I figured out the format for data about each piece
Code: Tank %0000
Fighter %0001
Destroyer %0010
Submarine %0011
Transport %0100
Carrier %0101
Battleship %0110
Bomber %0111
City %1000
Piece format:
Team: Red-- %01, Black-- %00, green -- %10 (2 bits)
Strength: 1-18 (5 bits)
X-Location 1-126 (1 byte -8 bits)
Y-Location 1-94 (1 byte)
Other (fuel, blast radius, troops onboard, days to produce/beingproduced): (1 byte)
Movement Type: Asleep -- %00, Manual -- %01, Destination -- %10, Patrol -- %11 (2 bits)
Moved yet? (1 bit)
Destination (2 bytes -16 bits)
Moves remaining 0-20 (5 bits)
.db %00000001
;Strength 1:
.db 1
.db 95,32
;Other, doesn't matter
.db 0
;Manual, not been moved, 2 moves remaining
.db %01000010
;destination -- doesn't matter
.db 0,0
.db %00010000
;strengh 1:
.db 1
.db 37,25
;other 20 fuel
;patrol, not moved, 20 moves remaining
.db 47,15