I wrote this program a while ago for the TI-83, but couldn't debug it.
What it's supposed to do is show part of matrix F and allow you to move around, and when you went offscreen, it would load a different section of the matrix.
Here's a basic version of my concept just to show you.
And here's the ASM version:
Hopefully, the bugs can be worked out.
I wrote this program a while ago for the TI-83, but couldn't debug it.
What it's supposed to do is show part of matrix F and allow you to move around, and when you went offscreen, it would load a different section of the matrix.
Here's a basic version of my concept just to show you.
And here's the ASM version:
call _runIndicOff
ld a,8 ;Variable Initalization
ld (player_x),a ;
ld a,4 ;
ld (player_y),a ;
xor a ;
ld (matrix_x_offset),a ;
ld (matrix_y_offset),a ;
call _zerooop1
ld hl,op1
ld (hl),rmatobj
inc hl
ld (hl),tvarmat
inc hl
ld (hl),tmatf
call _chkfindsym
jp c,_errundefined
call _clrLCDFull ;Clears the screen
xor a
ld (currmatrix_x),a
ld (currmatrix_y),a
matrix: ;This whole routine draws the map (matrix f) on the screen
call _zerooop1 ;This whole thing puts matrix [F]'s address into de
ld hl,op1 ;
ld (hl),rmatobj ;
inc hl ;
ld (hl),tvarmat ;
inc hl ;
ld (hl),tmatf ;
call _chkfindsym ;Matrix element-grabbing variables
ld a,(matrix_y_offset) ;
ld b,a ;
ld a,(currmatrix_y) ;
add a,b ;
inc a ;
ld c,a ;
ld a,(matrix_x_offset) ;
ld b,a ;
ld a,(currmatrix_x) ;
add a,b ;
inc a ;
ld b,a ;
call _getmtoop1 ;Gets the matrix value and stores it to op1
call _convop1 ;Puts op1 into de
ld a,e ;Compares to see if there is a wall value (1) there
cp 1 ;
jp z,charput ;If so, it displays it
ld a,(currmatrix_x) ;Checks to see if we are at the end of the screen already
cp 15 ;
jp z,incy ;If so, increases the Y value and sets X back to 1
inc a ;Adds 1 to the x position
ld (currmatrix_x),a ;
jp matrix ;Goes back to the matrix loop
ld a,1 ;Resets the X-Position back to 1
ld (currmatrix_x),a ;
ld a,(currmatrix_y) ;Checks to see if it isn't at the end of the screen
cp 7 ;
jp z,movereset ;If it is, it goes into the main movement loop
inc a ;Otherwise, it increases the Y-Position
ld (currmatrix_y),a ;
jp matrix ;Goes back to the matrix loop
ld hl,(currmatrix_x) ;Sets the x coordinate for display
ld (CURCOL),hl ;
ld hl,(currmatrix_y) ;Sets the y coordinate for display
ld (CURROW),hl ;
ld hl,asterick ;
call _puts ;
jp inc
jp display
move: ;The main moving loop
ld a,KpadReset
out (1),a
ld a,Group1
out (1),a
in a,(1)
cp KUp
jp z,up
cp KDown
jp z,down
cp KLeft
jp z,left
cp KRight
jp z,right
ld a,KpadReset
out (1),a
ld a,Group2
out (1),a
in a,(1)
cp KClear
jp z,return
jp move
ld a,(player_y)
cp 0
jp z,mup
call _zerooop1
ld hl,op1
ld (hl),rmatobj
inc hl
ld (hl),tvarmat
inc hl
ld (hl),tmatf
call _chkfindsym
ld a,(matrix_y_offset)
ld b,a
ld a,(player_y)
add a,b
ld c,a
ld a,(matrix_x_offset)
ld b,a
ld a,(player_x)
add a,b
inc a
ld b,a
call _getmtoop1
call _convop1
ld a,e
cp 0
jp nz,move
call clearplayer
ld a,(player_y)
inc a
ld (player_y),a
jp display
ld a,(matrix_y_offset)
cp 0
jp z,move
sub 8
ld (matrix_y_offset),a
ld a,(player_y)
add a,7
ld (player_y),a
jp matrixcall
ld a,(player_y)
cp 7
jp z,mdown
call _zerooop1
ld hl,op1
ld (hl),rmatobj
inc hl
ld (hl),tvarmat
inc hl
ld (hl),tmatf
call _chkfindsym
ld a,(matrix_y_offset)
ld b,a
ld a,(player_y)
add a,b
inc a
inc a
ld c,a
ld a,(matrix_x_offset)
ld b,a
ld a,(player_x)
add a,b
inc a
ld b,a
call _getmtoop1
call _convop1
ld a,e
cp 0
jp nz,move
call clearplayer
ld a,(player_y)
inc a
ld (player_y),a
jp display
ld a,(matrix_y_offset)
cp 8
jp z, move
add a,8
ld (matrix_y_offset),a
ld a,(player_y)
sub 7
ld (player_y),a
jp matrixcall
ld a,(player_x)
cp 0
jp z,mleft
call _zerooop1
ld hl,op1
ld (hl),rmatobj
inc hl
ld (hl),tvarmat
inc hl
ld (hl),tmatf
call _chkfindsym
ld a,(matrix_y_offset)
ld b,a
ld a,(player_y)
add a,b
inc a
ld c,a
ld a,(matrix_x_offset)
ld b,a
ld a,(player_x)
add a,b
ld b,a
call _getmtoop1
call _convop1
ld a,e
cp 0
jp nz,move
call clearplayer
ld a,(player_x)
dec a
ld (player_x),a
jp display
ld a,(matrix_x_offset)
cp 0
jp z,move
sub 16
ld (matrix_x_offset),a
ld a,(player_x)
add a,15
ld (player_x),a
jp matrixcall
ld a,(player_x)
cp 15
jp z,mright
call _zerooop1
ld hl,op1
ld (hl),rmatobj
inc hl
ld (hl),tvarmat
inc hl
ld (hl),tmatf
call _chkfindsym
ld a,(matrix_y_offset)
ld b,a
ld a,(player_y)
add a,b
inc a
ld c,a
ld a,(matrix_x_offset)
ld b,a
ld a,(player_x)
add a,b
inc a
inc a
ld b,a
call _getmtoop1
call _convop1
ld a,e
cp 0
jp nz,move
call clearplayer
ld a,(player_x)
inc a
ld (player_x),a
jp display
ld a,(matrix_x_offset)
cp 16
jp z,move
add a,16
ld (matrix_x_offset),a
ld a,(player_x)
sub 15
ld (player_x),a
jp matrixcall
ld hl,(player_x)
ld (CURCOL),hl
ld hl,(player_y)
ld (CURROW),hl
ld hl,person
call _puts
jp move
ld hl,(player_x)
ld (CURCOL),hl
ld hl,(player_y)
ld (CURROW),hl
ld hl,blank
call _puts
.db "0",0
.db " ",0
.db "*",0
call _clrLCDFull
call _homeup
Hopefully, the bugs can be worked out.