Projects of the Month: July 2024
Published by epsilon5 3 weeks, 6 days ago (2024-08-15T16:07:53+00:00) | Discuss this article

Welcome to another Projects of the Month post! Let's get right into what our members worked on in July.

  • BattleShip TI-BASIC TI-84 Plus CE: Newcomer Ze_Rato announced a new project: a game inspired by the popular Battleship board game, but with more freedom to place boats of different sizes. Check out the thread for screenshots!
  • BBR Chart Editor: StephenM started work on an editor for his Basic Basic Revolution games, some very neat rhythm-based games written in TI-BASIC. Be sure to look at the thread to give encouragement and check for updates.
  • C648x: A Commodore 64 Emulator for the TI-84 CE: There was some valuable discussion about ordelore's Commodore 64 emulator this month, as a feature that would allow the user to import ROMs and appvar into the emulated disk drive was proposed. There's more information about the project, including screenshots, in the thread.
  • Cahute, a toolset for protocols and file formats used with CASIO calculators: Cakeisalie5, a longtime creator of toolsets for Casio graphing calculators, announced the Cahute project this month. It has many ambitious goals: streaming screens over USB links, receiving programs from all Casio calculators manufactured since 1991 (!), and much more. Check out the website and Gitlab repository, and don't forget to show your support in the thread.
  • Calc-Kill Extreme: linkjt9 announced Calc-Kill Extreme this month, a fighting simulator where the player is a ninja TI-84+ CE (you read that right) that fights opponents in 1v1-style battles. There's a lot of potential for this idea, so go give suggestions and feedback in the thread.
  • CALCCIV - Port of Civilization for the TI-84+ CE: BattyBest continued work on this graphically impressive TI-Basic port of the Civilization games, creating much of the user interface for the program, improving world generation, and more.
  • CEaShell: A Shell for the TI-84+ CE: TIny_Hacker and RoccoLox Programs released version 2 of their popular shell for the CE this month! This substantial rewrite adds a slew of new features and improvements over the first release, including program launch shortcuts, scalable icons, file searching, better OS hooks, and more stability and optimization. There's not enough space here to explain everything -- go look at the thread and see for yourself.
  • Celtic CE Catalog: Voodoo1455 continued work on this neat documentation tool for Celtic CE. It promises to be a very helpful resource for on-calc Celtic programmers: give all of your suggestions and feedback in the thread to help Voodoo1455 make the project the best it can be.
  • Working on a Cookie Clicker port for the TI-84 CE: slimefolf started work on a clone of the famous Cookie Clicker game this month. It already has some faithful graphics and smooth animations. Look at the Github repository and thread, and then give some slimefolf your encouragement.
  • CosmoCE: A Cosmodread-based roguelike for the TI-84CE: DaniNyaaa continued work on the exciting CosmoCE project this month, a "horror survival roguelike that takes place on a mysteriously derelict spaceship." There's already been some neat UI screenshots shared, but this month DaniNyaaa has been spending some time learning about map generation and promises a demo soon.
  • DecBot4: If you've been around the Cemetech IRC/Discord chats at all in the recent past, you'll definitely have seen some of merthsoft's work on DecBot4. It can do everything that DecBot3 does: keeping track of users' "karma," notable quotes that people have said, etc., but much better through a new Matterbridge implementation. Improvements are still ongoing, so test it out in Cemetech IRC or Discord channels and experience this pillar of the Cemetech milieu!
  • Decopolis - An IRC auto-opper bot: To accompany DecBot's transition off IRC (see above), merthsoft created a new auto-opping bot. This should make it easier to manage permissions in IRC channels in the absence of DecBot4's direct presence in them.
  • TI-BASIC port of Dial CE: iPhoenix hasn't created a TI-BASIC program in a while, but has decided to give it another shot. It's a port of the "Dial" mobile games, in which the player times keypresses with the rotation of an ever-accelerating needle on a colored dial. It's sure to be a fun game, so keep an eye on the thread for updates.
  • Game Shell Generator: Cars and Ice Cream released a neat project this month: a Celtic CE program that lets you generate "shells" for assembly games. These are simple wrappers that let you add icons or AppVar archiving to games that might not otherwise have them. Check out the thread for more details, or give it a download on the archives.
  • lwIP Library with CDC-Ethernet for the TI-84+ CE: ACagliano continued work on the impressive lwIP project, a port of a full networking stack (!) to the CE calculators. Most of the work this month was testing different adapters and figuring out TLS support. Take a look at the thread or Github repository for more details and updates.
  • Pac-Man Museum CE: A collection of Pac-Man ports for the 84+ CE: grubbycoder released a new testing version of this collection of Pac-Man console ports for the CE. It's the culmination of years of effort figuring out how to emulate z80-based systems (check out the Sonic 2 CE project for some more context)--be sure to give the author some kudos!
  • Portal Prelude Playdate Port: After a bit of a hiatus, Ivoah picked up work on this port of Portal for the Playdate. Improvements this month include a brand new level editor and the addition of shooting effects and cubes. Read through the thread for more details.
  • Psilocybe, a mushroom themed deckbuilding RTS: Arcturex77 announced a new project, a mushroom-based card game created with Gamemaker Studio. As of July, there was only a basic framework for cards, but the thread has been very active since then. There's still mush room for improvement, though, so give Arcturex77 suggestions in the project thread.
  • Shards of Uvutu PC RPG: 123outerme announced a project this month that's already been in the making for a year. It's a turn-based RPG for the PC, made in Godot. It has neat 16-bit graphics, lots of opportunities for exploration, items, "minions" that you can summon, and much more. Keep an eye on the thread for updates and head to the Github for a demo.
  • TI-Planet's "Project Builder" with online CE C/C++: Adriweb continued to improve the ever-useful Project Builder this month, adding Python support for the TI-Nspire CX II calculators, the ability to view generated hex tokens for TI-Basic, and some general quality-of-life improvements. If you're looking to get into calculator programming and want an easy-to-use tool that will let you bring all of your project ideas to life, look no further than the Project Builder!
  • TI-Wars: linkjt9 started the month by posting some nice screenshots of updates to the tutorial and intro sections for this Star Wars-inspired fighter sim, with plans for campaigns and some new features. Unfortunately, linkjt9 decided to abandon the project in favor of learning a more advanced programming language. If the work on this project is any indication, that's exciting news; stay tuned for more projects from the author!
  • Train Simulator Controller: KermMartian continued work on his Train Simulator setup by creating a laser-cut door control panel modeled after Class 80x trains. Kerm goes into great detail on this process in the thread. It's a very interesting read, so be sure to check it out and show your support.
  • Yet Another Minecraft: TI-84 Plus CE Edition: jasper7474 didn't give many updates on this innovative 2-layer 2D Minecraft game in July, but we did learn that a new testing version is on the way with new survival mode functionality and bug fixes. An alpha version is available on Github for you to test--give it a shot and let jasper7474 what you think.
  • You Want to Watch the World Burn - on Steam!: It started as our Cemetech Contest 25 winner (thread here for the unaware), and now it's a full PC game! VitalAsh was able to release this great CE game--where the goal is to burn a variety of different environments to the ground with an assortment of weapons--on Steam this month. It includes 320x240 graphics (as it should), and even a complimentary copy of the CE original (which you can also download for free from our archives)!

We've got quite the lineup of released projects this month, so read through all the threads, test them all, and cast your vote for your favorite project of the month above. See you in August!

