I'll just comment that if you start with hex codes you will most likely give it up. They can be useful later, especially for SMC (self-modifying code), but for now it's MUCH easier to use the mnemonics and you'll be much more likely to stick it through. Writing your code in hex is a major pain. You need to calculate all offsets yourself and whenever you add a new line of code you'll need to manually recalculate all those offsets. It's fine if you want to add two numbers together or turn off the screen or something, but even then you'll need to memorise all the bcalls by their address. The same with all addresses, for example instead of remembering "gbuf" for graph buffer, you'll need to know $9340.
Nobody (here at least
) thinks you are dumb. It's true that years ago the hardest part about programming was getting your first program to assemble. These days thankfully it's much easier. And when you say SDK, do you mean the Doors CS(E) one? TI also has (had?) an SDK which was a major pain in the rear to get going, at least compared with today's options. Another option is
spasm, one small executable file that you run like this (from cmd prompt) "spasm source.asm file.8xp". I don't have a CSE, though, so don't know if there's any real major change in the format of program files. I don't think there is.
Personally i think it would be better to resolve the trouble your having trying to assemble a sample program than to switch to writing in hex. If you think it will be easier to program writing in hex, then all you have to do is remember this chart:
There are tricks to it, but if you can't quickly/easily convert between binary and hex they won't help you much. In the register section of an opcode, for example, these are the values for the (8-bit) registers:
a 111
b 000
c 001
d 010
e 011
h 100
l 101
(hl) 110
ASMDREAM actually comes with the source and as it reads from a program file and doesn't have much of a graphical interface, it'd probably be much easier to port to the CSE than Mimas. Then you could program using mnemonics on your CSE.