A little over one year ago, I started a topic about your Summer 2013 goals and projects, and roughly two years ago, I began a similar 2012 topic. Looking back on my own goals, I see that I completed everything except a TI-84+CSE 3D graphing program in ASM and getting my health issues straightened out. As I said last year, other people talked about coding projects, academic endeavors, travel, relaxing, and much more, and I hope you all have a good idea of what you plan to do this summer as well. To blatantly steal from my post last year:

In the past, I've found setting some specific (and realistic) goals are the best way to make sure that you feel like you had a productive summer, without making it too much of a drag. Of course, some of us are working jobs or internships and won't have the leisure for too much personal coding, engineering, and hacking, but you can still think of a fun side-project to work on. I know that almost all of us have unfinished projects or at least unrealized ideas, a topic I discussed at length in my most recent editorial. So what will it be? What programming, hacking, gaming, working, academic, and relaxing pursuits will you be attempting this summer? What do you want to have complete by the time September rolls around?

For me, the list looks something like the following:
:: Complete 14-week summer internship with IBM Watson
:: Juggle work, personal life, and personal projects properly, and get into and stick with a decent daily schedule.
:: Find and read plenty of good books.
:: Write a proposal for my third book and submit it.
:: Complete a new appendix to "Programming the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus" that covers the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition.

:: Experiment with new sources for SparseWorld building models, and build out the distributed framework for building conversion.
:: Publish Doors CS 7.3 and Doors CSE 8.1.
:: Keep poking at the idea of an ASM 3D grapher for the TI-84+CSE.
:: Finish PartyMode 2 once and for all.

I'm keeping it pretty tame for this summer, and I'll see if I manage to finish more than I planned. What about all of you?
For me I have a few major and minor goals.

:: Get a non minimum wage job.
:: Work on the omnimaga update more
:: Plan and get ready for maker fair
:: Finish 1 or more of my hardware related tasks in minor projects

Minor Projects
:: Finish my Silver Link Clone/Gcn Adapter
:: Finish my PCB side hardware mod for the calculator
:: Make and publish an RPG with Iambian
:: Work on a CalcGS clone in python that is less buggy ( and learn qt with it!)

So all in all a lot of projects to work on but, most of them are back burnered with me looking for a decent job. But hey that's important!
For me, I have the immediate goals of:

:Finalize LibHelper
:Get Flag Database ver .5 release ready
:Upgrade the DCSE icon generator
:Upgrade the President Database to use DCSE instead of Celtic program
:Make Calcopoly playable

I have ideas for various other things (http://tifreakware.net/tifreak8x/usa/USAmap.gif ) which will require planning and possible co-oping the project with someone or someones.

Sadly, most of my above releases won't be possible until DCSE makes it to 8.1, since it would most likely be frowned upon to be releasing the current version of DCSE I have to test with :p
Well, my goals are quite simple:
:Continue working on VVVVVV
:Enter whatever contests I can
:Get a job or internship
:Get an Nspire CX CAS or TI-84+CSE
:Take Calc II
Non coding:
Take keyboarding in a summer school course. Even though I took keyboarding in 3rd grade, our high school won't take it as credit.
Have a fun week in the U.P of Michigan.

Asm. I really need to find time to work on learning it.
Release a game. Doesn't matter what it is, just to release a game.
Screw around with DCS 7.3
Contest gogogo?
KermMartian wrote:
:: Find and read plenty of good books.
If I may make a suggestion, I just recently finished Roadside Picnic. It's a pretty good Russian Sci-Fi novel from the 70s. There was lots of neat philosophy in there, and is a really neat book about alien invasion without featuring any actual aliens. I also read Magic Terror: 7 Tales, which as the name implies is a collection of 7 short stories that demonstrate Straub's incredible range in story telling. Very good horror stories that really kept me hooked, and some very very good writing.
Simply put, get Redintegrate playable, nothing else.
Before I think about summer goals, I have some mock exams to think about. After that, however, my plans thus far are as follows:


:: Do some work experience at Pimoroni
:: Read some good books
:: Go geocaching some more

Hacking & Programming:

:: Make as much progress as I possibly can on WAti, especially since it has dawned on me that it will soon be the project's one year anniversary.
:: Get a few little programming projects done and posted onto my BitBucket,
:: Gain a better understanding of C and play with my arduino in the process.
:: Gain some sort of competence with the Kivy Framework.

KermMartian wrote:
:: Find and read plenty of good books.

As I gather, you're quite a fan of SF. Have you read any Isaac Asimov? Most of his books are in short story format and are fun, thought provoking little reads.

EDIT: The list might grow a bit, we'll see. At the moment, I can't think too far ahead!
I think my actual alloted time will die as I graduate, so I'll be short with my list:

Aquire a job at the library. easy. the job opening will be in circulation, and they will be taking applicants soon.
Get at least 3 songs made.

Finish one of these two projects for the TI:
-Ignition Engine
-Flamerman II - The Golden Cryst
Look into resources for Android programming
Assist people on Cemetech
Get a Casio Prizm OR HP Prime. leaning towards the Prizm.

Kerm Martian wrote:
Publish Doors CS 7.3

What changes are there? is it anything big/aesthetic, or is it just unnoticable bug fixes?

Geekboy wrote:
Make and publish an RPG with Iambian

Ooh, very interesting! I hope you'll share Very Happy
Luxen wrote:

Kerm Martian wrote:
Publish Doors CS 7.3

What changes are there? is it anything big/aesthetic, or is it just unnoticable bug fixes?

Geekboy wrote:
Make and publish an RPG with Iambian

Ooh, very interesting! I hope you'll share Very Happy

Will do and @ dcs 7.3 major bugfixes we broke some stuff >.>
KermMartian wrote:

:: Complete 14-week summer internship with IBM Watson

This sounds like coding/hacking to me Wink

AHelper wrote:
Simply put, get Redintegrate playable, nothing else.

May the force be with you =)

ElectronicsGeek wrote:

:: Gain some sort of competence with the Kivy Framework.

Do you have plans for Kivy, or just gonna hack on it? I was looking at it earlier this year and it seemed pretty cool.

For me,


  • Wedding stuff (reserve a location, figure out guest lists, figure out photographer, send out "save the date" cards)
  • Play a lot of summer-league ultimate so I can make the B team here at Brown for next season.
  • Do some rock climbing.
  • Read all of the "Song of Ice and Fire" novels.


  • Work on the compiler for my research comps project
  • FreeBuild
  • Assorted calculator projects
  • Publish an iOS/Android game based on an interactive construction of an inequality prover in one of my advisor's papers.
elfprince13 wrote:
Do you have plans for Kivy, or just gonna hack on it? I was looking at it earlier this year and it seemed pretty cool.

At the moment, I think it's just going to be hacking. But still, you never know where that can take you!

Also, you rock climb? Me too!
merthsoft wrote:
KermMartian wrote:
:: Find and read plenty of good books.
If I may make a suggestion, I just recently finished Roadside Picnic. It's a pretty good Russian Sci-Fi novel from the 70s. There was lots of neat philosophy in there, and is a really neat book about alien invasion without featuring any actual aliens. I also read Magic Terror: 7 Tales, which as the name implies is a collection of 7 short stories that demonstrate Straub's incredible range in story telling. Very good horror stories that really kept me hooked, and some very very good writing.

Books! I've been plowing through all the Alastair Reynolds I can get my hands on. Who doesn't like Lovecraftian space opera?
For me,
1. actually learn TI BASIC, hybrid BASIC, Axe, ASM
2. Do some trig
3. Setup my calc so I can use it so I have the best advantage in math next year
4. upload files
5. Learn more Python
6. Possibly learn Dartmouth BASIC
Kerm wrote:
:: Find and read plenty of good books.
:: Write a proposal for my third book and submit it.

New books? Neutral
I feel like any book by Cory Doctorow would be perfect for anyone who likes computers in general. In case you're wondering, this is the same glasses and cape wearing guy from xkcd.
I'll be waiting to read the third book Smile
Hopefully I will be able to do a couple things this summer -- won't be able to do too much do to the fact that I will be gone during the week.

:Finish The World's Hardest Game Editor
:Submit more programs
:Eat something tasty
:Have fun; get ready for college
:Learn a new programming language -- PHP, perhaps?
Last year I failed at finishing Thunderbirds v2 (83/83+). At this stage, I've barely even touched it this year, so I don't currently hold any hope of getting it finished this year. This is merely a motivation issue hah Razz

In terms of coding:
- Finish AB5 v2. This is definitely achievable and I'll be disappointed if I don't get it done. It's moving along at a good pace though. I'm still struggling with the link play though, so I'm not sure if I'll have that ready in v2, but I've recently added a bunch more features that I hadn't intended on doing, so that will make me content for now Smile
- Continue experimenting with what might possibly be my next TI-84+CSE project. If I can achieve decent enough performance, I'll start planning this out for hopefully a release next year sometime.

In terms of non-coding:
- Get as many skydives in as possible. Given that it's coming into winter here - and that I can only jump on weekends when the weather isn't too bad - I'm hoping I can get another 20 or so jumps in, which will get me to 40. Then as the weather improves, I can start smashing out more, hopefully to get to 100 by end of the year!
- Eat better and exercise more again. I'm normally pretty good at this, I've just gotten lazy over the last month or so.
- Get my bands' debut album released.
Programming and Hacking:
1. Make my first 3D game
2. Finish and optimize the Boa game engine.
3. Learn ASM.
4. Release at least 1 more game on Desura

Non-programming and Hacking:
1. WORK!!!
2. Hang out with friends
3. Read more
4. Finish my Minecraft city, Morenwald
5. Buy a desktop computer.
Tari wrote:

Books! I've been plowing through all the Alastair Reynolds I can get my hands on. Who doesn't like Lovecraftian space opera?
Do you have a suggestion for which book to start with?
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