Updates, based on you guys and me:
Confirmed Features/Fixes Left To Do:
- Try to make a det(11...) that can set text background and foreground colors
- Update SDK
- Fixed CPU speed after the OS set slow mode when exiting the editor by rearranging a lot of the code jumped to when Doors CSE restarts under various conditions, such as program properties changed, the editor closed, program execution complete, and the desktop scrolled. Needs testing!
- Try to find a BCALL that provides the verbose error messages for BASIC errors -> Used to completely overhaul how Doors CSE displays error messages. Also saved 147 bytes.
DJ_O wrote:
-The improved BASIC editor appears to run at 6 MHz instead of 15 (or something else is slowing it down to half the normal typing speed)
-for xLIBC, no matter if you used real(0,2,1), commands will still run at 6 MHz mode.
Can you clarify that last one? I was able to replicate the first one, and I'm working on finding the cause and a fix.
Finally, a bit of eye candy. Top row is the old error message style, bottom row is the new one. Left side are "system" messages, such as when there's not enough memory to unarchive or archive a variable. Right side are "OS" messages, entirely triggered by TI-BASIC programs.