From WabbitEmu/as-is:
Please note that TIOS runs in 15MHz mode. Your write has no effect as it already has port 0x20 == 1. The time change that you say should just be an error margin.
Runer112 wrote:
I hate to burst anybody's bubble, but as far as I know the OS automatically runs TI-BASIC programs at 15MHz on capable models (83+SE, 84+BE, and 84+SE). That's why Cheezeee found very little difference in execution speeds; I'm pretty sure any differences were just the result of the inaccuracies of such kinds of testing.
True, but I was planning on using this to run asm/axe programs that aren't TI-Basic. So, in effect, those ones should run a bit faster, right?
You know, is it possible to make a driver for the Ti-84+ that allows you to hook up a midi keyboard to the mini usb port, make a synthesizer on the calc, and then have the calc play the sound through the I/O link cable 2.5 mm jack thing?
GinDiamond wrote:
You know, is it possible to make a driver for the Ti-84+ that allows you to hook up a midi keyboard to the mini usb port, make a synthesizer on the calc, and then have the calc play the sound through the I/O link cable 2.5 mm jack thing?
As a musician, that sounds awesome. Please go on...
Also, it has been noted that the TI-OS automaticaly runs BASIC programs at one of the chip settings. Thanks to both of you for pointing that out. If someone could go so far as to make an accurate test program, that would be even better.
GinDiamond wrote:
You know, is it possible to make a driver for the Ti-84+ that allows you to hook up a midi keyboard to the mini usb port, make a synthesizer on the calc, and then have the calc play the sound through the I/O link cable 2.5 mm jack thing?
Again, please do not double-post. Yes, that's possible, but you'd have to write a driver for the MIDI USB keyboard. The biggest space consumer would probably be the audio samples for the MIDI instruments, which you could use some clever techniques to cache in Archive, perhaps mapped onto one of the pages.
Cheezee: Accurate test program of what? Current clock speed? If so, look no further than this (although it doesn't work on the TI-83+SE):
Are you sure? It says it doesn't work on the ti84+, not the ti84+SE.
AHelper wrote:
Are you sure? It says it doesn't work on the ti84+, not the ti84+SE.
I was under the solid impression that the TI-83+SE didn't have the crystal timers. Goes to show what I know.
Obviously based on that comment I implemented the TI-83+SE as identical to the TI-84+SE in jsTIfied, other than the USB port. And it says that it doesn't work on the TI-83+, not the TI-84+; the former of course definitely lacks the crystal timers.
About the MIDI thing:
Isn't MIDI just a set of instructions for the synthesizer to output certain voltages through the speakers, instead of playing actual sound files?
GinDiamond wrote:
About the MIDI thing:
Isn't MIDI just a set of instructions for the synthesizer to output certain voltages through the speakers, instead of playing actual sound files?
Not voltages; notes, durations, and effects. But if you want to be able to preview what you're playing using the I/O port, you need to be able to synthesize music from the MIDI.
But is it possible to do it? Isn't a MIDI file basically a two-column spreadsheet that uses 8-bit binary strings? Like, if 00000001 was C, 00000010 was D, 00000011 was E, 00000100 was F, and so on, and then the first binary string is the command (like 00000001 is "play this note>>", 00000010 is "play this next note with this effect")
00000010 00000001
00000001 00000001
and whatever.
Am I right?
Sort of. MIDI is a slightly-compressed format in that it uses variable-length numbers to encode the tick/time offset of events, which is fun to decode (cf. the MobileTunes 3.1 MIDI converter). Are you asking if it's possible to read and save MIDI format on a calculator, or if it's possible to do that while playing a synthesis of the MIDI music? In either case, the answer is yes, with substantial coding effort.
Could someone show me how to manipulate input from a MIDI device and then take that modified input, turn it to sound, and play it?
GinDiamond wrote:
Could someone show me how to manipulate input from a MIDI device and then take that modified input, turn it to sound, and play it?
Aren't you asking someone to make the entire program for you?
You'll have to learn how to talk to USB devices using USB8x, interpret and save the results, then build a synthesizer with a wave table to play the results.
well, I sort of would like some help...
Is there a program that will show me the input from a USB device?
You can do this with software from a PC to dump the USB protocol. I recommend BrandonW weigh in on this.
AHelper wrote:
You can do this with software from a PC to dump the USB protocol. I recommend BrandonW weigh in on this.
That will help you understand what sort of protocol your MIDI keyboard speaks. As far as getting your calculator to talk to the keyboard, you should check out the USB8x documentation:
Okay, well, I'm still waiting for that USB A Female to Usb mini male converter....
What is a DirectUSB? How does it work with Gossamer?
GinDiamond wrote:
Okay, well, I'm still waiting for that USB A Female to Usb mini male converter....
What is a DirectUSB? How does it work with Gossamer?
This isn't exactly the correct topic for that (Gossamer's topic would be better). However, the long and short of it is that a client runs on the computer, transferring CALCnet frames to and from the main gCn metahub.
Oh, okay.
On the subject of wires...
Is there a 2.5mm jack to a USB male mini cable somewhere?
GinDiamond wrote:
Oh, okay.
On the subject of wires...
Is there a 2.5mm jack to a USB male mini cable somewhere?
That would do exactly nothing useful. Why would you want to have such a thing?