lol one step closer :p
This shows off a better view of invisible boundaries. aka, not just walking into grass sets things off. =]
And no, the game is faster than the screenshot. I don't know why it is showing up that slow. =/
Ok, so the problem with the pokemon getting code was I was only searching if L_EVEN(1) =0, and not L_EVEN(1)=.5. Once I changed the code around a bit to reflect this, I am now able to at least SEE a pokemon being chosen. The code for it is a little clunky tho, and bulky. I am going to see if I have it written out (pretty sure I do) and see if I can't clean it up before progressing with it further.
Woot, so after this you'll be able to actually HAVE a pokemon?
Very, VERY soon. just a little rewrite on that particular bit of code, and I should be able to make it give you your first pokemon.
First tho, I need to confirm if the problem that started the original game wide rewrite still persists. If it does, I need to solve that, first.
And thanks for breaking my posting spree XD
I was able to confirm that all 3 starter pokemon can be gotten in their present state, to a point. Basically, unlike before the massive code rewrite, you could only see 2 of the pokemon in the pokeballs. now you can see all three.
And the flickering issue with the player character has been eliminated as well. I need to still address an issue with being up against a wall and not being able to change direction.
you're on a roll
Making random bits of progress to pokemon now, setting up specific code to run through all the wonderful equations to set up stats. ^ ^
tifreak8x wrote:
Making random bits of progress to pokemon now, setting up specific code to run through all the wonderful equations to set up stats. ^ ^
Most excellent! Have you figured out all those equations yet, or are they still on the drawing board?
Actually, I do believe it is all already programmed in, maybe.. At least parts of it were, for the stats. I will have to look through the code once again and do a double check and make sure. If not, the equations shouldn't be that hard to get back in there.
Alright, the equations were in there, though I need to clean up and rewrite some of it.
Also found out I needed to add some stuff to it, like setting up the HP DV, which wasn't in the code, and now is. I just have to make sure I set this all up in some form of logical order so I know what everything is doing. x.x
Once that is complete, I need to work on the pokemon party menu. I at one point had one working, which was optimized by Weregoose. I hope I still have that code somewhere..
what are you doing for leveling up. are you using look up tables or just straight formulae; and are you including EV's? (just wondering, because im anticipating that this will be somewhat of a beotch once i finally get around to it)
edit: oh, and it looks like youve been making a massive amount of progress recently, so props and the like
I have all the formulas, I just haven't added anything other than the stat generation as I was just running tests and such before, but before everything got so botched that it got shoved to the side to do the code revamp.
and thanks. XD
Excellent news for today. I managed to find code that was created for displaying the pokemon party screen. Less work for me, I just have to make it functional now. ^^;
Todo list for version 0.2.0a:
+Getting first pokemon:
---Run through of equations and storing to list elements
-----will need routine to determine which L_P# to store to of the 6
+Create Pokemon Party Screen
---Some code already available (box creation)
---Need to create a stats screen
---Sub-Menu code needs to be rewritten, horridly bloated and might be able to consolidate into main program
---Need to recreate program to allow pokemon to be moved in the party
+Battle system
---Code for screen generation should already exist
---Need to create battle menu
---Need to code in attacks for first 5 attacks of each starter as minimum.
This is essentially what I will be doing now, in pretty much this order. Just putting this out here for those that might be curious as to the state of my progress and what is needed.
Started setting up code to do the experience needed equation for next level. Got some of the code to get Charmander all written out on paper, should have it done later today. Then I should be able to basically copy that code over to write out getting the other 2 pokemon.
got the code for setting up 'exp needed for next level' and added in random trainer #s
going back to writing out code to get that dang charmander now XD
I have decided today to move lists that only get used to recall data into programs, on a line by line basis. This way they don't take up space in Archive as a list and have to have the entire list in RAM. I can then utilize Celtic2 to recall the data corresponding to the pokemon # directly from the archived app var.
I have already done this, sort of, with the pokemon element type list. I have at least one more to do this for, and it is the list that contains the evolution at what level list. Beyond that, I am uncertain if there are any more lists that I can do this to, but I will of course scour the code to see.
Sad thing is, the program that Kerm made for me to change a program into an appvar, causes instability within the vat, and if your code errors, you get a RAM clear. So to keep the project safe, I have the program to change programs to appvars on another 83+ of unimportance, that will allow me to make the change and transfer back to the project calculator.
Have also went through and confirmed what list elements need to be filled out before sending it through the equations to get the stats generated. So I should have that working this afternoon .
It's nice to see so much work going into this
Keep it up.
I have quite a bit of catching up to do, and everything is kind of just coming to me, making things much easier to work on.
For those that would like to see how pokemon has grown and evolved.
Well, got to looking at some things, and I came to realize with the way I am doing things, a couple of important variables are going to get overwritten. >< So now I am looking to see where I can back up that information and use different variables to do what is needed.
I am just glad I noticed NOW instead of before putting this all down and getting irritated with some bug. <<
Quite honestly, I'm impressed with how low you've kept the memory footprint.