My attempt would look something like this:
if we're concerned about coverage, we can change it thusly:
But I don't have a good enough intuition for barycentric coordinates to know which of those we prefer without drawing it out better.
oboe = (indices+1)%3
# First get surface normal and edge lengths! :)
# e = tv[oboe] - tv[indices] # <- cool way to do it
e = array([tv[oboe[i]] - tv[i] for i in indices]) # <- boring way
L = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm,-1,e)
snorm = numpy.cross(e[1],e[0])
snorm = snorm/numpy.linalg.norm(snorm)
Linc = 1 /L
Lspan = np.ceil(L)
Lspaces = [np.linspace(0,1,1+Lspan[i]) for i in indices]
bary_coords = np.zeros(3)
for i,j in numpy.vstack((indices,oboe)).transpose():
for ca in Lspaces[i]:
for cb in Lspace[j]:
if ca+cb > 1:
bary_coords.fill(1 - ca - cb)
bary_coords[i] = ca
bary_coords[j] = cb
# here we will need to have calculated matrices
# to take us from barycentric coords to 3-space
# Cast ray must take two args, src and dir
# and moves from src to src+dir
if we're concerned about coverage, we can change it thusly:
oboe = (indices+1)%3
# First get surface normal and edge lengths! :)
# e = tv[oboe] - tv[indices] # <- cool way to do it
e = array([tv[oboe[i]] - tv[i] for i in indices]) # <- boring way
L = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm,-1,e)
snorm = numpy.cross(e[1],e[0])
snorm = snorm/numpy.linalg.norm(snorm)
Linc = 1 /L
Lspan = np.ceil(L)
Lspaces = [np.linspace(0,1,1+Lspan[i]) for i in indices]
bary_coords = np.zeros(3)
for i,j in numpy.vstack((indices,oboe)).transpose():
for ca in Lspaces[i]:
for cb in Lspace[j]:
if ca+cb > 1:
bary_coords.fill(1 - ca - cb)
bary_coords[i] = ca
bary_coords[j] = cb
# here we will need to have calculated matrices
# to take us from barycentric coords to 3-space
# Cast ray must take two args, src and dir
# and moves from src to src+dir
for ca in Lspaces[j][len(Lspaces[j])/2:]:
for cb in Lspace[i]:
if ca+cb > 1:
bary_coords.fill(1 - ca - cb)
bary_coords[j] = ca
bary_coords[i] = cb
# here we will need to have calculated matrices
# to take us from barycentric coords to 3-space
# Cast ray must take two args, src and dir
# and moves from src to src+dir
But I don't have a good enough intuition for barycentric coordinates to know which of those we prefer without drawing it out better.