Yeah, I'm going to have to say no to the [MODE] always quits.
This is just an editor, thats all. The only code injections that I'm going to add are the header helper and a "DONE" remover.
Well, in case your looking for one, I have a quick screenie for y'all:
I like it a lot, I think it is going to be the final version of the title screen.
Progress is going well overall. Auto-complete is completely working (bug-free) and the header helper is almost ready.
What I need help with is the scrolling line display. It appears that the only logical way to go about this is through an asm lib that scrolls the graph screen. The only ones I know of that do that are xLIB and Codex. I don't want to use xLIB because of the necessity to install that (especially if this is for beginning coders) and Codex scrolls literally one pixel at a time and goes really slowly, no matter how I format it. Does anyone know any other libs that provide the same function? Or could somebody who knows asm, write me a lib that does exactly what I want?
EDIT: Hey Kerm, could you change the topic title to "Lunar IDE"?