I was debating whether or not to reply to this, since I've been basically AWOL from TI-Calculators for years now, but what the heck.
For years, people used to ask me why I never got into programming ASM or at least used an ASM shell or command in any of the programs I made.
This is why.
Ti has had a long and storied history of screwing over their platforms when it came to programming, Especially low level programming, in the interests of their primary customers. (K-12 teachers and districts, or in this case, to maintain ACT and SAT test compliance)
For example, Let me share a quote from my all but dead forum.
Now. Consider that I wrote the above back in 2007, when they gimped Ti-basic programming for the then beta Ti-Nspire. Thirteen years later it's still relevant.
PS: Fun fact: Even the Ti-84 Super Saiyan Edition came out during that time.
PPS: At least now they have some sort of Ti-Basic for the Nspire, although it's still gimped game wise with no sprite capable picture manipulation and the like. Either way it's looking more like Python is going to be the programming language moving forward. Ti-92 Ti-basic was just about all you needed to do some amazing things and there was no excuse for the lack of full program functionality on the original Nspire other than Teachers didn't want it because the calc can become a gameboy.
For years, people used to ask me why I never got into programming ASM or at least used an ASM shell or command in any of the programs I made.
This is why.
Ti has had a long and storied history of screwing over their platforms when it came to programming, Especially low level programming, in the interests of their primary customers. (K-12 teachers and districts, or in this case, to maintain ACT and SAT test compliance)
For example, Let me share a quote from my all but dead forum.
I swear that Ti anymore builds their calcs based on high school teacher input instead of Math professors and scientist input. Teachers want pretty graphics and ease of use while professors and scientists want raw power and calculation expandability. Teachers don't want programming capabilities because in their mind it turns them into a gameboy (Completely ignoring the fact that programming takes math to make a game work right not to mention gets students interested in computer programming) while professors want programming to solve complex problems without having to enter 20 equations manually each time. I think this is the same reason the Ti-82 OS keeps living on and on and the Ti-85 OS is dead, even though the Ti-85 OS was much more superior in many aspects and ran on basically the same hardware with a slightly bigger screen. The Ti-92 is the last calc OS they made with Both Teachers and Professors in mind. Thankfully they haven't snuffed it like they did the Ti-85/6 yet but who knows, they'll probably replace it with the Ti-84 super saiyan edition anytime now with bright flashing yellow case, 16 MB of flash and the same limitations and 24K Ram Footprint the Ti-82 has had for almost 15 years now.
Now. Consider that I wrote the above back in 2007, when they gimped Ti-basic programming for the then beta Ti-Nspire. Thirteen years later it's still relevant.
PS: Fun fact: Even the Ti-84 Super Saiyan Edition came out during that time.
PPS: At least now they have some sort of Ti-Basic for the Nspire, although it's still gimped game wise with no sprite capable picture manipulation and the like. Either way it's looking more like Python is going to be the programming language moving forward. Ti-92 Ti-basic was just about all you needed to do some amazing things and there was no excuse for the lack of full program functionality on the original Nspire other than Teachers didn't want it because the calc can become a gameboy.