after trying a couple of days later I believe they fixed it and also started accepting the QRs i was playing with by changing the original string and regenerating them

Now i also have fx911ex to play with too

I was hoping I could find a way to not send the output/result of calculation with qr but just the input/equation and have edu app do the calculations but with fx991ex there is no way to generate QR before executing computations

I will share more observations and more ideas likes expanding this to other online calculators etc once I played more with this
Part of that URL appears to be hex-encoded ASCII with some special characters. Running it through a trivial hex-to-ascii converter (that is, take every two hex digits as their ASCII equivalent) yields:


You can see some patterns, like "É" is exponent, ¨ is multiplication, etc.
yes you are absolutely right. I also went through all two hex digits permutation possible one by one and most of them get recognized on their web site so quite elaborated statement can be sent by appending those after "+E-" in the URL - they will need small translation from prizm codes and perhaps more investigation into how things are nested but I'm quite confident it will not be a problem. I was hoping to start by reading main memory file for runmat byte by byte and translate it to QR basically so this bit will go after "+E-" in the url but first wanted to figure out other things and QR itself obviously.

I- and +U- and +M- prefixed things do not seem to cause problems when abbreviated to "I--+U-000000000000+M-C100000000" but maybe they can be useful for controlling something else if someone can figure out...

I also played with -S+ and -R+ bits - and S seems responsible for format of the resulting from input equation output (which basically gets printed on the bottom right) and R is the value of the result itself - again if someone knows how to control those that would be good - I haven't spend much time on it but they remind me mantissa format - if someone more familiar with this can confirm please.

My biggest disappointment is I do not know how to stop URL from sending the result and instead make the online calculator to figure the result out itself just from the expression input...

So I think I may end up doing something like this for other url controlled calculation engines - something I actually started doing before this idea when working on serial communications.

QR attracts me as a quick way of archiving and sharing info from calculator to mobile so any help will be much appriciated
Edit: Even more specifically: "+E-" precedes the equation component, 0xA8 is multiplication, 0xC91A indicates an exponent (or 0xC9 is an exponent, and 0x1A is a start-group symbol), 0x741A appears to end the exponent, 0x60C8 may start the square root, 0x1D1A seems to open the parentheses, etc. That kind of guessing can help you plug more URLs into Casio's website and see if they generate what you expect.
Thanks Kerm, it slightly reminds me your gossamer project as well - i always hoped you would continue it. Could you remind me the actual web address of the portal you created to sit behind gossamer to parse web pages to text format - i wanted to see it for some other application tests please
Forgot to mention that casio fx991ex seems to only produce version 3 and version 11 QRs. These are the only options found in setup.

Casio support splitting QRs into multiple QRs both on the calculator and Edu+ mobile app side. Regular qr readers do not seem to understand that type of splitting but I believe higher version single QRs seem to be understood fine by edu+ app... I will test more
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