- Project Firework
- 04 Jul 2012 10:55:50 am
- Last edited by elfprince13 on 06 Jul 2013 12:31:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
(my apologies for the artifacting in the video capture)
I've got a fun little Java program (and animation API) here that displays a sunset followed by Fireworks (sorry the video quality is pretty bad). I'd love to see what kind of creative firework code you guys can come up with for the 4th. The source and compiled binaries are available here.
You can write some new classes to extend AnimObject (or either of the two example classes I provided - SimpleFirework and SimpleSparklingFirework). You should probably only have to modify the worldTick method in FireworksWorld.java to add your new effects, but you're also welcome to write your own class that extends either FireworksWorld or AnimationWorld and a new main class to go along with it.
If anyone comes up with a couple cool ones and posts them here, I'll happily turn it all into an applet (or a Java WebStart app), and host it on SFGP for everyone to play with.
Happy Fourth.