Yesterday I lost my calculator at school, I wasn't to worried, I knew that it would be in 1 of 4 places. I checked all of my classes, but found that my calculator wasn't there. Yikes!
My math teacher found it hidden in the ruler bucket, I'm assuming that a kid took it, and hid it, as earlier in the class, my kindle, which was on my desk found it's way to the back counter.
I was wondering if it would be possible if you could put a GPS on the calculator, and locate it using a computer/smart phone.
Note: When I log in, Cemetech automatically switches to mobile view, and the "[Switch to Desktop view]" doesn't work.
The GPS could be easily defeated by removing the batteries. Not only that, but the GPS constantly needs power so your batteries would die pretty fast as well. If you were thinking it would be similar to your phone, you're wrong. The phone has software that can enable and disable the GPS, saving the battery life. The calculator has no such software so the GPS you install will always be on.
I strongly recommend engraving your name in the back of your calculator instead. It won't help you find it, but it'll be rather weird for someone who isn't you to have a calculator without their name on it and it might find its way back to you (via people who know you and your property. Your name on it would pretty much seal the deal)
Also, not letting expensive technology out of your sight would be the ultimate thing. When you're not using it, needs to be in a backpack, pocket, etc.
Well of course you could have some hardware in between that activates the location sensor for a minute, then deactivates it for something like 30 minutes. Problem is though, how do you get the data from your calculator to your PC or smartphone? Ofcourse you could put a cheap 3G module in, but that might be a bit overkill..
You could put a ludicrously powerful magnet in it and then scan for that with a magnetometer. It won't give you a global position but it will help you find it if you can get within the same room(and that room isn't full of magnets). Of course I'm not sure that wouldn't have negative effects on the calc...
I'm thinking a low-power part 15 beacon could work nicely here. Send morse code.
Perhaps a long-range passive RFID tag (preferably) with a directional reader is what we're looking for.
bhtooefr: power consumption would be a problem, something passive (like the RFID tag) would be more ideal.
tifreak8x wrote:
Also, not letting expensive technology out of your sight would be the ultimate thing. When you're not using it, needs to be in a backpack, pocket, etc.
I do this most of the time, but I guess I just forgot.
cvsoft wrote:
Perhaps a long-range passive RFID tag (preferably) with a directional reader is what we're looking for.
bhtooefr: power consumption would be a problem, something passive (like the RFID tag) would be more ideal.
That's a great idea!
Also, how and where would you put the RFID tag?
My calc has Hex screws, and none of the screws in my jewler's screwdriver set will fit.
Can the iPod Touch 3G read Passive RFID? Or would you need some kind of special device to locate it?
You need a Torx T6 screwdriver to remove the screws on your calculator. You can get a real nice set at Home Depot for like $5, but you can also check radioshack or any hobby shop.