A beta version of a major revision of KhiCAS for the FXCG50 is available for download.
Main features changes:
* includes a 3d rendering engine that supports 3d geometry objects (point, lines, planes, spheres, polyhedrons) and 2 variable functions. (Not limited to 3 objects)
* includes a MicroPython interpreter. More modules than Casio implementation: arit (integer arithmetic), cas (caseval command), linalg/numpy (linear algebra), graphic (pixel graphic module with point, line, polygons, circle/arc, including filled polygons and filled circle). Improved script editing: middle size font, parenthese match, syntax highlighting, including in the shell
* CAS: 2d and 3d analytic geometry commands now included
* CAS: upgrade most components from giac-1.5 to giac-1.7. Adds for example inequation plot support
Main technical changes:
* the new addin is now in two parts, and therefore not limited to 2M of code. Current code is about 4M.
* the RAM available for computation has been raised from about 128K to about 800K.
These improvements have a drawback: the binaries for the emulator are not the same as for the calculator.
Since I do not own a FXCG50, I do not know if it works really (I just checked on a Graph 90), let me know.
Calculator links:
https://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/~parisse/casio/khicas50.g3a and
Emulator links:
https://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/~parisse/casio/emucas50.g3a and