The temples have finally been found!!
Thank you all for participating in this adventure series treasure hunt! Please do leave feedback on anything you participated in, both the good and bad things about anything-- it will help me to balance and better make the next one (if there is one). Also below this short poll, are spoilers to what all the basic clues mean.
Here are some basic questions I would like to know--
►[1] How difficult were the riddles on a scale from -5 to +5? This could directly relate to consequently how much exploration you had to do as well. -5 being a perfect giveaway with no difficulty interpreting and finding anything, and a +5 being absolute mystery with every single possible line and word, being impossible to understand anything, and hence too much exploration. 0 represents something that may not be understandable at first, but you eventually figured everything out.
►[2] How were the rewards of this hunt on a scale from -5 to +5, representing how fair they were compared to how difficult the temples/treasures were to find or simply how much exploration you did. A -5 represents absolute unfairness and not worth it in any way (too difficult for little reward), 0 is perfect fairness and the reward was perfectly proportional to the time spent, and +5 means that the rewards were far more worth than the time spent finding them (too easy for much reward). If you did not find any treasures related to the hints given, this score does not apply to you.
►[3] How frustrated were you at your most frustrated time during the hunt on a scale from -5 to +5? -5 means that you had far more frustration or trouble than you think the rewards were worth, 0 means the rewards perfectly balanced and properly awarded your frustrations, and +5 means you were far less frustrated than you think the rewards were worth. This does not apply if you did not find treasures.
►[4] How would you rate the quality of the architecture or details of the temples from -5 to +5? -5 is extreme lack of detail quality, and the scenery couldn't be more dull, 0 means that there was average amount of detail and thought put into it compared to what would be a 'standard' treasure hunt, and +5 exceeds all expectations of what the looks of everything would be like compared to average.
►[5] How would you rate this hunt in overall quality on a scale from -5 to +5? -5 is a far below average treasure hunt quality, 0 is about average quality compared to other hunts, and +5 is extraordinary quality compared to other hunts.
►[6] How would you rate the excitement the excitement the "teaser video" generated for you, compared to how good the hunt actually was on a scale from -5 to +5? -5 means the video got you far more excited than the hunt actually brought to you, 0 is a perfect match of excitement level, and +5 means the treasure hunt was far more exciting than the teaser video made it look. Only rate this if you actually have seen at least one of the temples that were built.
(Feel free to add more aspects to rate if you can think of any)
Also share any experiences/stories you have if you wish! While I cannot say if all of the treasures have been found-- that's up to you to find out, all of the temples have been found. If you wish to participate in the hunt yourself and have fun solving the riddles, then beyond this point are
spoilers that are interpretations of all riddles that were presented.
Starting Riddle, posted on topic day of release:
Riches and treasures of the highest rarity you want from me?
Three, are the places there will be.
They are impossible to see.
Temple of the Sandy Sea.
Temple of the Deep.
Temple of the Green.
They show no mercy.
Beware. Prepare. Your health will feel the despair.
Seek first the monsters of the seven seas.
There you shall find riddles to cease.
Three, are the places there will be.
There are rare and valuable items hidden in and around the temples.
There will be 3 temples.
You likely cannot find the temples without the following riddles.
Temple of the Sandy Sea --> Lies in the desert.
Temple of the Deep --> Lies in deep water.
Temple of the Green --> Lies in a green biome.
Be cautious, there will be dangers.
The monsters of the seven seas are guardians in [deep] ocean biomes.
Find the place(s) where guardians reside, which are Ocean Monuments only in deep ocean biomes, and you will find more clues.
There are just as many clues are there are temples: 3.
Clue 1a, found at an ocean monument:
The one who seeks the temple of the forest
Must find where monsters thrive.
Enveloped below a lush canopy.
The biggest of all waterfalls…
a rushing river
flows through it all.
It will sparkle
like stars in the night
The one who wants to find the Temple of The Green
Needs to find where hostile mobs spawn.
Below a roof of green, healthy leaves (roofed forest).
A very big waterfall
and a river (man-made in this case)
flows through this biome (roofed forest).
You can see it lit up at night.
Clue 2a, given as an edit to the original post on Sunday, 6/28 @ noon ET:
The temple of the green
Lies in plain sight.
To the northwest it can be seen.
Lilypads cover its river--
It can even be seen with an image from a satellite.
The Temple of The Green
Can be found by just looking around.
It is in the northwest quadrant of the map.
The river has lilypads on it.
You can see the lilypads on the river from dynmap.
Clue 1b, found at another ocean monument:
The one who seeks the temple of the sandy sea
Cannot find where it may be.
Here is the key:
First seek the portal-- they number… two… one… three.
But only one it will be.
Navigate cautiously
And the rest will be d e s t i n y.
To find the Temple of The Sandy Sea
It likely cannot be found except by accident (a few people know why this is italicized).
Here's how you do it:
First seek the END portal (that is the most likely object if you had to take a guess what 'portal' means).
There are 3 of them. (I was going to count one, two, three, but decided to swap 'one' and 'two' to throw some people off)
Only one of the 3 end portals will be the one you want.
Once you find it, explore it carefully.
When exploring it, you will know what to do from there. ("d e s t i n y" was another thing intended to throw people off, thinking it might stand for something. Notice there is actually enough info in the riddle to figure everything out if you had just figured out that portal = end portal. That is why I added the confusions to the riddle so that it might throw off people enough so that they wouldn't get it in the first minute.)
^ How does this make you feel knowing it was just simply asking you to seek the end portal? The key was to simply find the portal by using eyes of ender. There was a ladder that goes down from the surface, directly on top of a platform where the end portal is. If you navigate from spawn and follow the eye of ender to the desert end portal, the ladder is setup such that you likely won't miss it.
Clue 1c, found in another ocean monument:
To seek the shrine of the sea
It lies at the bottom of the very deepest of all seas.
At the bottom of an ocean?
Near a river it may be.
Surrounded by colors green, brown, white and gray.
Deep, deep at the bottom of the sea.
Down, down down.
Further than you could have imagined it would be.
To find the Temple of the Deep,
It rests at the bottom of THE DEEPEST SEA. (note: ocean is a type of sea, but may or may not be the correct sea)
It could be at the bottom of an ocean (question format, the "maybe" doubts it.)
It might be near a river. (note: there is no question raised. while there is no way of telling either of the questionable things in this riddle, the question ended up being false, and the non-question ended up being true.)
The land surrounding the location of the temple is colored in shades of white, gray, green, and brown. (This could be snow for white, stones/gravel for gray, grass for green, and dirt for brown. Hardened clays are also an option too.)
This temple is VERY deep down underwater.
Deeper than you would expect. Your expectation = Deep Ocean. (but the doubt raised earlier about an ocean biome being the "sea", makes it a sea that is deeper than the "deep ocean" biome.)
^ Does there exist such a natural sea? Is that not fair since it isn't natural? Actually, it is natural. This shocked even me, and not even the wiki speaks of it. The only way to know is if you had adventured enough on this map, or any other amplified map for that matter. It turns out, on naturally generated, standard amplified terrain, Savanna M biomes can contain lakes which run deeper than the deepest of ANY deep ocean. Most of the deeper of deep oceans bottom out typically in the low 30s (around y=32). The deepest ones can go to the high 20s. The lakes in some Savanna M biomes actually can go as deep as bedrock. Yes, you saw that correctly. As deep as bedrock. The deeper of the "deep lakes" as I would like to call it, runs into the teens, elevation-wise. This particular lake I made the Temple of The Deep in, bottomed out at y=11 in the lowest apparent point, which I accidentally discovered when I had found someone's mining operations in the Savanna biome, and I had dug a little more and ran into water by accident. I checked outside, and I could see nothing but water all the way to a barely visible surface. When I later came up with the idea of making this treasure hunt, I has envisioned it from the very beginning: I would make a temple down at the bottom of the "deepest of all seas", and no one would know that I was referring to this "deep lake". I had expected from the very beginning that people would search the deep oceans and be discouraged, so I had determined it was perfect. As I built the temple, I dug into more water by accident and further discovered a thin ravine-like area which went all the way down to bedrock, y=1, filled with water. This was actually connected directly to the deep lake I originally thought went to y=11. This is TRULY, the deepest of all seas.
Clue 2c, extra expedition to find another clue for the Temple of The Deep, added to this topic main post on 7/2 @ noon, ET:
The towns are many, but this one is only home to a few.
It sits atop a hill of green hue.
If you bring them some gems
They will trade with you.
Rumor has it
One of them has the wit
Find him, and the clue you will get.
There are many towns, but one of them has only a few 'people' in it. --> it's a small town compared to many.
This town sits on top of a green hill.
If you bring the people in this town some gems (precious rocks --> emeralds)
The people will trade with you (thus making this a village of villagers).
There is a rumor that says
One of the villagers is smart.
If you find that villager, you will receive another clue.
^ If you find this village, there are no villagers, but there is one house which contains another clue that isn't the same clue as what this riddle implies. Instead, you will find 3 zombies in the house (named), implying that there was a raid on the village. Go inside, and there are signs that you can tell are from "the smart villager" that had the clue to the Temple of The Deep. Instead, it says that he hid the clue around the area, so you needed to find it. (this was his final parting message before the zombie attack) If you go down the well to the bottom, you find a secret enchanting room with the intended clue:
Clue 3c, the follow-up clue for the Temple of The Deep:
You may have searched the seven great seas
But you will not find the place you seek.
Near a river, yes it will be.
To the west, the temperature might be a pest
To the east, you might find a pasture for a beast.
But here, you will find what you'll hold dear.
Dive deep, deep at the bottom of the sea.
Down, down down.
Further than you could have imagined it would be.
You have searched the oceans
but you will not find the Temple of The Deep there. (this confirms the doubt about it being in the ocean)
Yes, it will be near a river (confirming that it actually is)
To the west of the temple's location, the temperature would bother you if you could feel it --> it could be hot or cold, but remember that one of the colors was white, which means likely snow --> extreme hills.
To the east of the temple's location, you could find a green landscape for animals.
But at the place in between what is to the west and east, is the Temple of The Deep.
Dive down to the bottom of the sea that lies between to what is described to the west and east (as well as keeping in mind what colors the land are).
Down at the bottom of the sea is the Temple of the Deep, and it is of course... deeper than you thought it would be.
Riddles within temples will be revealed at a later date, to be announced. Because I will not say if all treasures have been found, whether if they have or haven't, I cannot reveal how to solve anything in the temples publicly, in the event that no one has solved something potentially hidden. This encourages you to go to these temples which are now no longer "hidden", and explore them.
Don't forget to leave your thoughts, good and bad about anything related to this adventure series!! It will help me understand and learn how to continue for the better!
Thank you for playing, and THANK COMIC for helping me in making some things happen that could not have been done otherwise, and helping me to finish last details on the night before the opening of this hunt!