I forked QEmu today and have been working on getting Prizm emulation added. Right now, I have cloned the existing SH7750 code into a SH7305, added the prizm as a new machine, mapped the flash chip in the prizm emulated (built-in common flash), and have attached a sh4a-specific gdb to qemu and have been stepping through the boot sequence.
More could have been done, except I am still orienting myself with qemu as well as working around some quirks (debug messages to stderr not printing, thinking none of the code was running).
I have set up a page on wikiprizm as a call to get a centralized location for peripheral documentation needed for basic emulation. I know that there's information scattered around, but there isn't one stop that has a list of all known and unknown peripherals in the prizm. I encourage anyone with documentation or with a working prizm that can experiment and document their findings to look at this wiki article.
Not much to show, other than me failing to get the flash chip mapped to the right stop (mapped an alias to 0xA4000000, which is for peripherals. On the plus side, I saw writes to some of the SH7724 peripherals as well as unknowns, documented).
Things will start to kick off once the core of the SH7305 is implemented, should let things like the LCD, keyboard, etc. get added smoothly.
I will update this post once I push my changes to github.
Once the source is put up, I encourage anyone able to contribute to do so, either with code, documentation, comments, notes, etc..
Current changes have been pushed to https://github.com/AHelper/qemu
More could have been done, except I am still orienting myself with qemu as well as working around some quirks (debug messages to stderr not printing, thinking none of the code was running).
I have set up a page on wikiprizm as a call to get a centralized location for peripheral documentation needed for basic emulation. I know that there's information scattered around, but there isn't one stop that has a list of all known and unknown peripherals in the prizm. I encourage anyone with documentation or with a working prizm that can experiment and document their findings to look at this wiki article.
Not much to show, other than me failing to get the flash chip mapped to the right stop (mapped an alias to 0xA4000000, which is for peripherals. On the plus side, I saw writes to some of the SH7724 peripherals as well as unknowns, documented).
Things will start to kick off once the core of the SH7305 is implemented, should let things like the LCD, keyboard, etc. get added smoothly.
I will update this post once I push my changes to github.
Once the source is put up, I encourage anyone able to contribute to do so, either with code, documentation, comments, notes, etc..
Current changes have been pushed to https://github.com/AHelper/qemu