This is my question thread, for asking z80 questions.
Although, you probably know that anyways.
techboy6601 wrote:
This is my question thread, for asking z80 questions.
Although, you probably know that anyways.
Yup, that seems about right. Care to start us off with a question or two? Perhaps I can ask whether you're using the good old Doors CS SDK for your assembling needs?
Question #1:
How would I put a picture (in .asm format) on the graph screen?
Question #2:
Is there an easier way to get user input other than continually checking using _getkey?
Question #3:
How does DCS interpret the headers of BASIC programs?
As for the DCS SDK - I plan on using it, however now I'm making a standalone application (formula solver, to be exact)
techboy6601 wrote:
Question #1:
How would I put a picture (in .asm format) on the graph screen?
[ . . . ]
As for the DCS SDK - I plan on using it, however now I'm making a standalone application (formula solver, to be exact)
If you're making an application, then you should read TI's SDK guide. Yes, it has errors, but it also has a lot of good facts.
Anyway, there are several ways to do this. Assuming you've already converted the picture to a format you can .inc into your program, and assuming the picture fills the screen, the easiest way is to B_CALL(_BufCpy) with HL pointing to your data.
techboy6601 wrote:
Question #2:
Is there an easier way to get user input other than continually checking using _getkey?
Not from an application. The OS supports event-based programming, but it's not well documented. Similarly, DCS supports event-based programming. Basically, most programs will have idle-loops that wait for input, process input, and then return to the idle loop.
So like,
ld hl, picture
picture: "01010100110blahblah"
Question #4:
How would you manipulate the clock on a '84 using ASM?
Insufficient information. The
CPU clock, or something else?
Built-in clock that tells the actual time.
Click Tari's link with the text "RTC".
I believe the wiki is saying that ports 45h-48h give the time as a 32-bit integer representing the seconds since midnight of January 1, 1997 as if they were concatenated in the form of (48h)+(47h)+(46h)+(45h). Note that this is to represent
concatenating the bytes together, not adding the values. I'm not very experienced with this, so I think you should rely on somebody else to explain
using the values (
), considering the z80 handles data in bytes or words (8 bits or 16 bits), as opposed to directly handling 32-bit values.
I can explain this much: you will need to use the in instruction to get the byte from the ports and the out instruction to write back. Sadly, I can't explain much more with enough accuracy to help.
How would I put a picture (in .asm format) on the graph screen?
The answers as far as the actual ASM code are all good and well so far, but as far as turning a monochrome PNG, GIF, or BMP image into hex that you can use in your program, use SourceCoder:
Question #5:
The following code:
#include ""
.org $9D93
.db t2ByteTok, tAsmCmp
ld a, 0
ld (CURCOL),a
ld (CURROW),a
ld hl, txt
.db "Hiya",0
Results in the text "Hiya" displaying and then immediately disappearing. Why does it disappear?
Because as soon as it displays it, the program has a 'ret' and ends, you don't have any pausing.
How, then, would I 'pause' it?
techboy6601 wrote:
How, then, would I 'pause' it?
Code: B_CALL(_GetKey)
This syscall will let you press a key and will "pause" until one is pressed. For bonus points, the key value is in register A.
Using the following code..
#include ""
.org $9D93
.db t2ByteTok, tAsmCmp
ld a, 0
ld (CURCOL),a
ld (CURROW),a
ld hl, txt
ld hl, image
.db "Hiya",0
image: "image in here"
The words "Hiya" display followed by a picture. However, after the final _getkey, the screen does NOT return to the homescreen, it still stays at the graph screen. How do I correct this?
Code: ld a, ' '
bam. I'm sure there's a syscall to change to the homescreen, but it escapes me. ^ That will definitely work though.
The following code:
#include ""
.org $9D93
.db t2ByteTok, tAsmCmp
ld hl, pic
B_CALL(_BufCpy) ; copy image into buffer and display
ld a, 45
ld (PENROW), a
ld (PENCOL), a
ld hl, entertext
ld (CURROW), a
ld (CURCOL), a
ld hl, ' '
.db blahblah
.db "[ENTER]",0
Displays a picture and the string "[ENTER]" under it. However, the left bracket isn't displayed properly and is replaced by the θ character. How should I fix this?
Just to follow up and get it written down, we solved it by doing:
Code: .db $C1,"ENTER]",0
merthsoft wrote:
Just to follow up and get it written down, we solved it by doing:
Code: .db $C1,"ENTER]",0
Thanks, Merth. Yes, the opening-bracket got moved in TI's ASCII set to make way for the theta character, presumably because for TI's sorting and alphabetized routines require that theta = 'Z'+1 just as 'Z'='Y'+1.
Back again after nearly a year ;3
#include ""
#define progStart $9D95
.org progStart-2 ; Program start
.db $BB,$6D ; Tokens for TI-OS to identify as ASM prog
bcall(_ClrLCDFull) ; Clear the screen
ld HL, 20
ld (PenRow), HL
ld HL, 40
ld (PenCol), HL
ld HL, Message
bcall(_VPutS) ; Displays the string
.db "TI-83 Plus",0
Outputs this:
For some reason, PenRow isn't taken into effect. What am I doing wrong?
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