well anyways,

on my nspire, while on ti 84+ se mode, i was using doors cs 6.2

now on 6.2 it said the nspirre compatibility was tested, BUT, one day i closed out of doors 6.2 and my calc crashed.

it would not turn on and i had to reinstall the operating system

is 6.2 supposed to do this or is their a fix or do i have too wait unitl doors 7

someone help

also if it fits under the criteria, i would like to report this as a bug that should be fixed for doors 7

also i would like to note that on the "about" screen of doors 6.2 it said 6.1.

so if that is also supposed to happen PLEASE TELL ME
qazz42 wrote:
one day i closed out of doors 6.2 and my calc crashed.

it would not turn on and i had to reinstall the operating system
Are there any other variables? Such as new programs, Low RAM? The more information we know now, the better Kerm can diagnose the issue.
all i had were about 8 or ten apps

i had almost full ram

archive was high

also the only programs i had was the mario game and 5 levels for it

need anymore info?? just list it
so can i have some help or someone tell me what to do or mabey report this as a bug

come on i liked doors for the days it was working so i would like this fixed so i can continue to use it with out haveing to reinstall the OS every hour
qazz42 wrote:
come on i liked doors for the days it was working so i would like this fixed so i can continue to use it with out haveing to reinstall the OS every hour
So this has happened again, recently? What was your RAM like?

Unfortunately, not very many people here know Doors as well as Kerm. You'll have to bite your tongue and wait for him to return, not sure when he'll return.

In the meantime, search the forum for similar errors with DCS. I don't believe anyone here has had this problem in an nSpire, but I believe there are threads with similar problems. Also, post as much information as you possibly can.
yes it happened 3 time before i decided to give up

and my ram was comepletely empty
basicly there was nothing in my ram

also one other guy was having the problem and people said to go to 6.2

prob is that i WAS using 6.2 but on the home screen it said 6.1
qazz42 wrote:
prob is that i WAS using 6.2 but on the home screen it said 6.1
This may seem redundant, but why not trying to reinstall an earlier version of the shell? Or, try downloading 6.2 again and installing it.

It's possible, but unlikely, that you downloaded a file that was labeled as 6.2 but the contents were still 6.1.

I'd check 6.2 but my calculator is across the US solving Architectural Engineering problems. It's getting more use in my sisters hands than it did in mine x)
Hi qazz42, welcome to Cemetech. I hope we can get your problem figured out, happy you've been enjoying Doors CS. Where did you download it from? Are you using the English language version, or the French or Spanish? I can confirm that the version of 6.2 downloaded from ticalc.org is indeed labeled 6.1, but contains the full 6.2 code. Can you tell me what triggered the crash? You opened Doors CS, then immediately quit again? Or does it happen only when you run a program inside Doors CS? Or go to some specific menu? Thanks.

Also, just a point of etiquette, posts that are properly spelled, punctuated, and capitalized are generally looked upon much more favorably, and make it easier for everyone to understand your question. Smile If it's less than 24 hours since you posted in a thread, and your post is still the latest one in the thread, please edit that post instead of double-posting.
KermMartian wrote:
Can you tell me what triggered the crash? You opened Doors CS, then immediately quit again? Or does it happen only when you run a program inside Doors CS? Or go to some specific menu? Thanks.
qazz42 wrote:
one day i closed out of doors 6.2 and my calc crashed.

If my un-educated experience is worth a penny, it sounds like the Nspire doesn't properly emulate an 84+SE. I can't find any reports for related crashes in other calculators here on Cemetech.
comicIDIOT wrote:

If my un-educated experience is worth a penny, it sounds like the Nspire doesn't properly emulate an 84+SE. I can't find any reports for related crashes in other calculators here on Cemetech.

It doesn't, but the latest build of DCS is supposed to be aware of NSpire related bugs and used different instructions to work around them.
yes but as i said, i downloaded 6.2 but on the about screen it said 6.1

kinda weird

also by crash i mean that the thing turned off and when i pressed the on button the nspire flashed the ti 84+ SE screen and imediatly shut off

to fix this i had to switch to nspire mode and reinstall the oss

that takes a while and is very annnoying to do every hour or so

please fix this for version 7
qazz42 wrote:
also by crash i mean that the thing turned off and when i pressed the on button the nspire flashed the ti 84+ SE screen and imediatly shut off
Does DCS launch when 84 emulation starts? Or do you have to select DCS from the Applications menu?

If DCS doesn't launch when the emulation starts, it's unlikely DCS that's the issue.

Does 84 Emulation glitch after a while, until you launch DCS and quit DCS the first time or after a launches and quits of DCS?

the calc does the thing where it shut off and will not turn back on when i close dcs
but it only happens sometimes

the emu it self never glitches the only problem is the turning off and not turniong back on of the 84 keypad so i think it is dcs's fault

so just tell me if you need anymore info
ALSO, does having noshell affect this matter in any way

just curious
I'm not sure if noshell is Nspire compatible, but in the future please edit your posts, rather than double posts (there are some exceptions to this rule, but edits are usually preferred).
yes noshell works on the emu but i would like to know if it affects dsc thus causing the problem
qazz42 wrote:
ALSO, does having noshell affect this matter in any way

just curious
Absolutely, I'm pretty sure they have conflicting hooks. Smile That makes a definite difference. If you don't have it automatically launch at emulator start, it should be more stable with NoShell also installed.
so if i get rid of noshell the problem can be fixed if i ALSO set it so i have to manually slect it from the apps screen?
qazz42 wrote:
so if i get rid of noshell the problem can be fixed if i ALSO set it so i have to manually slect it from the apps screen?
Well, I think so. You could try either just uninstalling Noshell, or just disabling the autostart, and see if either of those by themselves solve it. I should think that it might.
well now that i know that the power shut down on the nspire emu is causing the problem, i would like to know if it will be fixed in dcs 7

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