Ironically, inside my computer's case is the only place in this entire room that hasn't gotten incredibly dusty (if any, there's only minute traces of dust that I can't see) O_o
So I'm gonna go ahead and say that the CPU and cooling are NOT the problem. Also ran another memtest and got 8/8 passing so the remaining module probably has NOT decided to spontaneously self-destruct.
As for monitoring the temps, I'll jfgi and go from there
And ftr, it's an Intel Core2 Quad 2.66 Gigahertz processor
I think it's safe enough to assume it is the hard drive which has now been replaced. If it still acts up, I'm out of ideas. It can't be the optical drive malfunctioning because it seems unlikely that umpteen billion installs failed while 11 hours of memtesting and this recent 4 hours of memtesting worked like a charm. I dunno what else would be the problem.
I swear, it's almost as if the computer is dysfunctional solely because it wants to be
Update Edit:
Made an Ubuntu 9.10 USB drive installer and managed to install Ubuntu but my computer still froze trying to customize Ubuntu.
What else could be wrong?
Second Update Edit:
Ubuntu seems to be working fine now. Got internet working on it too! I'm posting from my desktop
Still gonna keep an eye on this computer and hopefully it won't self destruct anywhere in the near future XD