Find where a number occurs in a list
A = A number
Output: the position of the last occurrence of A in L1
A = A number
B = Where it begins looking
C = Where it ends looking
Output: The position of the last occurrence of A in the portion of L1 starting from element B and ending with element C
inString( for lists. It returns 0 if the number isn't in the list, and you can optionally choose where to start and stop looking for the number.
A = A number
Output: the position of the last occurrence of A in L1
A = A number
B = Where it begins looking
C = Where it ends looking
Output: The position of the last occurrence of A in the portion of L1 starting from element B and ending with element C
inString( for lists. It returns 0 if the number isn't in the list, and you can optionally choose where to start and stop looking for the number.