Windows XP was the greatest operating system ever made - I am using it right now. DShiznit should definitely install it. I am just sad to see that it is slipping into obsoleteness.
Windows Vista and 7 are pretty good too.
As to Windows 8: It is tolerable,as long as you only use it part of the time!
I have been unsatisfied with Ubuntu and do not see it gaining any ground. The reason is because I do not like the basic system - there is no way they could change it so I could like it. Mostly (but not exclusively) I like programs to be .exe and the OS to not be based on a terminal.
I do NOT secretly like the appearance of Mac. To be honest, I secretly like the appearance of Windows 3.1.
I agree that by forcing a tablet OS on desktop computers, Windows is splatting its consumer base all over the place, plus they are not likely to gain much ground in the tablet market.
Windows CE 1 was a very bad OS operation-wise, but looked good. Windows CE 5+ looked bad, but operated better than CE used to. Even then it looked more Windows-like then Windows 8.
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