You know I hate to admit it, but I always love a good flame war. Gets the blood flowing.
Ooh! Ooh! Flamewar! I'll go get some lighter fluid!
*Sigh* Oh no, not again.
Good luck. I hope it isn't too brutal
Oh and I would edit that post. You have the 6.0 due for release this month
Unless you have something up your sleave....
Actually, they were suprisingly cordial so far!
I noticed, that is quite a shock.
And they've been raising actual, valid issues instead of laying down a blanket of flame.
I think people might actually be making an effort to be civil after the last big incident.
That would be nice for a change.
Well, don't feel too bad, being ignored is just as bad as being flamed... Maxcoderz and several of the other forums are nice enough to ignore me...
Yeah, but you're not as controvertial as me. Your quality has always been consistently excellent.
Edit: btw, you guys have seen , right?
I like, though I am not sure what to make of the wierd partial triangle and a 4 next to it.
Yeah, but you're not as controvertial as me. Your quality has always been consistently excellent.
ROFL!! I do try, but... There is one program that I am thinking about having removed from ticalc...
An 89 getkey prog. It was my first prog for the 89, as I was experimenting with it...
See, that's where I'm different from many other people in the community: I tend to leave older, lower-quality stuff, if only to remind myself of what I've done and how I have progressed. Plus, I sometimes find uses for older, simpler stuff in newer projects.
I guess. I have many things that I have written that I won't submit to
so far its going fine i think
rivereye wrote:
I guess. I have many things that I have written that I won't submit to
Same here. That's arguably what sets noobs apart from more experienced programmers.
Indeed. Don't get me wrong, there are tons of formula programs I've made for myself or classmates that I haven't released simply because there's nothing new or unique about them.
granted. There are some that have never left my calc at all. I think my only inovation was compostistion of functions
Oh? You should have released, there are few good composition of function progs on